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ROTP-DEO How to hurry the process? PLEASE HELP!!!!


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If anyone can help me on this, I will buy you a bottle of your fav drink.

I have been in the system since early new year, and my file is going no where. How can I help hurry the process along, I have been scheduled for none on my tests as of yet, and I'm sure I have a good chance of missing course in may/june.

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well what is it ROTP or DEO?  How about calling the recruiting centre and asking them what is going on.  By being in the system do you mean you have applied and not been processed or do you mean you have applied and have been processed?
DEO Direct Entry Officer. I have applied, and have a complete file, but to my knowledge have not been entered in the system, thus I have not been given test dates.  :crybaby:
As kincanucks said..make some phone calls. Show your interst. Why should they bust their butt for you if you don't show any initiative?

laser_taser_blazer said:
DEO Direct Entry Officer. I have applied, and have a complete file, but to my knowledge have not been entered in the system, thus I have not been given test dates.   :crybaby:

Well since ROTPs are priority right now you might be waiting a couple more weeks.  DEO boards are in May/Jun so you will probably be processed in Apr.
Have a look at some of the other Training and Recruiting posts here and gauge from them what to expect in the Recruiting Process.  Don't blow a head gasket, as then you will be of no use to anyone.


ps said:
As kincanucks said..make some phone calls. Show your interst. Why should they bust their butt for you if you don't show any initiative?


Don't blow a gasket, and make some phone calls. Believe you me, I've done both, but time is a huge factor here. That is why I took the initiative of posting this topic, to get additional help. I'm still lookin for more ideas, thanks.
laser_taser_blazer said:
Don't blow a gasket, and make some phone calls. Believe you me, I've done both, but time is a huge factor here. That is why I took the initiative of posting this topic, to get additional help. I'm still lookin for more ideas, thanks.

Well if they are not going to process you right away then there is nothing you can do about it except wait.   If I tell you that we are busy with ROTPs right now and there is still plenty of time to process DEOs before the next boards then what other freaking ideas would you like.   Suck it up and wait.   Make sure you call in a couple of weeks if you haven't heard anything and keep calling.