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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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I have applied to a college just in case, hopefully they will overlook my highschool marks im favour of the college ones
MagicTape said:
So I didn't get accepted after I sent in my application, and now I have either two choices: to either upgrade my old marks and not go to college
(and possibly improve my extracurriculars)or to go to college for a year and transfer those courses over to ROTP. Which choice would the Forces look at more, the 1st or 2nd?
I am wholly interested in the Airforce and especially being a pilot if that helps. Thanks

You can do both and cover all your bases. There are online high schools, night school and adult schools depending on where you live. You move forward with your education and fix any problem marks from high school at the same time.
Just hoping to get some enlightenment here, I applied 8th Of December and haven't heard anything since, my recruiting office was closed for holidays till the 12th of Jan here.
But now I've been reading that your file closes after a month of no contact? Is this true.?

And, I would also like to change one of my trade options, if my file is open still how would I go about doing; and if closed, apply again?
And is there any difference if you apply online or within a recruitment office.

:cdn: :salute:
Good day Atwell,

Welcome to the “Ask a CAF Recruiter” section. The members tagged as “CAF Recruiter” are official Canadian Armed Forces recruiters. They will identify themselves with their rank, first name and the Forces.ca avatar. In order to best answer questions, there are some rules that need to be adhered to.

This section is for persons who have questions about joining the Canadian Armed Forces, occupations, different enrolment programs, and prerequisites. Much of the information can be found at Forces.ca, or the Recruiting FAQ and wiki section of this site. Before you ask a question, you should be searching the forum or the Forces.ca website for these answers.

We will not answer questions about technical difficulties with the application process, or the website. We will not answer questions about difficulties contacting your recruiting centre or general inquires with regards to your current application or file. These questions can be asked here: http://forces.ca/en/page/contactus-73
Well it's official, I received the following email today:


With regards to our previous conversation that MPO applicants require a full “G” provincial driver’s license, we just received word from Toronto that a full “G” license is required to apply for this trade and no waivers will be entertained.

Therefore, unless there is another application you are interested in pursuing, we will have to close your file and you would be more than welcome to re-apply once you receive your G license.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at your convenience.


Very disappointing.  Its frustrating to be discriminated against because of where I live... If I lived in a province without graduated licensing I could have my G license already.  I was prepared for the possibility of being passed over for ROTP in favor of someone more qualified but not because I happen to live in Ontario. 
sheppardvines said:
Well it's official, I received the following email today:


With regards to our previous conversation that MPO applicants require a full “G” provincial driver’s license, we just received word from Toronto that a full “G” license is required to apply for this trade and no waivers will be entertained.

Therefore, unless there is another application you are interested in pursuing, we will have to close your file and you would be more than welcome to re-apply once you receive your G license.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at your convenience.


Very disappointing.  Its frustrating to be discriminated against because of where I live... If I lived in a province without graduated licensing I could have my G license already.  I was prepared for the possibility of being passed over for ROTP in favor of someone more qualified but not because I happen to live in Ontario.

Late birthday? I am also in Ontario and have a full G as of last September, and graduated high school last June... That being said I am a January baby. Sorry!
sheppardvines said:
Very disappointing.  Its frustrating to be discriminated against because of where I live... If I lived in a province without graduated licensing I could have my G license already.  I was prepared for the possibility of being passed over for ROTP in favor of someone more qualified but not because I happen to live in Ontario.

While I'm sure this news was unwelcome, it hardly qualifies as discrimination.  The trade you are interested in has a particular requirement that you do not satisfy.  Once you satisfy the requirement, you can apply for the trade.

Therefore, unless there is another application you are interested in pursuing, we will have to close your file and you would be more than welcome to re-apply once you receive your G license.

If you don't like the way your province does drivers licensing, then complain about how your province disadvantages you because you cannot earn a full license as quickly as people in other provinces.


I am currently a first year UofT undergrad student, I just want to know if I will be able to apply for the ROTP for my next 3 years while staying in UofT. I also want to know where and how I apply if there is an opportunity to do so.

Thanks you
king123 said:
I just want to know if I will be able to apply for the ROTP for my next 3 years while staying in UofT. I also want to know where and how I apply if there is an opportunity to do so.

Yes, the deadline for ROTP Sr applicants is 31 Jan 15.

You can apply here and be sure to select your Entry Plan as "ROTP/RETP"  --->  http://www.forces.ca/en/page/applynow-100

Good luck!
I'm an Ontario student currently in Grade 12 and I have applied to ROTP for the occupation of pilot. My grades are fairly good, in the mid 80s and I have also applied to civilian universities. I've completed my CFAT and will soon do my medical and interview in the next few weeks. I have tons of extra things under my belt also, like sports, clubs and other things that made my application strong.

The problem is that I want to go to a civilian university after I have finished high school. My grades are high enough to get into the programs that I have applied for but I am worried that I might be sent to RMC instead. RMC is a great school but my personal preference is somewhere else. My first choice program is Computer Science which is also offered at RMC. Therefore I wanted to know what I can do in order to go where I want to. Would I have to apply to a program that isn't offered at RMC? Should I reapply to ROTP after I have my acceptance? Or even after I have begun attending the other university? Please help!
misterall said:
I'm an Ontario student currently in Grade 12 and I have applied to ROTP for the occupation of pilot. My grades are fairly good, in the mid 80s and I have also applied to civilian universities. I've completed my CFAT and will soon do my medical and interview in the next few weeks. I have tons of extra things under my belt also, like sports, clubs and other things that made my application strong.

The problem is that I want to go to a civilian university after I have finished high school. My grades are high enough to get into the programs that I have applied for but I am worried that I might be sent to RMC instead. RMC is a great school but my personal preference is somewhere else. My first choice program is Computer Science which is also offered at RMC. Therefore I wanted to know what I can do in order to go where I want to. Would I have to apply to a program that isn't offered at RMC? Should I reapply to ROTP after I have my acceptance? Or even after I have begun attending the other university? Please help!

As someone who is looking to apply ROTP next year (I have a possible Engineering internship already lined up this summer so I am waiting until after to apply), might I offer some insight. I am a first year university student and have done a bit of research on the ROTP program - (I suggest you do the same, I have  read many threads on here that have already answered your questions, forum rules here strongly wish you to do that). Anyway, from what I have found talking to a recruiter at my CFRC and of course doing some research on this website/forces website, usually if you're applying directly out of high school, provided you are accepted into ROTP, they will have you study at RMC, and in the case that the degree of choice is NOT offered at RMC, they will either send you to a Civilian University of their or in some cases your choice. I have also read about cases where some people are accepted into ROTP but denied RMC. So it can go either way. With that said, it seems the people who are usually permitted to stay in a Civilian University are those who have 1-2 years of their degree finished at that university (like myself), and even then, in some cases they are still sent to RMC. It really depends on the circumstances.

You have applied, and are doing your interview soon, focus on and prepare for that. If the Forces is something you really want to do, then in my opinion, it should not matter where you study. Be prepared to go where they put you. From what I have read and heard, the Pilot trade can be quite competitive, so if I was offered to study at RMC or Waterloo or U of Toronto in return for that job (not having a choice in where I was studying), I would personally take it. I wish I could go back and apply ROTP right after high school...oh well!

Anyway, I am no expert on the subject matter. Only relaying what I have found and read numerous times on this site. I will wait for an expert on the subject matter to comment. In the mean time I suggest you take a look around, as I say your questions have been mostly answered here.
misterall said:
Therefore I wanted to know what I can do in order to go where I want to. Would I have to apply to a program that isn't offered at RMC? Should I reapply to ROTP after I have my acceptance? Or even after I have begun attending the other university? Please help!

This topic has been thoroughly answered on these boards.

There is NOTHING YOU CAN DO to ensure that you go to Civi U other than enrolling in a MOSID that RMC is not capable of educating you for (Nursing, for example).

RMC offers many degrees compatible with Pilot so the fact that you may WANT to study basket weaving at a local school instead of traveling to RMC will not matter.  All you can do is cross your fingers and decide if going to RMC is a deal breaker or not.  The recruiting machine and all its related parts will decide where they want you to study.
I see. Thank you for the advice. Also, I have a friend in second year university at a civilian university who is also interested in the occupation of pilot. He passed his CFAT but did not complete the rest of his application. When he reapplies for the position, what will the CF be looking for and what are the downsides to applying after already having completed 2 years of University towards an undergrad in Science
misterall said:
Also, I have a friend in second year university at a civilian university who is also interested in the occupation of pilot. He passed his CFAT but did not complete the rest of his application. When he reapplies for the position, what will the CF be looking for and what are the downsides to applying after already having completed 2 years of University towards an undergrad in Science

Best advice is for your friend to contact Recruiting.

If he wants to be a Pilot, this discussion may be helpful.

The "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 

Hey guys, may I know how long are your contracts? I applied for MARS, Armoured and Infantry, eliminating Pilot because the contract length was more long and I didn't want to get in a job for 20 years in case I didn't like it for some reasons...

I had 6 years of service for MARS (12 total) and 7 for Armoured and Infantry (13 total),I am quite confused as I thought 7 was for pilots...

Have a nice day and good luck to everybody.
HeyJhon said:
Hey guys, may I know how long are your contracts? I applied for MARS, Armoured and Infantry, eliminating Pilot because the contract length was more long and I didn't want to get in a job for 20 years in case I didn't like it for some reasons...

I had 6 years of service for MARS (12 total) and 7 for Armoured and Infantry (13 total),I am quite confused as I thought 7 was for pilots...

Have a nice day and good luck to everybody.

Initial contracts (ie; VIE's) vary by both occupation and entry plan as you can see by your comparison above.
HeyJhon said:
Well, i join troughs ROTP at 17.

For ROTP and your application, the "initial" contract lengths are:

a.  MARS (ROTP) - 12 years
b.  Armd (ROTP)  -  13 years
c.  Inf (ROTP)  -  13 years

And for Pilot (ROTP), it's 12 years.
Hello.  :cdn:

I recently got my Aptitude Test scheduled and I just wanted to ask:
How was it? And how hard was it? Did you prepare for it?
I'm a little nervous cause the recruiter told me it's harder than the sample test.

Thanks so much~  :cdn:
no one can tell you how it is , simply because we all sign a paper stating that it is illegal for us to reveal any information about this test.

if you did the samples you have an idea of what kind of test it is

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