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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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    I had my cake and ate it too, going to the university I always wanted to go to while under ROTP, but it's important to note that joining the CF is a pretty lengthy career if you want it to be (in the case of officers, you don't really have a choice) and university is only 4 years. It will be a culture shock and you will be homesick, but you'll soon realize that joining ROTP is the best thing you ever did, regardless of where you go to school.
It appears that this year's group of ROTP accepted applicants were mostly offered RMC (even if they did not list it as a choice). It has been stated that the CF wants to fill their school first as this makes sense from a cost point of view.

It is probably not necessary to have a "biology" type degree to be an infantry officer, so therefore you do not have to attend a civilian university as a nurse, pharmacy etc. would have to.

You may want to enter university for a year or two then apply. The thinking behind this is maybe they would let you finish your degree rather then start over at RMC as some applicants are doing this year.

I don't think there were too many "Civvy U" offers this year.

Good Luck
I had the opposite problem.  I desperately wanted to go to RMC, but got stuck with civvy U.  In the end, you go where the powers that be decide to send you.  I am a bit concerned with the lack of flexibility in your desires.  If you can't handle going to RMC over UVic, your future in the infantry will be hard and somewhat limited .  You do realize that there are no Regular Force infantry units in BC?
CDN Aviator said:
If you think you have it rough now, i've got news for you...........

Hehe there's that crude answer I was looking for! Remember, I just graduated high school. I'm a little naive, I know. But I'm here to get on the right track.

As for the flexibility comment, yeah you may be right. I should be more open about which school I attend. But flexibility is acquired, it isn't something one can just choose to have. Give me time, I'll figure something out.

Thank you all for your help and answers!
And if people keep answering, thank you, I'll keep checking, even if I don't reply.
Choosing a program that RMC does not offer does not mean that you will be allowed to go to Civi U.  I exclusively applied to programs that RMC doesn't offer, yet I was offered ACSO (Air Combat Systems Officer), Bachelor of Arts at RMC.  My recruiter made it clear to me that they were really limiting the number of people who got to go to Civi U, basically to people who NEEDED programs that RMC doesn't offer (ie. nursing) or who were a few years in to University already.

Apply for ROTP- the worst that can happen is you don't get in, and you're right where you started, no worse off.  The 2nd worst thing that can happen is you get an offer but it's not for the school you want, and you make your choice at that point.  There's nothing wrong with having a preference and trying for it, but as others have already stated, the forces will send you where they want you to go.  You take it or leave it at that point.

Also, try and bring those marks up a bit!  I applied with an 80.0 gr. 12 average and an 82 average through 1 semester of University, and was told that I was academically on the low end of the spectrum!  More sports, volunteer work, team & leadership experience, some research about the cf/your desired trade, good interview/CFAT and all that will also help.
jwtg said:
Also, try and bring those marks up a bit!  I applied with an 80.0 gr. 12 average and an 82 average through 1 semester of University, and was told that I was academically on the low end of the spectrum!  More sports, volunteer work, team & leadership experience, some research about the cf/your desired trade, good interview/CFAT and all that will also help.

People get into RMC with mid to high 60's so a low 80's average is pretty good if the rest of your application is well rounded (IE:sports, volunteering etc.) That's not to say not to aim higher but a low 80's average is pretty average and not on the low end. Key word is average, if you can get better all the power to you because your application will be even more competitive.

Good luck to you on what ever you decide to do.

PS: If you do end up going to RMC please show up in shape. I'm tired of seeing people arrive here barely being able to do 2 push ups or keep up on a light run. Your life will be sooooo much better without having to worry about your PT or getting hurt while doing PT because your not in shape.
I'd recommend applying to UVic and attaching your acceptance letter to your CF application, and have your program of choice for the CF as "biology," this will give you the best chance of obtaining what you want. Keep in mind, you will not be able to double-major if it takes more time (which it usually does.). The CFs priority is to get you the necessary schooling (one bachelor's degree) and training to be a productive officer.

As for "flexibility," I think that's garbage. I highly recommend not doing a program in school that you don't want to do, at a school you don't want to attend. I, unfortunately, am doing a degree that I do not care about, and the whole "its just a means to an end" is a very demoralizing way to be educated, and university's are hard enough to deal with as it is.

If a bachelor's in biology is on your bucket list, that does not mean you are not flexible enough to become an Infantry Officer. It means you might have to do the degree on your own dime and time, and become an Infantry O via the DEO entry plan. That doesn't mean you're going to be less of an Infantry O because you chose to do it that way.
Thank you for your answer, I appreciate it! I will apply and hope for the best. My average is 83%, but I am attending a local college September - April where I am taking four more high school courses, as upgrades. They will be thrown onto my high school transcript, and if I am as successful as I plan to be, my 83% average will rise.

I appreciate your support and reply as well, thank you. Heh I laughed at your fitness comment, I can imagine outgoing bookworms showing up at RMC with no meat on their bones, unable to carry their own weight. I attend a local gym a few times a week, and to avoid being just brawn, I swim lanes to maintain cardiovascular fitness as well.

I agree with you 100%. I personally find education to be the most important factor for longevity, especially for a person who intends on being in the military. It's been scientifically proven that IQ positively correlates with life span. I really want to do my program of choice because that's where I'll be able to be intrinsically motivated. As for the double major comment, uvic offers a program where the double major is received within the four year undergrad program, mainly because biology and psychology have a lot of the same prerequisite classes, because they're pretty relevant subjects. I like how you think, you seem pretty level-headed.
And to do with degree choice for an Inf O, "any" degree is acceptable for a reason. While I've heard there are now preferred degrees for Inf O, I've yet to see any kind of list ors ource that makes me believe it.

I don't personally buy the story that history or political science are any more "applicable" to the Inf O trade, and while I always joke that my degree (BBA-Accounting) is just my back-up plan, having done a bit of EWAT thus far in my short career, it seems the Cbt Arms officers I've been working for sure wish they had a clue about accounting and whatnot for their garrison duties. It still, however, doesn't apply to the infantry.

So go ahead and do biology, contrary to what the university will tell you, there are some things that it can't teach, and one of those is how to "close with and destroy the enemy." Let the CF worry about that part.
I'm looking to join the ROTP program pending my high school graduation.
  Recently I learned that RMC "approves" of their recruits attending civilian universities. Is that true? Is there a specific list of universities that Officer Cadets can enroll at or does RMC approve universities on an applicant-by-applicant basis?
When you apply for ROTP, you are applying for entry into the CF as an officer in a subsidized education plan.  The numbers accepted into ROTP are determined by the required intake of officer candidates in the year that you apply, not on the number of spots available at RMC.  Once you are accepted into ROTP,  then we look at where you will go to school.  RMC is the first choice except for those pursuing degrees that are not offered there.  Once all the RMC spots are full, they start looking at sending candidates to civilian universities.  Which civilian university you go to is up to you as long as it is an accredited Canadian university (accreditation comes from provincial governments, not the CF).  It is important to note when you apply for ROTP, that you apply to civilian universities so that you have a place to go if they run out of spots at RMC.
Cainegchapman, you may be referring to some classes that are shared between RMC and Queen's University, particularly at the 3rd and 4th year level.  The courses may be conducted at Queen's with RMC OCdts attending classes on the Queen's campus, or the classes may be conducted on the RMC campus by either RMC or Queen's professors, and attended by both RMC and Queen's students.

Good evening,

I have been wanting to enroll into the ROTP. I am a little confused about how to apply to a civilian University though. Is it the same as applying to any university? Are there any specific grade qualifications needed? I was hoping to take an Arts program. I did not complete any math courses in grade 12, but i graduated as an Ontario scholar and achieved high eighties in most of my University courses. I am confident that my grades are qualified, however, I was worried about the math since RMC requires a 4U math course such as calculus. Any insight on the topic is appreciated.

Hi Chris,

In order to be accepted into the ROTP at a civilian university, you need to have an acceptance to a school. That means, as you thought, that you need to apply for civvy university in the same way as all other applicants - in Ontario, that is through OUAC. You would probably have wanted to do this anyway as a back-up plan in case you are unsuccessful in your ROTP application.

On another note, if you are just looking at doing a general BA/arts program the chances of you attending a civvy university through ROTP are very slim (especially since you have not yet started any university.) From what I understand, there were almost no spots this past year for first year students at civilian university in general programs.

I don't have any insight into your calculus question - just what is on the RMC website:

"Bachelor of Arts

In addition to the general academic qualifications applicants for the Arts programme must have completed high school university preparatory courses (normally Grade 12 or provincial equivalent) in the following subjects: English or French course, and Mathematics (calculus is strongly recommended). Students who have not completed Grade 12 Chemistry and Physics will be required to complete preparatory courses as part of their RMCC programme. Students who do not meet these minimum pre-requisites may be admitted as mature students."

Actually, having an acceptance to a school is not mandatory, or at least it wasn't in my case. When i applied to ROTP, i requested RMC only, however I was offered civilian ROTP due to lack of spots. I didn't have a civilian school acceptance at the time of the offer (I didn't know that it would be offered to me if RMC was full), but rushed out and luckily, within a week, was accepted.

In addition, if you're combat arms, you can apply for BA in arts from an accredited university seeing as civilian universities don't offer a "combat studies" program, although military history is very useful. I'm in economics, an arts an science BA, and am going as an Armour officer.
Keep also in mind that acceptance into ROTP, even at a civilian university, may require you to take certain courses, regardless of degree program.  Usually, this is dependent on your occupation.  For example, I was enrolled as a MARS officer and even though I pursued a BA (History) at a civilian university, a condition of my enrollment was that I had to complete 1st year Math and Physics as well.
I'll make my question as quick and to the point as possible. I appreciate all answers, comments, and criticism.

I am currently 25 years old and am attending a civilian university. I am in the latter half of my 2nd year at McGill University, enrolled in Electrical Engineering specializing in Power Engineering (the program is 4 years). After much research and thought, I have decided to apply for the CF via the ROTP, in the field of Engineering Officer (submitted my application yesterday).

My question is, does the Recruiting Center ever look at applicants such as myself and grant acceptance to the ROTP and allowing the completion of your degree at your current civU? Or do they recommend enrollment to RMC and start over? Or maybe even ask you to finish the degree and come back with a direct entry application later on?

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this post and replying. I am looking forward to becoming an active member on these forums!

With regards,
:cdn: a proud Canadian  :cdn:
They do all three.

Sometimes they will subsidize the remainder of your education.
Sometimes they will ask you to finish your studies at RMC.
Sometimes they ask you to finish your degree and apply as a Direct Entry Officer (DEO).

Through the forums there are many cases of people experiencing some decision such as listed above. It all depends on your circumstances and what the registrar decides to do with you.

Best to contact a recruiting centre though to get the most solid answer.
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