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SAR Tech

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I was just reading on http://robinsarcourse.blogspot.com/ that the DE program is now finished? Can anyone else shed some light on this? hopefully not!
FFmedic03 said:
I was just reading on http://robinsarcourse.blogspot.com/ that the DE program is now finished? Can anyone else shed some light on this? hopefully not!

I would go by what it says on the CF website.

As a "FFmedic", while waiting word on your SAR Tech application, have you considered Heavy Urban Search and Rescue HUSAR?
Interesting, I haven't heard about HUSAR. I'm looking through the toronto site, but I don't see anything about joining?
FFmedic03 said:
Interesting, I haven't heard about HUSAR. I'm looking through the toronto site, but I don't see anything about joining?

Hi. I replied in the Emergency Services forum:
I spoke with a recruiter early this week and the best he could tell me was that it looks like the DE process is on hold for this year at least. He indicated that trade numbers were now at full strength.
I also got the impression (as this is my interpretation of his interpretation, please add grains of salt as you see fit) that while the successful DE candidates that made it to Jarvis Lake were excellent, the general quality of "applicants" didn't quite live up to what the CF had anticipated - not sure that bodes too well for the future of the DE program either.
Not sure where this leave DE hopefuls? As an older DE applicant, this is definitely a kick in the seeds, but such is life.
Best of luck,

I just want to start by saying I have a COTP in right now for SAR TECH the only thing I have left to do is the pt test and my file is complete.  The reason I'm here is in the last few weeks the negativity that has been thrown my way about making selection is starting to drive me crazy, is it an unwritten mandatory thing to have to speak a second language (ie. french).  Or should i still be good to go.  Are the numbers you are accepting for course still the 24 for pre selection and 12 for selection or have those numbers changed in the last year or so.  I have read this forum a number of times but there is no new and updated info on here so i guess the last question from me could someone answer my questions and please post some new info anything that could be the slightest bit helpful for an up and coming hopeful.
Sweet that's what i needed to hear, and you say you left here 5 year ago, I only know of one person that left for SAR TECH from the battalion 5 years ago.  Now you have me extremely curious as to whom you may be.
In the Airforce - where you might be going - the only language is English.  Spoken, written, grunted etc.  98% of all SAR units are in an English speaking province - so you are GTG.
There are prbably a whole squadron of Tac hel guys in Bagotville who would disagree with the above. ::)
captloadie said:
There are prbably a whole squadron of Tac hel guys in Bagotville who would disagree with the above. ::)

Probably not - as the Squadron in Bag-town is not tac-hel nor is it really that big of a unit.  It is undermanned and represents about 5% of secondary SAR in Canada.  Hence the 95% comment.  Most probably they are still doing business in English.
Any one in here that is already a SAR TECH, could you give me a bit of info and/or some stuff that would help me prep better for selection. As of right now i have got myself qualified scuba diving, I'm free fall qualified, I'm working out and running 10km a day, I'm reading an anatomy and physiology book and once i Finnish that one I'm going to move onto medical terminology. So if theres anything I'm not doing and should be or if theres some stuff that could just help out a bit or improve on feel free to let me know.  Because I want this more than I have ever wanted anything.
Anyone half decent in the combat arms can run 10 Km. You can get your open water and advanced in 2 days via civi side. I was not aware 2 PPCLI had a para unit?

You do realize the selection for SAR TECH is right up there with most spec ops units the CF has to offer.

Best advice,

Run 20 k with a 20 lb wieght in your bag. Work out harder. Look around you on morning parade, and if there is one person you deem better then you, strive to beat them in all areas the infantry and life has to offer.

Physical fitness is the biggest component for any specialized unit. Get that down pat, and everything else comes with it.

good luck
Legend said:
I was not aware 2 PPCLI had a para unit?

He would be better off doing the civilian jumping - which is what he is inferring to as being Free-Fall qualified.  The CSAR-7 chute is nothing like the round ballistic chutes that they use in the jump coys.

Pass the PT test in Edmonton before heading out to Jarvis Lake without any injuries and you're half way there.  Making it through Jarvis Lake selection is more about robustness of your body and mind.  Expect little sleep, lots of swimming, running, etc. 
Legend said:
I was not aware 2 PPCLI had a para unit?

They don't, but the unit gets the occasional slot for Basic Para still. Only the 3rd Battalions have a Para Coy.

Thanks that was a little more helpful then the previous post.  And yes your right I was talking about the civilian free fall course.  I did it here in Manitoba.  From the pics i have seen from past SAR courses it looks like the place some of the courses went to jump.
-Skeletor- said:
They don't, but the unit gets the occasional slot for Basic Para still. Only the 3rd Battalions have a Para Coy.

I know

Zoomie said:
He would be better off doing the civilian jumping - which is what he is inferring to as being Free-Fall qualified. 

I know what he was inferring to

II PPCLI said:
Thanks that was a little more helpful then the previous post. 

If you cannot take criticism, stick to battalion. All I am saying is you need to strive for the best. There are individuals today who cannot even get into the CF combat trades, let alone elite units like SAR TECHS.  "Making it through Jarvis Lake selection is more about robustness of your body and mind", and this comes through top physical conditioning and experience. Look at your competition and act on it.
look dude i can take criticism like a champ, I'm married and i have been in the infantry going on 11 years. but what gets me is how can you say anything to criticize me when you don't even know me or my physical and mental abilities. you don't have a clue, all you do is jump around this web site throwing your two cents around.
Be fit. Obviously
Be healthy. Living in the shacks again, especially during the dive phase.
Be a team-player. Many phases are easier working together and the staff see non-team players.
Be mellow. The course is stressful enough without adding unnecessary emotional burdens.
II PPCLI said:
look dude i can take criticism like a champ, I'm married and i have been in the infantry going on 11 years. but what gets me is how can you say anything to criticize me when you don't even know me or my physical and mental abilities. you don't have a clue, all you do is jump around this web site throwing your two cents around.

Well, he does know all about the tac hel guys up in Bagotville and how the SAR Tech selection is so much like JTF 2 and CSOR selection...  ;)
Good2Golf said:
Well, he does know all about the tac hel guys up in Bagotville and how the SAR Tech selection is so much like JTF 2 and CSOR selection...  ;)
Legend is also.....well.... a legend in his own mind when it comes to MP education and RMC selection too.  :nod: