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SAR Tech

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robm105 said:
hey zc881373  i actually just got offered a direct entry spot for this year i leave for basic in sept.  i can't answer question two for you but i have been training 6 days a week  pretty much for the last 9 months. gym, swimming, running, and also alot of isometeric moves like the plank and wall squats. plus i have been climbing ropes whenever i have the chance.  i actually got a membership at a local base that way i could consult the psp staff to help out. they gave me a lot of great tips and a few plans. and a tip i got from  a actual sartech that i meet was to run the test a lot so that you can get fast at it.  anyway i hope that this helps a little

Hey zc881373!
Im new to the forum so bare with me... I am currently in the forces but not QL3 qualified. When I joined there was no direct entry so i took something else instead, thinking it was my only choice. I am currently trying remuster into SAR, but im worried i may not get accepted due to the lack in some of the qualifications.
What qualifications/skills/courses do you have that enabled you to get the direct entry?
If anyone else has any input please do!
I think SAR Tech is part of this years COTP compeition (I am home, and would have to check the COTP 2010/2011 msg tomorrow at work).

If it is, that means you have to meet the requirements of CFAO 11-12 to even apply.  2 of those requirements are 48 months of service (36 months if you are a combat arms trade, under LOTP) and a QL4 qualification in your trade. 

Unless some PSO or CFRC types can verify, I don't think you can ask for a MOC reassignment (which is what you would do not being QL3 qual'd) to a remuster trade.  I could be wrong, there could be a waiver or something like that.  I guess I am saying don't get your hopes up.
Are Reservists with suitable time-in able to apply to SAR Tech the same as Regular Force Members? ie. Component transfer without having to take PCP?

I was in the Infantry Reserves between 2001-2006. I'm now looking for help on the best options for applying to SAR Tech. Should I rejoin the reserves, or go get PCP, or both?

I tried searching this and couldn't find the answers, so I appreciate any assistance.
CrossfitAthlete said:
Are Reservists with suitable time-in able to apply to SAR Tech?

I believe ( althoght cant find the quote)  That you need somewhere between 30-40 something months reg force service and be the rank of cpl or equivlent rank of cpl ( airforce, navy..etc)

**edited to add: KGgully ( sorry if i butcherd you're nameahha) answerd that wquestion above 48 months service
Dou You said:
I'm on an old computer and I tried to insert a quote however it doesn't work, but in reference to your last post gully, you said : "I believe the stock answer is yes. However, if you are a qualified Paramedic, maybe not." I'd probably achieve Cpl in the Reserves before becoming a Paramedic, but I assume this means that being one you wouldn't have to wait until Cpl to apply. Just making sure that's what that meant.

I am not in recruiting, but you could possibly "angle" into a spot as qualified paramedic before becoming Corporal. However, if you would rather fly, please focus youe energies exclusively on that, and do not dilute your effort trying to cover all bases.

Im currently training to get myself ready for my remuster into SAR... does anyone have or know of a video of the test. im trying to do an accurate representation of the test.
2400 metre run
31 push-up
33 sit-up (feet supported???)
8 chin-up
450 metre shuttle run (50m spacing/ 9 x ???)
all in 16 mins

then the rop climb add 1 min (is this done directly after the shuttle run or do you have to do the 2 climbs in 1 min?)

then the the swim.

And if anyone has done the test (just the first part excluding the climb and the swim) what would be a good time or the fastest time you have heard of.

thanks.  :cheers:
hello, I have a couple questions, but first some background...

I'm a certified PCP, also finished the Firefighter program, have firefighter experience as well as over a dozen rescue courses (high angle rescue, confined space etc..) and am in excellent physical condition.

-Have they already filled the spots for this year?
-Do they only recruit once a year? and when do they usually run the courses?
-How do they decide between DE's with similiar qualifications? is it just from your application?
-How are the DE's doing compared to others who simply transfer?
-With my background, should I expect a long wait to be looked at? or would I be a strong candidate?

I went down to ottawa and spoke with the recruiter but he was very unhelpful, really didnt know anything about it. just gave me the sheet and a package.

Anyways, thanks in advance for any info

This may be a dumb question but I've been reading back on some of the posts and I was curious what exactly direct entry was...does it mean that your PCP qualified and you get direct entry to become a SARTECH?

Also I heard someone mention something about when you get direct entry you are right away a Cpl..is this true?
Yes, PCP qualified applicants have been accepted as direct entry SAR Tech. Everyone goes thru basic training (BMQ) a private. Once graduated, promoted corporal back dated  to enrolement.

Well I've been interested in a Military career for quite sometime and now I plan to enlist after highschool (Which I finish in June) but I kind of have a few questions and are wondering if someone could help me out.

1. I was told by a recruiter that should I wish to attend a Paramedic Academy after high school, the Forces would pay for my studies but I would be obligated to give them X amount of years of service afterwards. How does this work? During the study years, are you inside the forces or outside?

2. I'm looking at becoming a Search and Rescue Technician after the Paramedic Acadmey. Say if the Forces pay for my education, will I be able to join SAR directly or will I be obligated to go Medical Core first once I complete my studies?

3. Does the Canadian Forces have combat search and rescue? I assumed SAR TECHS would be similar to the USAF's Pararescue but I was told its a non combat role which disappoints me a bit.

4. Does the SAR Tech have a Direct Enlistment route or will I need to go for Selection? Is selection similar to Special Forces selection in ways?

All help appreciated!
1. Yes you will have obligatory service if the CF pays for your education 2 months of service for one month of studies. You apply for NCMSEP and if accepted into the CF and accepted into a program at a college the CF accepts you go to school. You will be a member of the CF while going to school and subject to the same rules and regulations that bind us all. Specificlly the NDA.

2. If the CF pays for you to be a Medic you will be a Medic. Later in your career you may be able to transfer over to SAR TECH.

3. Never heard of a Combat SAR. If you mean MEDEVAC our medics, pilots and troops do that.

4. SAR TECH does have a direct enrty route but you must already have a PCP diploma AND have experience as a PCP, ambulance and emergency responder.
FDO said:
1. Yes you will have obligatory service if the CF pays for your education 2 months of service for one month of studies. You apply for NCMSEP and if accepted into the CF and accepted into a program at a college the CF accepts you go to school. You will be a member of the CF while going to school and subject to the same rules and regulations that bind us all. Specificlly the NDA.

2. If the CF pays for you to be a Medic you will be a Medic. Later in your career you may be able to transfer over to SAR TECH.

3. Never heard of a Combat SAR. If you mean MEDEVAC our medics, pilots and troops do that.

4. SAR TECH does have a direct enrty route but you must already have a PCP diploma AND have experience as a PCP, ambulance and emergency responder.

Alright, Thanks. Sounds good.

CSAR is basically search and rescue operations in combat zones: recovering down pilots, lost soldiers, wounded ones. Basically any place that is hostile or denied areas, CSAR is sent to recover and treat  personnel.
Wells said:
1. I was told by a recruiter that should I wish to attend a Paramedic Academy after high school, the Forces would pay for my studies but I would be obligated to give them X amount of years of service afterwards.
Can't say I've ever heard of this one.  If you enroll as a Med Tech, part of your QL3 course is to go on PCP training in B.C.  But then again, I'm not a Med Tech, or a recruiter........
PMedMoe said:
Can't say I've ever heard of this one.  If you enroll as a Med Tech, part of your QL3 course is to go on PCP training in B.C.

Yep we now have NCMSEP for Med Techs. It is the PCP course from some of the colleges. Bet your sorry now you didn't go Med Tech!  ;D
FDO said:
Yep we now have NCMSEP for Med Techs. It is the PCP course from some of the colleges. Bet your sorry now you didn't go Med Tech!  ;D
I was a Med Tech*.  I took an OT out of the trade.  No, not one bit sorry!

*As a recruiter, you should know PMed is not a DE trade.  ;)
I was going for the sarcasim on that one. Looks like it feel short as I seem to see a lot of "I'm not a MED TECH". Besides didn't know PMED was a seperate trade thought it was like PA. Not a Med Tech but had to be one to take that route.

Thanks for the education. I can go home now I learned my one thing for today!

FDO said:
I was going for the sarcasim on that one. Looks like it feel short as I seem to see a lot of "I'm not a MED TECH". Besides didn't know PMED was a seperate trade thought it was like PA. Not a Med Tech but had to be one to take that route.

Thanks for the education. I can go home now I learned my one thing for today!

Ahhhh seen.  I just use [sarcasm][/sarcasm] if I'm going to put something that may not come off as planned.  ;)
Yes, PMed is a totally separate trade.
The "I'm NOT a Med Tech" thing is because I was getting so many PMs from people about medical problems.  Glad someone noticed!  ;D
Hey guys,
looking on the canadian forces website here. I notice they have a sar tech direct entry now. When i was in air cadets we spent a week in comox on a sick trip and those guys are badass. Now my question leads to is do these guys get deployed overseas or are they mostly SAR operations in canada. I am trying to find a job that id really like as its coming to career time as I am 20 years old turning 21 in april. I am looking for a career that im home sort of every night ( depending on where I am based at and on if I am training) My all time dream is infantry and going special operations but always loved to nice orange jumpsuits  ;). I just dont know what the military life is like as I am not in it. Also, after basic and when you are at your base. You are a loud to live off base with a wife? But is there any on base living that will alow a wife?
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  • Army.ca Wiki Recruiting FAQ - http://army.ca/wiki/index.php/Frequently_Asked_Questions
    • Canadian Forces Aptitude Test - http://army.ca/forums/threads/21101/post-103977.html#msg103977
    • Army Fitness Manual, see http://www.army.dnd.ca/2field_engineers/images/B-GL-382-003-PT-001.pdf
  • Infantry Specific FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21131.0.html

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Army.ca wiki pages - http://army.ca/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

To summarize. Welcome to Army.ca, many of your questions may already have been answered.
kj_gully as far as they have told me in bmq right now is that i remain a private untill i graduate comox. 
on another note i start jarvis on the 29th got any tips for me