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Small Pack Issue

I have that new compression sack - thanks to Wheelers. It's a great piece of kit.

Attention Dinosaurs - while we thank you for your time at the rink in Germany awaiting to be rolled by the Russian Horde please dont attempt to steer CF policy in anyway today...    ;D

Load Carriage -- I had send a few members here a copy of a current US Army combat load study -- one Infanteer references in his comments.  I can only say that if you have not been involved in combat operations - please STFU and listen to those that have.

  Oh and I HATE CTS crap.

*the TV is NOT better than webbing (which was truly modular)
KevinB said:
I had send a few members here a copy of a current US Army combat load study

Got a link? It sounds like an interesting read.

It was a email .PDF file.

I dont have it on my computer over here -- just at home.
Maybe some others here can share it -- or send it to a computer savy person to host it online.
Pte.Pinky said:
mudgunner, if I recall correctly you have a RAID pack, do you not? Mine arrives in a couple days ;D

On that note, how do you guys feel about the top-loading design of the SPS, as opposed to a panel-loading design? Personally I can't wait for my RAID to arrive because I HATE having to dig to the bottom of my small pack every time I need something. While I realize there are certain advantages to a top-loader, I feel that this type of design slows down the end user. Assault packs are meant to give the soldier quick access to supplies.

Just my two cents,

Pte. Pinky - I do, in fact, have a RAID (and an Eagle A3 or two...) - you will be pleased, I'm sure.  The quality of construction and design are so far ahead of the SPS as to be laughable.  When people who are adverse to purchasing a quality piece of kit (but NOT oppsed to buying a second or third game system or spending $400 on a weekend of beer and shots...) say to me "what are you going to do when your "XXXXX" breaks on ex/operation??"  I just look at them and shake my head.  I've already had two TV give up the ghost, just used on ex and for PT.  My Hellcat and RecceGear Busty IV are both going strong with 10 times the use...

The panel-loading feature is a great benefit, IMHO, and much easier to get a 522 into and out of!!  As an aside, I believe that I have a copy of the file that Kevin is referring to - shoot me a PM and I'll see if I can dig it up for you...

KevinB - I join you (and countless others) in your didain for the majority of CTS contributions... ;)

You get what you pay for,

mudgunner49 said:
When people who are adverse to purchasing a quality piece of kit (but NOT oppsed to buying a second or third game system or spending $400 on a weekend of beer and shots...) say to me "what are you going to do when your "XXXXX" breaks on ex/operation??"

Hmm, I dunno? How about hop on the welfare internet terminal, whip out a credit card and have a new one-of-whatever couriered to you in a matter of days... That is if it does break, which it won't, because it was well made in the first place. 

I can only hope that this retardation that most of the CF suffers from over aftermarket kit will iron itself out with continued deployments to Kandahar.  When large numbers of troops are forced to use crap kit in demanding environments, I am going to guess the weaknesses of CTS items will be drastically highlighted.

RAID; I'm jealously waiting for mine.  Camelbak Motherlode for now (and continued use as "the to work and back bag").  RAID is the best current answer for a field pack I think.
We just got our SPS last week en masse.  I too have been trying to figure out how to set up the pouches without to many problems.  I have the two larger "fanny" packs on either side of the SPS, my only problem was trying to figure out how to decently attach the smaller pack on the back of the SPS.  There is only one strip of attachment down the middle which makes attaching two pouches side by side a little difficult but not impossible.  All the straps are a pain though. I did discover however that on each fanny pack you can hide the belts.
We've had the SPS issued to us for a couple months now; as of 2 weeks ago, my PL WO Authorized the use of SPS as our alternative main ruck (granted we can fit everything he wants us to bring.) With the SPS, extra pockets on the outside, and the valise strapped to the top, this thing kicks a$$ compared to the 82 (as long as you're not carrying awkward stuff.) Hope it holds up as long as my 82 ruck did; after three years, the stitching in the shoulder straps and back padding is starting to wither up and die.
82 frame bends on impact ...... can't get worse than that
mudgunner49 said:
Please tell me you're kidding... ::)

In a way, I'm kidding; but at the same time, no. On SQ and DP1 INF, I was bending the wire frame back into place once in a while with.....good god...a gerber.
After talkng to xxxxxxxx, apparently the new officer in charge of the CTS program says MOLLE is on the way out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about still fighting in Germany mode circa 1980. Typical for this army. Take 10 years to come out with crap kit that nobody likes.  By nobody I mean guys that have done the business. Everyone who says the TV rocks has never been under effective enemy fire. That said I haven't gotten issued my SPS yet as I have been away on leave doing this stuff for real. I used an Eagle CIRAS, that is by far and away the best vest out there. With the RAV and Predator coming very close. RAID packs rock as well. Just my two cents.

Name removed at member's request.

I have a couple of problems with the new SPS. First, rather than hugging your back, and curving with your spine to feel comfortable, it just sits there like a jerrycan with straps. Even with light loads (around 10-20lbs) after a short while I can start to feel the strain of the stupid thing. also, the waist belt is useless, as the pack is designed to ride so high up on your back, that the belt would wrap around top of the acessory pouches on the TV. i have tried to curve the internal frame peice (which feels like a stiff sheet of plastic), but with little success.

In the credits colum for the SPS, there is the fact it is capable of holding a lot of stuff. the additional pockets work reasonably well from what i can gather, but unless they and the main pack are stuffed up and compressed as tight as possible they have a tendency to shift or shake.

Please take note this is based on light usage, and usally carrying small loads (extra jacket, gloves, some rats, rain gear etc)  and other minor stuff for day ex's to the range and that sort of thing.

Just my $.02
westie47 said:
After talkng to xxxxx, apparently the new officer in charge of the CTS program says MOLLE is on the way out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about still fighting in Germany mode circa 1980. Typical for this army. Take 10 years to come out with crap kit that nobody likes.  By nobody I mean guys that have done the business. Everyone who says the TV rocks has never been under effective enemy fire. That said I haven't gotten issued my SPS yet as I have been away on leave doing this stuff for real. I used an Eagle CIRAS, that is by far and away the best vest out there. With the RAV and Predator coming very close. RAID packs rock as well. Just my two cents.

I got this same line of drivel from the CTS office as well.  My response was "Riiiigghhtttt...."!!!

A big +100 on the CIRAS - it is currently without peer, and is my next significant gear purchase, however I did pick up an Eagle Plate Carrier with Cummerbund in the interim as it was both cheaper and available.

CTS has it's collective head so far up it's 3rd point of contact that it is actually coming out of it's neck again...

Agree with Westie47 and mudgunner49... CTS is RTFO...

This tour has taught me a few things, and one big one is that the TV is junk... the SPS isn't bad but isn't great either, something like a RAID pack or Marauder would be much better... and they could have been bought COTS if we threw some CADPAT material at them... but that would make sense and be too easy...

I've got a LF Falcon chest rig waiting for me at home, as I wasn't ready to spend the dough on BALCS cut soft armour just yet, but after hearing about the Zylon issue and feeling how light KevinB's RAV was with poly plates, even with the side plates in, I might have to reconsider the CIRAS if the Falcon doesn't do the job...