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September 5th Selection Board

I am really excited about all this, i think that in those 2 weeks in front of us we should get some calls ... personally i can't wait, so i am gonna call the CRFC Thursday and ask them what is happening whit my file and if they reply again its still in Ottawa and we still are examining you medical result than i am gone for a big wait, but i think everything should be fine, good luck to all of you. :salute:

Wolf 031  :cdn:
Well, today is the day.
Am I correct in assuming it takes about three weeks for the call to come if selected today?

Well i got some news..for me... i called the CRFC today and the person i was speaking with told me that i wasn't in the selection board on 5 September but that Ottawa accepted my medical results ( i had to pass a deeper medical exam because i drank to much juice in the morning and they tough i had diabetes ..they were wrong. ) that is good and he told me that i will be in the 17 October selection board and that if everything goes well i should go to st-jean BMQ in french in January well i am gonna be in the -40C but i love it... ::) at least i have months in front of me to get better...

Mojo Magnum said:
Well, today is the day.
Am I correct in assuming it takes about three weeks for the call to come if selected today?

Supposedly 2 - 4 weeks but then I have seen some people gert the call 5 weeks later too :(
That's OK,
I have allot of working out to do before I'm confident I can handle basic.

From what I hear the physical was nothing.  We should all be shooting for 40 push ups instead of 19.  And the cardio test...I want to be running 2.5k in 10minutes or under. 

yup, lots of work to do.
For me push ups its not a problem i can do easy 50 but running darn that is hard have to work on it. I asked my trainer at the gym and he gave me an athlete running program so for my first week i do 60 sec. jog than switch to 15 sec. sprint and i do it 5 times and that is the start after a while i am supposed to do 60 sec. jog 45 sec. sprint and do it 11 times if i can handle that basic and a lot more than basic running shouldn't be a problem. This morning i ran 2 times 60 sec. jog 45 sec. sprint i was dead by the end, fini, over....

Anyways its off topic but i had to tell it.

Wolf :cdn:
just got the call.
BMQ in St Jean Oct 3.

really gotta move my butt now. ;D
I assume I was chosen yesterday...but...that does not exactly line up with what I've heard.
I could have been Aug 22, that would make more sense.

but ultimately, I'm not sure.
I am hopefull for you but.. you just completed your physical last week didn't you?
Do you know if you are merit listed yet?

If so, then lets hope you are in ;D
No pphonecall for us today WAHHH!!!
Hopefully soon!! DH was on the 22nd and the 5th board so we are hopeful. Maybe someone who knows could let a little secret slide *Wink Wink, Nudge, Nudge* Kincanuck :)
Yes...completed my physical on sept 1st...but the l/s i scheduled with, I asked him If having it so close to the selection board would be compromising having me merit listed.  He put me on hold, made a call to someone else, got back with me and said..."No, as long as you pass your fitness test on the 1st you will be merit listed."
armyjewelz said:
No pphonecall for us today WAHHH!!!
Hopefully soon!! DH was on the 22nd and the 5th board so we are hopeful. Maybe someone who knows could let a little secret slide *Wink Wink, Nudge, Nudge* Kincanuck :)

No results for either board but there are offers for each coming in.
thank you for your presence on this site.  Your efforts help alleviate anxiety and misinformation.  Your input has made the waiting (as brief as it was for myself and a few others) far more bearable.

Thanks Again.
kincanucks said:
No resuilts for either board but there are offers for each coming in.

I won't make fun of your spelling error even though you would :p :p :p LOL

I'm sorry I am confused by this.  I am likely suffering blonde syndrome but not sure how there are no results but offers.  Could you explain for me? Cheers and thanks for your fast reply.