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*Server Is Under High Stress*

This is a major step for Army.ca (and Navy.ca and the others, too). We've come a long, long way in the last few years, from a PC in the basement to a properly hosted server.

It is also a major financial commitment on Mike Bobbitt's part; he is, essentially, providing a service to all of us at his own expense. We subscribers help, but not I am certain that is not enough to cover all the ongoing operating costs. That's because we are too few.

I appreciate that not everyone can give, not even a little, but those of us who can should and those of us who are subscribers should consider adding an extra donation without asking for any swag in return.

My  :2c: and my sincere thanks to Mike - and to Mrs. Bobbitt for putting up with all this time and effort on his part.
Thank you to our hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Bobbitt, for this major improvement to Milnet.ca.
The site is amazingly fast now  great job mike and staff on the upgrade  .
Great job on the site Mike, awesome not having to wait for the pages to load so slowly anymore.  Thanks
Not yet... I deleted the search index as that would have added significantly to the data transfer. I'm rebuilding it now, at around 20%. Should be done in a day or so.

In the mean time, you can use this:

Site speed is phenomenal.

I just went from page 1 to page 2 of Recent Posts and was greeted with "Page not available, Server Busy" and hit refresh and got to the page.  That was odd.  Not getting to the page, but finding the Server busy, and less than 380 persons on the site.
George, there are still a few wrinkles to iron out. I'm seeing the occasional database problem too... haven't tracked down the source yet, but I will.
Just got the same error Mike,

Connection Problems
Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.

Live from YHZ.......
That's the one. Seems to come on briefly and then disappear. Nothing obvious yet...
Mike Bobbitt said:
That's the one. Seems to come on briefly and then disappear. Nothing obvious yet...

Ok.....must be that random gremlin that made it through the data transfer......
All of a sudden posts are timing out.(like after about 5 sec....I copy & pasted the post to beat the timer...it didn't work)  ...is it something you are doing with the upgrade?

All of sudden I can post again....maybe it's just me..... ::)
I'm rebuilding the search index which may be adding load to the server. But there's definitely the odd problem still lurking. Hopefully they all sum up to less than the speed problems we had, plus I should be able to knock at least a few of these issues out over the coming weeks.
Meanwhile, here in the Lucky Country, army.ca is like greased lightening for speed these days.

It's pretty much instant!

Lov'n it! (Isn't that a McDonalds thing)

                " Lovin it "  I do believe that is a Mcdonalds saying but Army.ca is better for you than Mcdonalds  :nod:
Good news... the database timeouts (See "Connection Problems" above) should be a thing of the past. It was a simple matter of tuning some database parameters to accommodate our heavy use.
Well, looks like we had a problem last night. The server load went through the roof and things slowed to a crawl (at best). I'm investigating now...