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Service Dress - Right On!

I totally agree.  Khaki would be much more historically significant to the Army, not to mention a lot better looking.  Those lime green shirts are horribly ugly, particularly in short sleeves.  Hopefully somebody in the right place will see to a re-design soon.  There was mention awhile ago of developing an more intermediate weight uniform, since getting rid of the tans, but nothing further ever came about. 

Lime green shirts?... are you talking about the Lagoon green shirts we used to wear with the work dress?
The current batch of shirts are a far cry from "lime" in colour... you sure you aren't colour blind?  >:D

WRT khaki uniforms.... as long as you aren't talking about the very, very pale "tan" uniform we had for a wee while, I agree with you.  The modern tan uniform was too light in colour - got dirty too quickly and was simply a "maintenance" headache... about as much a pain in the ass as the old TWs we used to have in the 60s before unification.  A nice uniform that would look great would be the old Khaki "serge" uniform officers used to wear, fall thru spring, in the 60s.  With or without the sam browne, it was a nice uniform... throw in a bit of synthetic into the fabric to make it keep it's press & we'd be good to go.
geo said:
Lime green shirts?... are you talking about the Lagoon green shirts we used to wear with the work dress?
The current batch of shirts are a far cry from "lime" in colour... you sure you aren't colour blind?  >:D

WRT khaki uniforms.... as long as you aren't talking about the very, very pale "tan" uniform we had for a wee while, I agree with you.  The modern tan uniform was too light in colour - got dirty too quickly and was simply a "maintenance" headache... about as much a pain in the *** as the old TWs we used to have in the 60s before unification.  A nice uniform that would look great would be the old Khaki "serge" uniform officers used to wear, fall thru spring, in the 60s.  With or without the sam browne, it was a nice uniform... throw in a bit of synthetic into the fabric to make it keep it's press & we'd be good to go.

That's exactly the khaki uniform idea I was thinking of.
.... Looks a bit like the uniform the Brits are using these days..... but their's is made from really heavy wool..... sweat your proverbial bag off with em
Or perhaps the current greet tunic with the discontinued tan shirt underneath- which would achieve that US Vietnam-era look...better than the look of the "mint" green shirt IMHO.
My first issue uniform was khaki (pronounced "khar-Key" if you speak proper Canadian, "Kaw-key" if a Brit and Kaw-Key" if a Yank) wool Battledress and I went through a lot of tea towels ironing it.  But, when you came back from the field with it covered in mud, you put it out on the clothesline and took the garden hose to it.

We were happy to get the new "Rifle Green" uniforms in 73.  They were called "Greens", "CF Greens" of just "CFs". They were medium weight.  The move to DEU in 88 gave us a fantastic lightweight tan and a winter heavy weight "Rifle Green" set.  Right after the ice storm, the CLS chopped the Work Dress and the Tan DEUs (which we gifted to Jamaica). We were told a new medium weight was on the way.  Since, we have subjected our soldiers to summer heat in winter DEUs.

I say, bring back the tans.  Best looking uniform yet.  Declare it "Optional Summer".


A higher priority might be to ditch the expensive army mess kit tunic for a tan (summer) or blue (winter) "Patrols" pattern tunic with a Prussian collar. 

What to get rid of? 
TCBF said:
I say, bring back the tans.  Best looking uniform yet.  Declare it "Optional Summer".


You're just teasing me, but I like your idea. You boys could wear 'em -- and I could avoid wearing them (but just look)!! Excellent idea!!  >:D
I know that a board sits to address issues in CFP-265, but how would one go about proposing changes?
IntlBr said:
I know that a board sits to address issues in CFP-265, but how would one go about proposing changes?

Write it up (email works -- even I've pulled that one off) through your CSM to the RSM ... which goes to the Base RSM ... and onwards to the Area RSM ... upwards to the appropriate Dress Committee such as the Army Dress Committee who will toss it onto their agenda eventually and then discuss/decide/forward for approval/authorization to come into effect.

You only need to worry about the first step.
geo said:
Lime green shirts?... are you talking about the Lagoon green shirts we used to wear with the work dress?
The current batch of shirts are a far cry from "lime" in colour... you sure you aren't colour blind?  >:D

I'll agree maybe not quite lime.  I'm not colour blind, but I can recognize an ugly light shade of green that looks completely un-Army.  I'm all for a complete redesign with a medium weight dark khaki.  Why did the army and navy get back traditional colours and we're stuck with the CF rifle green? 
TCBF said:
- The boys who didn't look good in them were pear-shaped, and since pear-shaped people ran our army in 98, they got rid of the uniforms that accentuated their shame.
TCBF said:
... Right after the ice storm, the CLS chopped . . . the Tan DEUs (which we gifted to Jamaica).

If I remember correctly no one could accuse LGen L***** of being svelte.  On more than one occasion he described himself (while in the tans) as looking like a 10 pound bag of **** tied in the middle.  I recall him making such a comment while testifying to SCONDVA or a similar parliamentary committee.  He was explaining why the Army got rid of that uniform.
Dirty Patricia said:
I'll agree maybe not quite lime.  I'm not colour blind, but I can recognize an ugly light shade of green that looks completely un-Army.  I'm all for a complete redesign with a medium weight dark khaki.  Why did the army and navy get back traditional colours and we're stuck with the CF rifle green? 

+10:  precisely.  That was exactly my point on the other thread (see link on my previous post in this thread).  Somehow, the Army got lazy and "sucked up" the CF green, while the Navy and Air Force look, well, like Navy and Air Force.

As for the tans, good riddance.  We don't need two colours of uniform.  A medium weight single khaki uniform (with appropriate for winter accouterments) would work just fine.  Compared with some of the other crap we spend money on, new Army uniforms would be a drop in the bucket.
Teddy Ruxpin said:
+10:  precisely.  That was exactly my point on the other thread (see link on my previous post in this thread).  Somehow, the Army got lazy and "sucked up" the CF green, while the Navy and Air Force look, well, like Navy and Air Force.

As for the tans, good riddance.  We don't need two colours of uniform.  A medium weight single khaki uniform (with appropriate for winter accouterments) would work just fine.  Compared with some of the other crap we spend money on, new Army uniforms would be a drop in the bucket.

Precisely.  Lets make this happen.  How?
Teddy Ruxpin said:
...  A medium weight single khaki uniform (with appropriate for winter accouterments) would work just fine. ...

- My nostalgia for the tans appears to be a no-sell.  Also, CF "Rifle Green" always looked a bit "SS" to the Olde Guard.
okay: The old RCAF summer tan might be a good colour to look at in a new medium weight tunic. 
Actually, I did like the tans.  The cut of the uniform fit better.  Just had to remember not to wear patterned (or dark) underwear.  As Vern said, they could be quite see-through.  :o
The green DEUs are not the same colour as the old tri-service uniform.  I had the luck to serve at a Mess dinner while on PAT in Borden many moons ago.  We wore our DEUs with the (old) green server's coats and there was a huge difference in colour.  Think almost turquoise green.... :-X
Australian,  New Zealand, British............  Lets go back to khaki.  The British are even developing a new replacement to eliminate different uniforms for Officers and NCOs .  At any rate they look more Army and more traditional.
Perhaps, but many British Army units have distinct uniforms, as displayed in your photos.  Some British units have actually gone to the Rifle Green and produced a uniform very similar to our CFs and DEUs.
I agree, tan or khaki, it looks better than rifle green. Add bloused trousers, and we're good to go.
Please don't make me wear green pants and a khaki jacket like the guy in the last picture!!

DannyD said:
Add bloused trousers, and we're good to go.

Are you proposing the return of Garrison boots?  Or do we have to start spit shining combat boots? 
Personally, I disagree with bloused trousers in the dress uniform.