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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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SJRubio said:
Submitted my application today, applied last year but after I submitted everything to RMC their email got sent to my junk mail and I never saw it until like 2 months later.

I'm going to apply for ACSO, And HCA. My College marks weren't too amazing but I have an 85% from highschool and all my EC's were from highschool :\

Are you talking about the initial application from the Forces?
I am filling our academic questionnaire, and I seem to have trouble saving my information on pdf....
I've retyped everything 3 times now.....and it still wouldn't work
Anyone else having the same problem...?
alllleeee said:
I am filling our academic questionnaire, and I seem to have trouble saving my information on pdf....
I've retyped everything 3 times now.....and it still wouldn't work
Anyone else having the same problem...?

If you are having problems saving the data, then the most common issue is that your "Adobe Acrobat Reader" is NOT the most current version available (ie; minimum requirement is Adobe Reader X, Version 10 or above).  So you need to update it!!!

http://helpx.adobe.com/reader/using/reader-x-topics.html  (right hand side of the page "Download, Install, Upgrade")
DAA said:
If you are having problems saving the data, then the most common issue is that your "Adobe Acrobat Reader" is NOT the most current version available (ie; minimum requirement is Adobe Reader X, Version 10 or above).  So you need to update it!!!

http://helpx.adobe.com/reader/using/reader-x-topics.html  (right hand side of the page "Download, Install, Upgrade")

Thank you so much DAA you're a great help
alllleeee said:
I am filling our academic questionnaire, and I seem to have trouble saving my information on pdf....
I've retyped everything 3 times now.....and it still wouldn't work
Anyone else having the same problem...?

With these forms, in most cases, you can save your information by changing the file name. -- Save it as something else.
George Wallace said:
With these forms, in most cases, you can save your information by changing the file name. -- Save it as something else.

Thank you! I will try that as well

The 3 hour appointment for the aptitude test seems like a pretty long time for just a test. What else happens during those 3 hours you spend at the recruiting centre, other than the form component?

MuddyCross said:

The 3 hour appointment for the aptitude test seems like a pretty long time for just a test. What else happens during those 3 hours you spend at the recruiting centre, other than the form component?

There is a lot of sitting and waiting, while everyone there is processed in the beginning, then the officer has to read the instructions to everyone before you begin, each section of the aptitude test is timed and will automatically close when the time is up, after there is an untimely personality questionnaire and a substance questionnaire then you must wait for everyone to be complete and then wait while they do more processing at the end you will receive your payment and then you can leave.  Keep in mind, you may be there for even longer than 3 hours
MuddyCross said:
can you study for the substance questionnaire?

What substance questionnaire? The drug form you have to fill out? No... Can't tell if trolling or serious...
No studying is required for the substance questionnaire. You just answer the questions to the best of your knowledge. For example how frequently you consume alcohol etc. No studying is required for the personality questionnaire also. Best of luck.
Pictures of CMR-RMC are available in this link.  https://www.flickr.com/photos/cmrsj-rmcsj/sets/

I dont know such pictures are avaiable for RMC- Kingston
Heh i feel late in only having sent my app in this week. Didn't even know that you could start doing applications in September

I do ahve a couple of questions...
1. How des getting acceptance from the RMC works regarding timeline? I've applied to several other uni's and I'm not sure if i'll have enough time to see what offers I'm getting from other places before I need to give confirmation to one place or another.
2. Does having contacted a CFRC before sending in an app have any bearing on the selection process?
3. Do/will recruiters look at marks from AP/IB courses, or even care that a candidate is in an AP/IB course when looking at high school marks and eligibility?

Thanks guys, and good luck to you all!
It takes some time. This is my timeline so far.

Applied: September 29, 2014
Email Received- October 10, 2014
Sent Questionnaire - Nov 3, 2014
Further Processing Email- Nov 17, 2104
Sent Email to Recruiting Center- Nov 18, 2014
Call from Recruiting Officer- Nov 20, 2014
Returned Call- Nov 24, 2014
Aptitude Test Scheduled- Dec 2, 2014

For the academic component on the questionnaire there is a part where you can state the level of your courses. Hopefully that helps a little bit! Good luck!
Darn, was so ahead of the game earlier, but now I'm stuck on the Security Clearance Pre-Assessment. FBI is horribly slow so it wont be for three months until I get my results for my background check. Thought I had a great chance but now the time everything is taking is starting to make me worry.
Just finished my CFAT, I passed but was a bit nervous as I didn't do as well on a section as I wanted to....My recruiter keeps asking me to choose a second career choice but the only one I am interested in is MPO.  If I don't get accepted then I will just go the OSAP route and apply for direct entry later after I've completed my degree.  They told me there's only 3 MPO positions across Canada for ROTP applicants so here's to hoping !  I don't know if being a female helps or hinders my application to this particular field.
Received my academic questionnaire today! Question though, lots of the questions ask about participation of things while in highschool, I've been out of highschool for 2 years and am not in school currently. Do I just talk about stuff I do now? Also I had a lot of EC's in highschool but none now, should I mention my highschool ones?

Also, I know we have to provide work history later on, is it okay if I put that I don't want them to contact my current employer? Or will that look bad, I'm just worried that my work might not like the fact I would be quitting in the future since I know they are trying to get me to move up the chain there.
jr51534 said:
I'd hate to apply to Civi U exclusively and get rejected on the grounds of being not totally committed and unwilling to go to RMC.

I never intended to go to RMC. I already had a year of university at UW, under a degree they don't offer at RMC, which was compatible with the pilot trade. They still accepted me only for RMC, and didn't give me any other choice. I wanted to be a pilot more than I wanted Civi. U. so I just accepted it. I'll probably get to graduate a year early though.
sheppardvines said:
They told me there's only 3 MPO positions across Canada for ROTP applicants so here's to hoping !

Your timing of your interview is good for next week as I heard that MPOAC will be at the end of February for your next step in the process for MPO. If things go well for you at the interview and medical, you may receive an invite. My suggestion is to have an alternative trade to increase your chances to get one of the very limited spots in ROTP. You may find that there is another trade that may be of interest and perhaps there may be a another path to get into MPO down the road. Good luck with your application process.
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