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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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StudentPilot23 said:
Yeah! I did my medical and interview on the 24th of October, so about a month and a half ago. My file's been moving along pretty quickly! Although I'll have to wait longer between aircrew and "the call" (assuming I pass aircrew). Good luck on your interview!

Wow you got those done fast! Good luck with aircrew! and I heard calls will come as early as mid/late march but are expected to start in April and continue through May.
t.robichaud said:
Wow you got those done fast! Good luck with aircrew! and I heard calls will come as early as mid/late march but are expected to start in April and continue through May.

Sweet, March is right around the corner! Have you talked to anyone who has gone through the new computer testing at ACS?

StudentPilot23 said:
Sweet, March is right around the corner! Have you talked to anyone who has gone through the new computer testing at ACS?


actually no, this is the first I`ve heard about this new testing. Anyways It`s hard to get information about this because I think you aren`t allowed to talk about a lot of these things in great detail
I've taken the new test. You'll receive a study package from your CFRC which will give you an idea of what to expect when you get to ASC.
ROTP 2014-2015 Tip of the day........

If you are applying for ROTP, follow the instructions provided!  It's very simple...........Upload "all" your academic transcripts and they mean "ALL" of them!!!

If you already have an undergrad degree but neglect to read the instructions provided and decide not to upload your "high school" transcripts, you can include yourself in the "unsuitable" category.

OblivionKnight said:
I've taken the new test. You'll receive a study package from your CFRC which will give you an idea of what to expect when you get to ASC.

They sent me a PDF Candidate's guide, but no package. Is there supposed to be a package or do I only need the PDF guide?
I emailed by recruitment center the other day but they still haven't replied and I canny make a trip down there until Monday. Does anyone know who I can email at RMC or the like about my file? I have a feeling it has been misplaced. Thank you!
AirNavigator said:
I emailed by recruitment center the other day but they still haven't replied and I canny make a trip down there until Monday. Does anyone know who I can email at RMC or the like about my file? I have a feeling it has been misplaced. Thank you!

The turn around time from once you upload your documents to the RMC Portal and the Academic Assessment AA) being completed, is probably 30-45 days.  Until the AA is completed, there is not much more you can do other than wait it out.
StudentPilot23 said:
They sent me a PDF Candidate's guide, but no package. Is there supposed to be a package or do I only need the PDF guide?

It's just the PDF. To be honest though, you can't really prepare for some parts of the examination. You'll either find the testing simple or difficult.
DAA said:
The turn around time from once you upload your documents to the RMC Portal and the Academic Assessment AA) being completed, is probably 30-45 days.  Until the AA is completed, there is not much more you can do other than wait it out.

DAA, I have a question. I was told that I need to be accepted into a civilian university before I can receive an offer for ROTP. According to what I've read, ROTP offers are sent out in March. However civilian universities sometimes send out offers in April, or even later on a rolling basis. How does this work out exactly, can I get an ROTP offer after March?

Thank you
OblivionKnight said:
DAA, I have a question. I was told that I need to be accepted into a civilian university before I can receive an offer for ROTP. According to what I've read, ROTP offers are sent out in March. However civilian universities sometimes send out offers in April, or even later on a rolling basis. How does this work out exactly, can I get an ROTP offer after March?
Thank you

No, you don't need to have "unconditional" acceptance into a Civi U inorder to receive an ROTP offer.  If you are picked up for ROTP but your not accepted into RMC or if your chosen program of study (compatable with your occupation choices) is not offered by RMC or your ROTP offer specifies attendance at a Civilian Academic Institution, then you would be given a "Conditional Offer of Enrolment" which would include the caveate that you need to be accepted into an undergrad degree program compatible with your occupation choice at a recognized Civilian Academic Institution.

Nevertheless, even though you have applied for ROTP, you should still be pursuing the application process for civilian universities as a "fall back" should you not be accepted for ROTP or should you be accepted for ROTP but not through RMC.
If you are looking at civi university ROTP then you obviously have to be accepted to qualify.

Treat it as you normally would apply and at the same time as others. DO NOT WAIT THINKING THAT YOU HAVE TO GET ACCEPTED TO ROTP FIRST!

As well.. no guarantee that you will even be selected for ROTP,  if you are and at the location you want... great.

Both sons applied when in grade 12 and as early as possible to RMC. Applied to Civi universities at the same time as all of their classmates.

They both wanted RMC and got it.......... heard back from other universities starting in FEb/March/April.
So today I made a change in my application from NCM to Officer ROTP. I've decided on the following trades Armoured, Infantry, and Pilot. Apparently my CFAT score was pretty good....I'm surprised they let me pick Pilot, nonetheless I'm a second year student at Carleton, did my first year at Queens and graduate honour roll from St. Michael's College School in downtown Toronto. I've decided that civvy U isn't for me, I need the discipline of RMC to truly help me reach my full potential.  So I hope to see alot more of you fella's in the future.
Okay so I still have not gotten any reply of any kind so I'm starting to think I should contact my local CFRC to see if things are moving along.

The thing is in the email they sent me with the RMC moodle link it said in red bold font that I do not contact my local

recruiter and I'm kinda dreading them getting mad at me for calling them
I would make contact with them.  There seems to be nothing that comes out on their system when a file is not actioned and yes they do misplace and mishandle files at times.

Both of my sons, one who has graduated and the other currently at RMC had their files mishandled and had we not followed up neither would have been brought forward and accepted.

If you can go in person.  Unless it has changed we found it very difficult to get anyone that really knew anything or handled the files  to talk to. FIrst son left over 15 messages to his recruiter and never had a call returned. 

Deadlines creep up quickly, particularly if you are interested in "pilot".  Scheduling on CFAT, Air Crew Selection  and medicals is not always timely and when you want it to be. 

They may tell you that the file has been forwarded somewhere such as to RMC for review..... so it may take a couple of calls to get the answer.

While they don't want to spend most of their time answering calls about files and not reviewing and doing what they should be, certainly after a more than reasonable length of time to simply ask and make sure going forward and nothing needed should not be a problem. 

It was not for either of my boys... but then the answer back was that they had/were not handling as they should and files were simply in a holding pattern.

Does anyone know if it's too late to apply to RMC via ROTP? I'm a college student graduating in the summer and I've been thinking about doing it...not sure though.
SJRubio said:
Does anyone know if it's too late to apply to RMC via ROTP? I'm a college student graduating in the summer and I've been thinking about doing it...not sure though.

Deadline for RMC applications is 31 Jan 14.
flatlander13 said:
Deadline for RMC applications is 31 Jan 14.

Thank You :) do you know if that means just the initial application is due by then or if all the tests and stuff are due by then?
SJRubio said:
Thank You :) do you know if that means just the initial application is due by then or if all the tests and stuff are due by then?

Application. Have you read through the various ROTP and recruitment threads? You will find a lot of useful topics to help inform your decision.
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