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"So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

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Griffon said:
I do have a slight idea as to what the flying duties of an Aurora pilot are, and no the thought of patrolling the Pacific Ocean for illegal fishing doesn't really excite me the way that going up for a BFM flight does.

Can't be fun patrolling the northern Arctic in the middle of winter either.
NINJA said:
Can't be fun patrolling the northern Arctic in the middle of winter either.

Again, how would you know ?

It certainly is long hours but you get to see places no other Canadians will, you get to to see some of the most amazing landscapes in the world. I have seen some pretty amazing things in the North.
Yeah, nothing like seeing miles after miles of snow covered landscape. Oh, and the odd tree. Depends on what you are into i guess.
NINJA said:
Yeah, nothing like seeing miles after miles of snow covered landscape. Oh, and the odd tree. Depends on what you are into i guess.

I've logged alot of hours up north, what about you ?

'nuff said.
NINJA said:
Yeah, nothing like seeing miles after miles of snow covered landscape. Oh, and the odd tree. Depends on what you are into i guess.

I hope you weren't meaning "Christmas Trees".

Perhaps you haven't heard about the TREE LINE.
NINJA said:

When someone wants to talk about fighters , feel free to chime in though. Otherwise, find your lane and stay in it.
@ Welshy, What dergee did you get and where did you get it?

@CDN Aviator, Aurora seems like a comfortable plane to work in, its nice and roomy just so you can walk around and strech, it also got washroom and kitchen at the back right? I wasn't back there when I was on that tour.

Hmm, so why only 12% of pilots go for fighter, is it because its tough?
EStrike101 said:
@CDN Aviator, Aurora seems like a comfortable plane to work in, its nice and roomy just so you can walk around and strech, it also got washroom and kitchen at the back right? I wasn't back there when I was on that tour.

The washroom is up front and the kitchen in the back yeah. It looks pretty roomy but with a full crew on board it gets pretty cramped. It gets even more cramped on deployments when everyone's bags, mission kits, spare parts, food, tool boxes and arctic survival kits ( when required) and the technicians along for the ride. That being said its nice to be able to get up and stretch the legs and have a bite to eat on long flights. But when its 2am and you are down at 200-300 feet chasing a sub in bad weather, its hardly comfortable.

Moody said:
It doesn't provide enough hours to qualify for the Air Canada Training Plan.  ;)

Or maybe its just that some people become pilots to....well......fly !! I'm not a pilot but i sure didnt remuster to aircrew to only spend 200 or so hours flying. I'm sure NINJA can provide more accurate figures on how many flying hours a Hornet driver gets annualy.

EStrike101, I can't speak for all, however, most of the people I have been on course with (the same lot from basic through PFT) don't want jets simply because they do not enjoy them.  

Jets are my last choice for what aircraft I would want to fly.  That being said, I don't really worry about it too much, because BFT is challenging enough on it's own, and in the end I will (provided I pass the course) fly whatever I'm told to, as is the case with everyone else.
How tought are the flight training? I've heard lots of people in here said that. I'm only in grade 12 so I dont know much.
I would be way out of my lane to speculate on who tough Jet Training is.  If Supersonic Max pokes in on this thread he would better be able to give you some detail on that side.

Having only completed Phase 1 (PFT) and on my way to Phase 2 (though having plenty of peers there now) I can safely say that it's tough.  I really can't compare it to anything.  Lets just say it's both mentally and physically demanding.  I'm sure though that this can be said of just about any military course.
NINJA said:
Yeah, nothing like seeing miles after miles of snow covered landscape. Oh, and the odd tree. Depends on what you are into i guess.

  I've tagged along on a couple of NORPATs....  it's great fun for a while, but I wouldn't want to do it all the time.  Great fun when they get a contact and scream down to take a peek....  good times when they're cranking around in salt spray... but there are some pretty long stretches of straight and level in between.  I'm glad I got to see it, but again I wouldn't want it for a full time gig.
EStrike101 said:
Hmm, so why only 12% of pilots go for fighter, is it because its tough?

Because 88% of pilots want to deploy. (Cheap shot for my fast jest friends).

Let me count the reasons.

1. Cold Lake
2. Cold lake en francais
3. It is a old air frame.
4. Because the BS doesn't stop after CYMJ.
5. Demographics - There are a lot more older guys going through the pipe- with wives and kids who don't want that lifestyle.
6. 410
7. There are many hipper jobs (are kids these days still using the word hip- I'm so old) for guys with wings.
8. Better flying in the helo world
9. More flying in the helo world.

I'll stop there,
Bograt said:
1. Cold Lake It's what you make of it.
2. Cold lake en Francois I'd much rather take 3 Wing than Cold Lake
3. It is a old air frame. What isn't in the Air Force
4. Because the BS doesn't stop after CYMJ.
5. Demographics - There are a lot more older guys going through the pipe- with wives and kids who don't want that lifestyle.
6. 410 Nothing wrong with that sqn as far I'm concerned.
7. There are many hipper jobs (are kids these days still using the word hip- I'm so old) for guys with wings. If flying a fighter plane isn't hip, I don't know what is.
8. Better flying in the helo world How so?
9. More flying in the helo world.Our fighter jocks get more than enough hours to make them sick. We don't have too many drivers sitting around the sqn right now waiting for serviceable aircraft.

Just my take.  ;)
Please please please! Don't get into a pissing contest! It's all about how you fit into a community or if the said community wants you... Each one has his positives and bad sides depending on your point of view somes have more negatives than positives...

As for who fly the most, well it's like compairing orange and apple... That being said, at the moment, helicopters and multi-engine are more deployed than the fighters.

But back on my community loyalty and we always need pilots going jets to fill-up Cold Lake so people that dont want to go jets  can go elsewhere!  ;D

pipstah said:
! Don't get into a pissing contest!

Far from it, i'm just tired of people assuming they know what we do when they clearly dont.
are kids these days still using the word hip- I'm so old
Just throw the word "Yo" in front of your next statement and add in the word "sick" to describe something that was "cool" in our days.

For instance:

Yo...Flyin' a 188 for the forces would be sick.

I got my fill of youth related terminology at the mess this evening. I think I am getting the hang of it. (or not)
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