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so my friend just doesn't know her limits

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So tonight I get paniced phone calls from my friends #, it was my friends friend. She says theres been an emergency my friend drank a bootle of vodka straight up in 15 minutes and I need to come over right away, I thought it was a prank, but hey there hawt and I was heading over there latter cause I was the DD that night.
I get there and shes passed out on the floor in a pool of vomit, vomit everywhere. her friends freakying out and all I can think is "Wow, I want NO FUKCING part of this s**t"
But I took a look this 17 year old girl who wieghs 100 LBS soaking wet chugged a 26 of vodka. She was getting less coherent to the point where we could no longer wake her up, plus her breathing was REALLY laboured and she had a nose bleed. while all parties are bickering over the best course of action, I say look I don't want this on my hands, we can't wake her up, were taking her to the hospital, so i carrier her to my car and drive over to the ER cause I brought her in it look like a scum bag, I tried answering the questions as best as possible.
She'll be ok, if it was one of my buddies like that I probably woulda babysat them but I don't need to leave and have this chick die,
BUT that was my night, I think I did the best thing for the situation, I don't know what would make her do that, when I left she was asleep and no amount of yelling or poking would wake her.
her parents are gone and when she comes to she'd gonna be pissed at me.
I think I did the best thing someone needed to take charge of the situation.
Future Unknown said:
So tonight I get paniced phone calls from my friends #, it was my friends friend. She says theres been an emergency my friend drank a bootle of vodka straight up in 15 minutes and I need to come over right away, I thought it was a prank, but hey there hawt and I was heading over there latter cause I was the DD that night.
I get there and shes passed out on the floor in a pool of vomit, vomit everywhere. her friends freakying out and all I can think is "Wow, I want NO FUKCING part of this s**t"
But I took a look this 17 year old girl who wieghs 100 LBS soaking wet chugged a 26 of vodka. She was getting less coherent to the point where we could no longer wake her up, plus her breathing was REALLY laboured and she had a nose bleed. while all parties are bickering over the best course of action, I say look I don't want this on my hands, we can't wake her up, were taking her to the hospital, so i carrier her to my car and drive over to the ER cause I brought her in it look like a scum bag, I tried answering the questions as best as possible.
She'll be ok, if it was one of my buddies like that I probably woulda babysat them but I don't need to leave and have this chick die,
BUT that was my night, I think I did the best thing for the situation, I don't know what would make her do that, when I left she was asleep and no amount of yelling or poking would wake her.
her parents are gone and when she comes to she'd gonna be pissed at me.
I think I did the best thing someone needed to take charge of the situation.

My first question would be; what are the restrictions on your Learner's driver permit?
What ever they may be, At least you took charge and looked out for your friends best interest. But I wouldn't let her stupidity be your downfall. The good thing is that she ended up in the hospital, which is where she would belong in that condition but next time CALL AN AMBULANCE! If she had stopped breathing you guys would have been in a world of trouble. You can die from Alchohol poisoning which is a fact I don't think teenagers understand. Please, if this happens again (and I hope it doesn't) tell your friends to swallow their pride and accept the fact that being caught drinking underage is far easier to live with then having a friend die in your care and then be held criminally and economically (most importantly psychologically) responsible. Don't forget bars have been held accountable for letting patrons drink themselves stupid and getting into car crashes.
Well done, she could have died of alcohol poisioning or by inhaling her own vomit.

Save the life now, discussing "why" a person would do such a thing is for after the danger has passed. Your so called friends should have called 911 rather than sitting around and arguing, but at least someone had the presence of mind to call you for help, and you had the presence of mind to do the right thing.
look my friend you did the right thing i mean it saved her life weather she is mad at you or not at least she is alive to do so  so be thankfull for that  especially you being the dd you demonstrated everything a soldier should have done i can not have more respect for someone like you then i do at this moment  you are the type of soldier that makes me proud to call myself a soldier i salute you.................pro patria
You did alright... Hopefully there isn't a next time, but remember, Ambulances have Tubes, Ventilators and Suction machines.
Someone unconscious is always safer in an Ambulance than a private car.

1.) your completely right,
2.) Ambualnces = $200
3.) Ambualnces=police=something she really doesn't want
she threw up in my car and on my jacket which I "lent" her, its all good though,
Future Unknown said:
1.) your completely right,
2.) Ambualnces = $200
3.) Ambualnces=police=something she really doesn't want
she threw up in my car and on my jacket which I "lent" her, its all good though,
Personally, I'd rather go with the law than having someone possibly DIE in my care. Don't you think the hospital would inform the police as well, not just the ambulance? Furthermore, I'm sure when she comes to she will be glad that her life was valued at what, $200.00? At least she is getting the required medical attention.

Nice tooting of your own horn by the way.
Future Unknown said:
1.) your completely right,
2.) Ambualnces = $200
3.) Ambualnces=police=something she really doesn't want
she threw up in my car and on my jacket which I "lent" her, its all good though,

Judging by the title of your thread, and the fact that your friend shouldn't have any experience with alcohol at a whopping 17 years old;

#3 above would be exactly what she needs, whether she wants it or not.

You got her the help she needed....tonight. Next time, do it the right way.
Future Unknown said:
3.) Ambualnces=police=something she really doesn't want

Her dying from Alcohol poisoining is something I'm sure she doesn't really want either.

The people at the party are numpties for not putting her in the recovery position if she wasn't when you showed up. Her friends are numpties for letting her drink a 26 of vodka on her own in a 15 minute timeframe. She's a bit of a numptie for letting herself do the same.

To be perfectly honest, your first thought shouldn't have been "I don't want to deal with this" but "How do I help her". Puke on your jacket or in your care is infinitely better than having to go to a funeral caused by something so stupid.

In the end, good on you for taking her to the hospital, but, if something like this occurs again (and hopefully this is a wake-up), remember your first aid training. Assess the situation, begin care, while ensuring someone calls for an ambulance. In this situation, professional emergency medical care would most likely have been the best bet.
Good job! You made a decision............that is what is important......... Not sure what you are all about but that is what the military is about........making decisions in tough times....you did that, and went with it. It may not have been a lot of peoples DS solutions but what you did worked for you and her at the time so well done you!

I agree with 2023, do something.........HOWEVER, the other posters above are also correct, she was legally incapacitated and the moment you put her in your 'custody', you assumed the liability that could have come with it. They are just watching your six as in an inquest............

The bottom line is that she may be pissed at you forever.  At least she's alive to BE pissed at you.  I call it a win.
WARNING: Completely heartless response follows

Why do people keep messing with letting Darwinism unfold as it should? It's bad enough with lawyers legislating the protection of stupid people with all the otherwise-unnecessary safety devices and warning labels. This girl will go on to breed. Mark my words!
Journeyman said:
WARNING: Completely heartless response follows

Why do people keep messing with letting Darwinism unfold as it should? It's bad enough with lawyers legislating the protection of stupid people with all the otherwise-unnecessary safety devices and warning labels. This girl will go on to breed. Mark my words!


It's girls like this that end up staggering up and down the hallways in the shacks with smeared makeup and a missing shoe in a year. Why? They are lacking the experience or smarts to know when to stop.

If she's doing this at 17 - think what she'll be up to in a year - when she can go to the bar!

Journeyman said:
Why do people keep messing with letting Darwinism unfold as it should?

Is it your opinon for intelligence or also for physical fitness?

I.E. Do you think that health workers shouldn't help premature babies to survives,
people with genetic defect to continue to live and reproce, so affecting the genetical pool ?
Journeyman said:
WARNING: Completely heartless response follows

Why do people keep messing with letting Darwinism unfold as it should? It's bad enough with lawyers legislating the protection of stupid people with all the  safety devices and warning labels. This girl will go on to breed. Mark my words!

Been watching "House"  :)

Don't you know, at 17 you have a license to be stupid.

You mean you weren't 17 and stupid?

Spend an evening in an ER sometime. I used to have occasion to  observe the Kingston General Hospital Emerg. Lots of stupid teens at Queens U doing similar to what this thread describes.

The good news , ...We grow up.
people make mistakes, she isn't some stupid "hood" she a 100 lbs blonde teenage suburbanite and she made a massive mistake.
Yrys said:
Is it your opinon for intelligence or also for physical fitness?

I.E. Do you think that health workers shouldn't help premature babies to survives,
people with genetic defect to continue to live and reproce, so affecting the genetical pool ?

You missed the point.

Did you have to sit in a Child's Car Seat when you were young?  Did you have to wear a Seat Belt before that was Legislated?  Did you have to wear a helmet to ride your bike when you were a kid?  Did you have to keep your dog on a leash at all time when outside your home?  The Government of today is Legislating "Safety" to keep those who would normally not have the brains to keep themselves safe from injuring themselves.  These are not usually institutionalized people, but everyday 'Joe's' and 'Jill's'.  The Government is over legislating our lives.
Future Unknown said:
people make mistakes, she isn't some stupid "hood" she a 100 lbs blonde teenage suburbanite and she made a massive mistake.

I imagine the joy of having her stomach pumped will probably teach her a lesson. Talking to a paramedic once told me that, he was picking up a 1st year student for the same reason.
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