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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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I am so glad to have others who are in the same boat! ^_^ I hope we could share information and our stories to help each other up and give our best shots!! I also am applying this september for ROTP.
Today, I went to talk to a sergeant, one of the recruiters in the Toronto -Sheppard government building, and he says application will be processed from september 2013. And he told me there are 400 ROTP spots available (don't know whether this number includes ROTP under civilian universities) and about 2500 apply. Not intending to scare off anyone here LoL...if we prepare well (especially for the interview), we would have a good chance to get accepted. Because when I visited RMC, and met 2 RMC senior cadets (civil engineering) personally, they gave me an insider advice. They said, interview is the most important aspect of the application (about 50% weight) and it is indispensable to "show off" yourself well. In other words, I guess..sell yourself..LOL..

Ok, so these are the occupations that I am interested but haven't decided which one to eventually choose..

1. Aerospace Engineering Officer/ Air Combat Systems Officer
2. Aerospace Control Officer/ Communications and Electronics Engineering (Air) Officer
3. Health Care Administration Officer/ Nursing Officer (ROTP under civilian university)

My high school average is 93.4% and 92% (Grade 12 and 11, respectively). My extra-curricular activities are "Student Council Vice President, Duke of Edinburgh's Award program Gold(In progress)/Silver/Bronze, Amnesty International Canada appeal letter-writing actions, participating in University of British Columbia(UBC) hosted Junior Engineering Physics Competition(JPEC),care-giving for a disabled individual, serving a Christian Band as an acoustic/bass guitar player in community church, South-Pacific Mission work, peer-tutoring, Tae Kwon Do club, Soccer club, Swimming, jogging, and Fitness-workout.

Now I am starting to get ready for this long application process, and I hope we all make it!!!
DAA said:
Whilst you have the time, you may want to consider researching other occupation choices before applying.  ROTP is not available for PAffO and last year the CF only hired 1 X ROTP MPO and 0 ROTP Int Offr's.

While understandable, what is one to do if they are really set on being an MPO or Int O?
cbear42 said:
While understandable, what is one to do if they are really set on being an MPO or Int O?

Your only other option would be to try and apply through DEO (must already have a degree) and hope there are positions available at the time you apply.

If your contemplating submitting an application for ROTP 2014, for admission to RMC and or Civi U in the fall of 2014, I would suggest that you submit your applications NOW!

If you have a link to the RMC ROTP Portal from last year, it will NOT work but last years "link" might point you to the NEW link.

Good luck!
Just a question for those in High School who have applied;

When filling out the online questionnaire, are you supposed to submit your education information as if you have already completed high school? Or are you supposed to include it as "Completed Grade 11" and let the recruiter assume that you are still in your final year of school?

I do not want to make it seem like I simply dropped out after Grade 11, but do not want to exaggerate my credentials.
Good luck to those of you who are applying.
I was accepted into the ROTP program and I am currently at RMCSJ.
If you have any questions, I will try to answer them to the best of my abilities. 
iwishiflewplanes said:
Just a question for those in High School who have applied;
When filling out the online questionnaire, are you supposed to submit your education information as if you have already completed high school? Or are you supposed to include it as "Completed Grade 11" and let the recruiter assume that you are still in your final year of school?
I do not want to make it seem like I simply dropped out after Grade 11!

The question on the application is "Select highest level of education successfully completed", so if you are going into Gr 12 this fall, then you would check off "Grade 11".  When you do the academic questionnaire, TAKE YOUR TIME and read it closely!!!
DAA said:
If your contemplating submitting an application for ROTP 2014, for admission to RMC and or Civi U in the fall of 2014, I would suggest that you submit your applications NOW!

If you have a link to the RMC ROTP Portal from last year, it will NOT work but last years "link" might point you to the NEW link.

Good luck!

I sent my application in on August 5th and the postal service said that my package including transcript and birth certificate arrived on August 15th. I still haven`t heard anything yet from the Canadian forces. Is it normal to not hear from anyone for this long?
Trade Choice 1: Pilot
Trade Choice 2: AERE
Trade Choice 3: ACSO

-Entering my second year of Electrical Engineering at a Civvy U, last year's GPA was a 2.9/4.0
-Extra Curriculars: - 7 years of work experience in various industries before attending University, most involved leadership/managerial positions
                            - Many different sports, although most were while in high school
                            - A couple brief volunteer positions (for weekend events)

Good luck to everyone applying!
t.robichaud said:
I sent my application in on August 5th and the postal service said that my package including transcript and birth certificate arrived on August 15th. I still haven`t heard anything yet from the Canadian forces. Is it normal to not hear from anyone for this long?

Yes it is somewhat normal.  I would suggest contacting your local Recruiting Centre to see if they already have your application and file.
I just sent in my required documents for the CDN forces now all I need to wait for is my ROTP form.

I am heading into my first year of university part time and I am wondering when I get my RMC application would it be best if I applied to ROTP at a civilian university (full time) before I even think about RMC. RMC is an elite school and my dream is to go there, but I should try regular university to get more life skills, right?

baseballfan17 said:
I just sent in my required documents for the CDN forces now all I need to wait for is my ROTP form.

I am heading into my first year of university part time and I am wondering when I get my RMC application would it be best if I applied to ROTP at a civilian university (full time) before I even think about RMC. RMC is an elite school and my dream is to go there, but I should try regular university to get more life skills, right?


You don't have a choice!  RMC get's first pick and if that happens to be you, then RMC it is........
DAA said:
You don't have a choice!  RMC get's first pick and if that happens to be you, then RMC it is........

Then I guess I'll make it work. It just gets a little intimidating because I basically live right next to RMC and they are always 'go, go, go'. I hear them screaming and yelling constantly so I guess it's pretty cool as well.

Thanks for the help DAA it is much appreciated
If you were to apply to the forces through ROTP while in 2nd yr at a civ. University, how many yrs of service must you do after completing your degree (4yr degree). Also, I read somewhere about additional funds provided if you completed a few yrs of your University degree. Is this true? I search all over forces.ca and found no answer regarding this.
The mandatory service period for academic subsidization is 2 months for every month you are in school.  So if you joined at the start of your 3rd year, that's 16 months of subsidization so you would owe 32 months, bringing your total mandatory service period to 48 months.

That being said, for most officer trades you will have an initial contract that will be double that, or more.... An initial contract, and a mandatory service period are not quite the same thing.  Technically, you can ask to voluntarily release from the CF while on a contract (they usually will release you if you ask), however if you are still in a mandatory service period, it will cost you money.

The initial contract for many officer trades will include its own mandatory service period to help recuperate your non-academic training costs.  In many cases, your initial service period will pretty much be the same if you start in 3rd year as if you had started in 1st year, since your military training is much more resource intensive than your academic training (a university degree may seem expensive, but it's peanuts to the CF compared to their investment in you throughout your training)
Once again the same question and the same answer.  To prevent yet another Thread going off the rails, this one is now LOCKED.

Milnet Staff
Got the initial online application in, choices are: 1) Pilot and 2) Air Combat Systems Officer. Now to mail in all my photocopies!
a.schamb said:
Got the initial online application in, choices are: 1) Pilot and 2) Air Combat Systems Officer. Now to mail in all my photocopies!

Way to go man! I'm applying for pilot as well. I hope to see you at Aircrew! What CFRC are you applying out of? As soon as I get the email I'll be dealing with CFRC London.
StudentPilot23 said:
Way to go man! I'm applying for pilot as well. I hope to see you at Aircrew! What CFRC are you applying out of? As soon as I get the email I'll be dealing with CFRC London.

CFRC Kitchener!

London eh? You don't happen to be a DFC pilot do you?
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