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So there I was.......

.... but that wasn't fooling anybody, everybody knows the paperless office and the DIN is the best it has ever been, but someday ...
... in the future in an alley far far away, there was a old man, but that is another story so we ...
.... the best best movie to watch with earplugs and a blindfold, we prefer  ...
... like the mime duel from <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aMD4uy-QGc">Eurotrip</a> only more like the one from...
... The Blues Brothers, which was among Belushi's best work but, unfortunately, left on the cutting room floor and forever lost to history ...
...until one day at an archealogical dig someone wearing an Indiana Jones fedora....
.... with unidentifiable stains and pictures of them in use, so we got ...
...by the fact that we had 8 cases of beer, a gymnast sword-swallower and 3 double jointed midgets which when combined with....
...3 cups of extra virgin olive oil, 2 cups of freshly squeezed lemon juice,  1/2 tsp of finely ground black pepper, and a pinch of salt...
... led to us being investigated by the NIS when we attempted to download "instructional" videos from the internet for our little "conference " ...
.. at which point, using a very high priced lawyer paid for by "spillage" from the Sgts Mess bar, we successfully argued that "if the DWAN firewall lets us access theses sites, then they must be approved!"  The NIS then proceeded to.....
... mumble something about recursive logic and lay charges against the national DIN coordinators, who were found in their mothers' basements surrounded by jolt cola cans and empty pizza boxes while the DIN ran on a Commodore 64 networked to a half-dozen modded speak-and-spells ....
...through old 510 set which had been re-engineered as a router...
...replacing the old system of tin cans and binder twine, that has been used for communication since....