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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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My son's was by phone, as providing an e-mail address was an option on the form, I don't believe.
211RadOp said:
My son's was by phone, as providing an e-mail address was an option on the form, I don't believe.

Was it done rightaway after interview/medicals? Approx time line?
Thanks. By any chance,do you remember whether it is it over phone or thro emai? I have provided both info.  I did my interview and medicals 10 days ago. But the refs were not checked yet. So I was wondering.

They will usually try to contact them by phone, so just make sure that the references that you provided, "know" that you used them as a reference!  This way, they will know that the call is legit.
DAA said:
They will usually try to contact them by phone, so just make sure that the references that you provided, "know" that you used them as a reference!  This way, they will know that the call is legit.

Thanks. I took their consent before forwarding their name.  They are all standing by for the call and would say the truth which is what I specified in my appl. So no qualms what soever other than the delay.

Also I heard through another friend who is rightnow in RMC that Kingston might offer you early like in February if your application is pretty strong and would not want to lose you to civvie U. Is this true?
Thanks.  10 days gone by since my medicals/interview.

Why not call your CFRC and just tell them you're doing a follow-up, just to make sure that you have provided everything you need to provide and were wondering what the current status of your file is?

They will tell you and you never know.  Everything may be done and you just might be Merit Listed already.
Thanks.  10 days gone by since my medicals/interview.

Your references aren't the critical part of your application though (Unless you're a secret Jihadist). If you've gone through your interview and did well, they'll get to them, don't worry.

EDIT: Yeah, do what DAA said, he's a lot smarter than I am. It's always good to make sure all your paperwork is in order, it can be somewhat Byzantine sometimes.
I heard through another friend who is rightnow in RMC that Kingston might offer you early like in February if your application is pretty strong and would not want to lose you to civvie U. Is this true? I have a hard time to believe this.
I heard through another friend who is rightnow in RMC that Kingston might offer you early like in February if your application is pretty strong and would not want to lose you to civvie U. Is this true? I have a hard time to believe this.

No, it's not true.  The only time something like this "might" happen, would be for Senior ROTP applicants who are already Merit Listed but the degree they need is not offered by RMC, so they have to attend Civi U.  The first round of ROTP selections will probably not take place until sometime in late Mar or early Apr.
Agree with DAA.  They will have the review boards for selection as in previous years.  Never any indication that particularly strong applications got any sort of different treatment or advanced offers.

Both sons, one currently at RMC and one who graduated last year, were accepted to all of the CIVI universities that they applied to and with significant scholarships offered.  Oldest son had in fact accepted Carleton and advised them of his change when accepted to RMC.  Nothing in the way of a payment is required for fees or residence until I think it was July or even first week of August at Carleton. 

You have to be accepted to a CIVI university if offered ROTP not at RMC.... so........ accept who you would naturally accept and hope that you get ROTP and the offer you want (RMC vs CIVI university). 

We were told though when youngest applied that they are having fewer CIVI U offers and generally for programs not offered at RMC such as nursing. 

Good luck and hopefully you will hear something in regards to ROTP in a little more than 2 months.
Well I've got my medical and interview completed, both went very well  :) Next up is getting the form filled out by my optometrist and then Aircrew Selection!
Took my CFAT 2 days ago and i apparently did really well. MC told me I'm off to ACS. Does anyone have any idea when that takes place? February? I know the first one happened at the beginning of January. My medical and interview takes place this Tuesday and after having a successful exam I'm very excited for my interview!
AirNavigator said:
Took my CFAT 2 days ago and i apparently did really well. MC told me I'm off to ACS. Does anyone have any idea when that takes place? February? I know the first one happened at the beginning of January. My medical and interview takes place this Tuesday and after having a successful exam I'm very excited for my interview!

You won't be going to ASC until after the Medical is done.  Once the medical is approved, they will schedule you for ASC and tell you the dates.
Are we merit-listed after getting an offer of admission from university, or after the CFAT, interview, etc. is completed? I called my CFRC and I was told that my file is 'complete' and sitting with my MCC, but I'm not sure what that means exactly. Since I am applying to university as an OUAC 105D applicant, I was told admission offers will be sent out in April. I'm just afraid that it might be too late, if all nursing officer ROTP offers are sent out in March.
OblivionKnight said:
Are we merit-listed after getting an offer of admission from university, or after the CFAT, interview, etc. is completed? I called my CFRC and I was told that my file is 'complete' and sitting with my MCC, but I'm not sure what that means exactly. Since I am applying to university as an OUAC 105D applicant, I was told admission offers will be sent out in April. I'm just afraid that it might be too late, if all nursing officer ROTP offers are sent out in March.

You are Merit Listed once you have a positive Academic Assessment from RMC, successfully completed the Medical and had the interview with an MCC at your local CFRC.  Also, as an ROTP applicant pursuing a nursing degree, unconditional acceptance into a recognized nursing program is a "condition" of enrolment and NOT a condition for an offer to be made.  You may want to mention to the Admissions Office at the University(s) you are applying to that you are also an applicant to the CF, seeking educational subsidization under ROTP.

If memory serves me correct, I believe that Occupations that require a degree not available at RMC may be done first because Civi-U's require comitted/confirmed students earlier.

So your not late by any means.
DAA said:
You are Merit Listed once you have a positive Academic Assessment from RMC, successfully completed the Medical and had the interview with an MCC at your local CFRC.  Also, as an ROTP applicant pursuing a nursing degree, unconditional acceptance into a recognized nursing program is a "condition" of enrolment and NOT a condition for an offer to be made.  You may want to mention to the Admissions Office at the University(s) you are applying to that you are also an applicant to the CF, seeking educational subsidization under ROTP.

If memory serves me correct, I believe that Occupations that require a degree not available at RMC may be done first because Civi-U's require comitted/confirmed students earlier.

So your not late by any means.

Thank you for the reply. So basically I can be given an offer for ROTP Nursing Officer even though I have not yet been accepted into a nursing program?

Also, I have completed the interview and was deemed 'suitable'. I took the CFAT in 2012, and completed a thorough medical (for Aircrew) in April 2013. My Background Check was also completed during that time. My MCC told me that my CFAT score was quite high, but that I would have to complete another medical, and fill out another form: http://cdn.forces.ca/_PDF2010/PersonalDataVerification.pdf

From my understanding, the medical is valid for 1 year. Do I have to complete an updated medical before I can be merit-listed (assuming I have not been merit-listed already)?
Also, how long is the background check/security clearance valid for? The reason I ask is because last year, I used my friends as references. However this year, my MCC told me that I need to provide professional references, and that I should try my best to get these professional references to prevent any 'problems' that may occur. How important is it for me to provide an updated list of professional references?

I was one of, if not the first person on this site last year to receive an ROTP offer, April 17th I believe.  I received it under the conditions that I was accepted into a suitable Civi U Nursing program.  I did not receive my acceptance letter from my 3 three schools of choice until end of the end of April and early May.

Cheers, K
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