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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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Nope no call for me yet?
Is the Bord done alphabetically or in order received?
That was never explaind to me
Dilanger said:
Ya..I'm in my last year of high school, I applied for rotp 2009-2010 Pilot this year, but i didnt have time to get my grades up I'm sitting at and average around 85%, math 81%, chem 89%, bio 90%, physics 80%.......So i guess i'll just take a year off school and work on getting my grades higher cause i really want ta go to the RMC....The recruiter at my CFRC said i have a good chance cause i just passed ACS on feb 7th and was told that i dont have to do it again when i apply for rotp 2010-2011.....I'm pretty sure it was my grade that was the reason for not getting selected this year cause I play lots of sports and have a good amount of volunteer hours. I was kinda stupid cause i choose engineering as my major but see i should have choosen a General sciences degree or something....

What province are you from?  It's hard to say whether grades would be the issue or not... 85% is a pretty good average, but I do recall from my orientation at RMC in 2000 that Dr. Weir said that the selection board had to adjust grades to compare applicants from different provinces.

When I applied in 2000 I believe I had a grade 12 average of maybe 86 or 87% and I was accepted on the early board (with engineering selected as the degree stream), so that's why I say it's hard to say if your grades would be the problem.
Dilanger said:
how about the west coast anyone heard anything?

I'm from west coast.. nothing here..
by the way where in west coast are you from??
The Board sends the data on who was selected and who wasn't to the individual Recruiting Centres across the country. The person who will call you is likely the person who interviewed you earlier. The call load on each Centre shouldn't be enormous. The calls will probably come next week sometime.
Radius said:
The Board sends the data on who was selected and who wasn't to the individual Recruiting Centres across the country. The person who will call you is likely the person who interviewed you earlier. The call load on each Centre shouldn't be enormous. The calls will probably come next week sometime.
so ultimately they call you either way?? accepted or not?
I think by reading the other posts, some members of this board were told that they should come back next year, or after upping their marks.  I imagine they would call you either way.
Nothing from my CFRC yet. I guess us Atlantic Canadians get to suffer the weekend out not knowing.

bms said:
Nothing from my CFRC yet. I guess us Atlantic Canadians get to suffer the weekend out not knowing.

When I was phoned the Recruiting Officer told me that some buildings at RMC are under renovation so fewer are being accepted this year. I'm guessing that means things will be slightly more competitive for those who applied there.
Could be a reason why the civvie U acceptances seem to outweigh the RMC ones...but thats speculation.
Meh. Doesn't matter how competitive it is - they will still call us and tell us whether or not we are accepted. That, and I have lost a lot of confidence in what Recruiting staff say in indirect quotes ;D.

Or, maybe it's because a lot of us in this thread haven't heard anything at all yet :nod:.
bms said:
Or, maybe it's because a lot of us in this thread haven't heard anything at all yet :nod:.

Just those like us on the Atlantic coast ::), and apparently those on the Pacific coast as well...
Radius said:
When I was phoned the Recruiting Officer told me that some buildings at RMC are under renovation so fewer are being accepted this year. I'm guessing that means things will be slightly more competitive for those who applied there.

Well since I put RMC as #1 and no longer want it maybe thats a good thing for me haha.
....knock on wood......lol just kidding Marshall.  It is a little frustrating to wait an extra week, but I'm sure we'll all get calls about ROTP one way or another next week...fingers crossed.....
Just got the call from my center today.  Got accepted into civvyU for land ops, just need to hear back from my Civvy universitys now.
derael said:
I'll trade you civvie U for RMC  ;D

Haha well if I get RMC ill tell them to trade with you.

I think it is easier to switch to Civvie U then it is for RMC tho?
This is my first post here because it seemed every time I had a question somebody on this thread had just answered it.  Anyway, thought I would tell you all I got the call on Wednesday from the Ottawa recruiting center and got accepted into Civvy U for Land Eng.  Good luck everyone and thank you for the wealth of information. :salute:
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