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SAR Tech

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HappyWithYourHacky said:
I'm still around but more of a lurker then an active participant these days. I did get your message ballz and will get back to you tonight or tomorrow. We have a complicated work schedule that is not the easiest to explain.

Awesome news, glad you are still around and I look forward to hearing back when you get the chance.

Eye in the Sky gives good advise regarding finding a trade you'd be happy with doing the rest of your career. SAR Tech is by no means guaranteed. There is a lot of good info in the actual SAR Tech thread as well if you go through it.

Anyways I'll answer your questions here an hopefully a mod can merge it into the SAR Tech thread.

1. They take between 20 - 30 applicants on selection each year. These past few years it has been closer to the 30 mark. The amount that are accepted depends on the trade's needs. It has been as little as 6 and as high as 16.

2. No age preference.

3. No best route to take. We have a wide variety of backgrounds from ex CANSOFCOM to ex Dental Techs.

4. It was at one point four years. I believe it is still the same however it would be something you'd have to look into.

5. Selection consists of 2 weeks of 'motivational exercises' that test all aspects of your physical and mental capabilities. The only way to get all the details is first hand.

Hope this helps.
There is valid info from there on most of the questions you've asked, including the 'how long' ref your Q#4.  Try starting on the last page and reading backwards.

In case you didn't realize it, HappyWithYourHacky is a current serving SAR Tech.  :2c:

How do you apply to be a SAR Tech? It doesn't say on the CF hiring page that they are accepting applicants. IS it like a JTF2 where you just show up and have a fitness test and if you pass you pass or if you fail you fail? Entry plans? Very little info on the process! 
InBound said:
How do you apply to be a SAR Tech? It doesn't say on the CF hiring page that they are accepting applicants. IS it like a JTF2 where you just show up and have a fitness test and if you pass you pass or if you fail you fail? Entry plans? Very little info on the process! 

Did you even bother reading the 2 posts above yours? It answers your questions. Click Eye In The Sky's link.
hey guys ill start off with the fact I'm new to this forum so this is probably not posted where it should be, if its not I'm sure the moderators handle it. I'm just finishing up high school here now and currently in the reserves awaiting bmq and bmq land this summer and ultimately going to pursue my dream since elementary school as one heroes that plucked my grandfather from the atlantic twice, and oversee the well being of the family and friends who make there living on the water which is probably one of the most dangerous ways of earning your pennies outside of the military and police here in Canada; the sea is in my blood but like to "get out there" more then a boat can offer. i have a passion for helping anyone out, less fortunate, distressed or just to give a hand and just care. right now my attitude is to work like a dog from day 1 and try to stand out as "a bit more" then everyone else in work ethic, effort, and "spirit" in every way i can and go the extra step as a team member whenever possible. just wondering if there was a sar tech or the like here on the forum who could give me some tips or advice on how to make this to come true as i understand the course is extremely competitive to get into, although i have the mindset that I'm not quitting tell i get where i want. anything that will help me reach my goal is more then welcome. also to apply i understand you need 5 years experience in the regular forces not reserve is that correct? although i assume a reg force member would have a "edge" in the selection process if both could apply.
thanks for your time by's!
Medpet97 said:
hey guys ill start off with the fact I'm new to this forum so this is probably not posted where it should be, if its not I'm sure the moderators handle it. I'm just finishing up high school here now and currently in the reserves awaiting bmq and bmq land this summer and ultimately going to pursue my dream since elementary school as one heroes that plucked my grandfather from the atlantic twice, and oversee the well being of the family and friends who make there living on the water which is probably one of the most dangerous ways of earning your pennies outside of the military and police here in Canada; the sea is in my blood but like to "get out there" more then a boat can offer. i have a passion for helping anyone out, less fortunate, distressed or just to give a hand and just care. right now my attitude is to work like a dog from day 1 and try to stand out as "a bit more" then everyone else in work ethic, effort, and "spirit" in every way i can and go the extra step as a team member whenever possible. just wondering if there was a sar tech or the like here on the forum who could give me some tips or advice on how to make this to come true as i understand the course is extremely competitive to get into, although i have the mindset that I'm not quitting tell i get where i want. anything that will help me reach my goal is more then welcome. also to apply i understand you need 5 years experience in the regular forces not reserve is that correct? although i assume a reg force member would have a "edge" in the selection process if both could apply.
thanks for your time by's!

Want to try this again.....It is too hard to read.
Unless things have changed, SAR Tech is only available thru remuster in the Reg Force;  48 months of service to apply for non-combat arms trades, and 36 months for Combat Arms are the minimum times required to OT to any trade as Reg Force NCM.  You also have to pass the aircrew medical and be given the required Air Factor on your medical category.

Dreams and all that aside, forget SAR Tech if you are a Reservist at this time.
Medpet97 said:
this is probably not posted where it should be, if its not I'm sure the moderators handle it.

Right. I'm merging it with the existing SAR Tech thread. This "handling" is free. I'm charging you for the next one.

That means "do some research on the Site before asking questions". There's a ton of useful information already on almost every topic and we do not like having to answer the same questions again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.

And the bit that I quoted was as far as I got into your post. I could not bear to push myself any further. You hurt my brain. Use proper sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation. Capitalize where convention dictates. Clear communication is required in the CF, as mission success, lives, and expensive equipment depend upon it. As most of us here are currently serving, or have served, we expect the same thing on the Site as well.
I'm curious as to whether or not any women have ever applied and been successful in becoming SAR Techs, to anyones knowledge? I'm sure it's a male dominated endeavour, but is it exclusive?
Erin said:
I'm curious as to whether or not any women have ever applied and been successful in becoming SAR Techs, to anyones knowledge? I'm sure it's a male dominated endeavour, but is it exclusive?

There are no exclusive jobs in the CAF.  You do have to be able to fill the requirements for the job though.
I am highly suspicious of any trade that has 3 women make it on the same course, when history has only produced one female sar tech prior to them. Not to take anything away from what they accomplished, the agenda is uncertainly driven from far above anyone at the school.
clgrip said:
I am highly suspicious of any trade that has 3 women make it on the same course, when history has only produced one female sar tech prior to them. Not to take anything away from what they accomplished, the agenda is uncertainly driven from far above anyone at the school.

If you're talking about the Comox Valley Record article on the post above you, 2 women got their SAR Tech wings on the same course. 

If you're saying what I think you're saying, I will bet money that the SAR Tech community is not in the business of passing women through the course just to fulfill an equal-opportunity requirement.
Dimsum said:
If you're talking about the Comox Valley Record article on the post above you, 2 women got their SAR Tech wings on the same course. 

If you're saying what I think you're saying, I will bet money that the SAR Tech community is not in the business of passing women through the course just to fulfill an equal-opportunity requirement.

1 did not make it to the end of course due to an accident.

I don't believe for a second they are either. What I'm suspicious of is that number making it on course to begin with.
The first female SAR Tech graduated in 1998, I believe, she just recently retired. There is also at least one other that I'm aware of. I also believe that they would not graduate people for the sake of numbers.
clgrip said:
What I'm suspicious of is that number making it on course to begin with.

Seriously??  24-30 are selected for pre-selection and only 12-16 make it through to training.  We have no idea how many males or females don't make that first cut.  Are you saying that you don't think females would even make the first cut?

I guess there's at least two females that have proven you wrong....

Oh and read the article "Barker, along with seven others, graduated from the Canadian Forces School of Search and Rescue based at CFB Comox last Thursday morning, one of two women to wear the bright orange rescue jumpsuits and receive their master corporal rank."

That (to me) means that there are two female SAR Techs, not two from the same course.

And just FYI, MCpl Barker is still a SAR Tech.
Three women made it onto course 48, one was injured leaving two to graduate. That is not speculation, I did not need to interpret anything to have knowledge of this, it's fact. It is also factual that one member who will not be named had not passed their sar pt test once getting on course until the very end. It is entirely reasonable to be suspicious when you're aware of what transpired on that particular course.

You're also reading my post incorrectly, I'm not saying these women nor the school are doing anything other than producing 100% competent sar techs as they always have. I'm saying that the current agenda in the military to ensure equal representation of both genders in the CF is rearing it's ugly head in every trade, and that some level of suspicion is warranted.
So, then what exactly are you suspicious of?  Do you think these women are ringers or something?

These women were on the course before the current "agenda" that the military supposedly has.  There is no evidence that they were placed on their course as part of some equal gender representation scheme.  If that were the case, I'm pretty sure the CF would have made damn sure that the story made it into a paper bigger than The Comox Valley Record.

But you go ahead and keep your tinfoil hat on....  :Tin-Foil-Hat:
