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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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This September I'll be entering grade 12 and applying for ROTP. Looking forward to being able to join this discussion :)
StudentPilot23: I am thinking mechanical engineering, from what I've heard most aerospace companies don't care between aero and mech, plus I'll be able to take some aero electives.
Hi everyone,
                    Hope everybody is doing fine. I know the usual protocol is to use the search function first, but my situation is very unique and messy, the recruiter said so himself, so I was hoping to get some help online. I am currently on academic suspension right now at my university for not having good enough grades. I am planning to drop out at that university and apply at another school and start over. The recruiter said that even though they can't stop me from applying for ROTP right now as I'm a citizen, they recommended that I don't because I'm not a good candidate right now. So I plan to start anew, and finish first semester at the new university, work my butt off and get good grades and then apply for ROTP. My academic record from high school was really good, however after university it's been completely destroyed. Also I've been out of high school for more than 4 years now, so I'm a mature student. My questions are as follows:

1: What are your opinions/thoughts on my situation?
2: Do you believe that I should do a semester at that new university and then apply for ROTP, if so then when is the best time to apply?
3: If you get rejected, how long do you have to wait before you can apply again?
4: What are your thoughts on how to make myself a better candidate?

Any other opinions/thoughts or advice are welcome, and thank you in advance for you time and patience. I really need some help as I've pushed myself into some "quicksand". Until then, take care.

Fellow Prospect
Starting over with a clean slate is not a bad idea. Sadly, universities are unforgiving for first year students and your story is far from uncommon.

Question I have is, why did your semester crash?

If the reason was was you could not keep up and study properly, one of the best possible solutions is to reduce your course load from five courses to three. Three courses is considered full time study for a good reason. You will have time to actually read your textbook and absorb information rather than just plowing through the material and exams taking five courses. When it comes time for your application to ROTP they will see you were a full time student, and got good grades (hopefully).

1) I am applying to RMC this year but I will be attending Community College part time to prove to them that I can get better grades. The RC said my marks were good anyway, but I think it would be in my best interest to improve them. I encourage you to apply, IF you have a lot of extracurricular activities because RMC looks at that as well.

2) The best time to apply is September. I procrastinated last year and send everything in mid October. I had to do my testing and everything the week before Christmas, which was during exam time. This turned out to be very stressful. I strongly suggest you apply in early-mid September.

3)You have to wait until you can apply the following year. My friend applied and got rejected in June 2013; he can reapply September 2013. This may be different for other people though.

4)Take it from someone who's been through this, do a lot of volunteer work as well as job experience; and if you make it far enough to the interview and physical SCORE WELL.!

A lot of people on this board are pessimistic towards one another. I won't be like that because I too am in a similar situation as you. Everyone who applies for ROTP will have the odds stacked against them because a couple thousand apply and a few get accepted, (2000:300). Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

Good Luck man
The other thing you might want to consider is finishing your degree and then applying for DEO.

I applied after my first year university and my post secondary marks were not stellar either. I was not successful for ROTP, but after finishing my degree was able to get an offer for DEO.

There are obvious financial benefits to ROTP, but I do not believe that your grades count for as much in the DEO world as they do for ROTP as long as you have that piece of paper with your name on it.
Hey guys, really appreciate your quick responses.

@ Pieman: the thing is that I have passed some of my credits,  but later on in second year my concentration and focus went out the window. I just wasn't in the game anymore. I really think I wasn't mature enough then. But now that I blew it, I'm really kicking myself in the back because I realize that I blew a golden chance. Thant's why I want another go if possible.

@cdnforcesfan: good pointers, I did get a good chunk of work experience (some in leadership role), but I'll start volunteering again as I haven't done that since high-school. I was also thinking of applying before new years, as exams would be over and I could show them some new and improved marks. But for that I would have to wait until December.

@Teach17: good suggestion, although to be honest, I've always kept that idea as a backup anyway, because one way or another I do want to be part of the forces.

Lastly I have always been partial towards the air force, so my preferred choices are aerospace control officer, air combat systems officer, intelligence officer and maybe pilot. I'm planning on studying geography/environmental sciences. Any thoughts on my choices and or otherwise?
Hey guys, I realize that this topic has been up for a while, but I was hoping to get some more insights from everyone, not to say that the ones I got aren't helpful, as they are.

Till then, take care and good luck to all.
I'll be applying this year. I'm sixteen, but I'm going to be a first year university student this fall. Graduated early from high school. I plan on studying psychology.


1. Intelligence Officer
2. Military Police Officer
3. Public Affairs Officer

High School Average: 88% (Just calculated this, ahah. Good thing I got my transcript now.)
Extracurriculars: Very few. Hoping to remedy that when school starts this fall.

Good luck to all applying this fall!  :)
erythraean said:
I'll be applying this year. I'm sixteen, but I'm going to be a first year university student this fall. Graduated early from high school. I plan on studying psychology.
1. Intelligence Officer
2. Military Police Officer
3. Public Affairs Officer
High School Average: 88% (Just calculated this, ahah. Good thing I got my transcript now.)
Extracurriculars: Very few. Hoping to remedy that when school starts this fall.
Good luck to all applying this fall!  :)

Whilst you have the time, you may want to consider researching other occupation choices before applying.  ROTP is not available for PAffO and last year the CF only hired 1 X ROTP MPO and 0 ROTP Int Offr's.
Quick question to whoever, should I apply now to ROTP 2014-2015 (I'm 17, entering grade 12.) and send in my transcripts when I am able to get them in September, so that my application has longer to process, or wait until I have my transcripts to apply? Because I know they ask for them after you submit your application.    :cdn:
As far as I know, you can't even submit an application to your recruiting centre until late August(ish).

I'm not sure about the online application, but I would assume it's the same.
Okay thanks! Also, I thought all applications had to be online? I feel very much out of the loop now aha.
Teen_Cadet said:
Quick question to whoever, should I apply now to ROTP 2014-2015 (I'm 17, entering grade 12.)

My recommendation, for what it's worth.  Wait until later in the year (ie; Sep or Oct) or until someone at army.ca posts back that ROTP applications are not just being accepted, but are actually being "processed".

DAA said:
Whilst you have the time, you may want to consider researching other occupation choices before applying.  ROTP is not available for PAffO and last year the CF only hired 1 X ROTP MPO and 0 ROTP Int Offr's.

I figured that the occupations I'm interested in would be unavailable. Come application time, I'm going to ask the recruiters about them, though. Just to be sure. Thanks for the heads up!
Take a look at last year posts and other posts by searching. A lot of your questions will be already answered.

As I have said in earlier posts.....  apply now.  Things get delayed and then you can schedule your CFAT, Medical etc without panic.  If there is anything that comes up, it can be dealt with.    You may have to see a medical specialist, or get copies of X-rays and reports ft such things as prior fractures.  Or even as is the case with my son currently in engineering, look into and possibly get laser eye surgery. (and yes there is an eyesight (medical) requirement for engineer... and other trades look into it now)

This will allow you to prepare for the interview and have thought of answers to possible questions and scenarios.

Go now and talk to the recruiters.... when it is not that busy and perhaps you have the time.  Take a look trough the trade descriptions and requirements academically.  Other son who just graduated and is a pilot took grade 12 physics and chemistry. This meant that he did not have to take in first year at RMC. (And yes arts degrees at RMC require).  If you are making your course selection, or can change you might want to think about...

Do your homework guys and then ask the questions.  But remember that it is the recruiting centre and staff that you should get definitive answers to specific questions.... do not take someone on these forums word for it. (Like comment that you cannot even apply now..)  Second son was told by recruiters that even though trades were indicated as closed, they were still "open" for RMC.

Talk to individuals there and recently graduated about what it is like and military training etc. Both sons have indicated that there are a number of individuals who leave with the reason being that "they did not realize how hard core military" it was.  Individuals  left that did not have the discipline, time management and drive to succeed.  They are training future officers and leaders, and demand, and rightfully so, a lot of the cadets.  Cadets also receive a lot.  I have had other children at Mt Allison, York, McMaster and Windsor Universities, and there is no comparison from a maturity and deportment stand point.

Still early cannot hurt, and it certainly can help.  You don't want to (or I would not want to) be rushed or potentially miss the first selection review board due.  Send you marks in early, and update when new, including min-term received.

And look at the other forums as to what others have had in regards to strong applications.  And remember being "merit listed" only means that you meet the requirements. You still have to compete against every other individual applying for that trade.

Best of luck to you all.
To add to dcs' comment above, the application forms alone take up a lot of time to complete, tracking down addresses etc for references, and the "essay" type questions for example.  It might be nice to be able to do some of these in the summer when there is a bit more downtime.  So even if your recruiting centre wants you to wait to hand it in, you can still have the forms done and ready to go.  Mind you, when my son did his 3 years ago, it was all on paper, I don't know if you can save your info if you do it online.  And I agree, make sure you know what you are getting into!  Good luck to all!
Well, I too will be applying for the ROTP 2014-2015. First thing I`d like to say is good luck to all of you and hopefully we can get in. I'll be applying for aeronautical engineering with my choices being;
1. Pilot
3. Aerospace Engineering Officer.

My high school average being 82% in grade 10 and 86% in grade 11 with an emphasis on math and science. My extra curricular activities include downhill ski racing, karate, mountain biking and my schools wood shop group as well as being a mentor to the new grade 9 students coming in to my high school. I also have 2 part time jobs with both my ski club and karate club.

I went on a tour of RMC in April and the Liaison officers told me to apply in August because I want to be a pilot and because of all the demand for pilots/ and Air Crew Selection. Though they said you can wait till September if you're looking at anything else. With everything being online now they said to apply sooner than later because of the long application process and the number of people who apply.

Good luck to all of you and hopefully I`ll make it as well as you!
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