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"So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

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Reaper-1 said:
Looks like there might be good news for us pilot hopefuls - I was looking at forces.ca today and noticed they had pilot as the "featured job" both under that tab and on the front page. Maybe recruiting will be good in the coming FY. Also, it looks like they updated their jobs list with new in demand jobs and have a section that says "jobs currently available in the following occupations" but still haven't put the "accepting applications" checkmark beside anything. Wierd.

Yup, I've seen that they updated the "in demand" jobs. That's a fairly recent addition since I remember the last "in demand" list was unchanged for quite a long time. Notice though that Pilot doesn't have that red star next to it. And probably never will, considering how there never seems to be a shortage of interested and eligible folks for this trade. Pretty cool that Pilot is under the "Featured Job" tab - is that a new tab on the website? Note that Pilot has been on the front page for many months now, always the first out of the four pictures too. And they would update the image every 1-2 weeks, or maybe they have it programmed to change on its own. I'm not sure if this has any meaning for the Pilot profession in particular, or if it just looks nice for a front page. I probably wouldn't think too much into it, but of course it's a great idea to remain hopeful!

On a different note, I'm headed to ASC on Jan 13 for the Jan 14-18 Aircrew Selection. Anyone here going that week? I am studying the booklet, but also want to book some time on a sim and/or Cessna. Think it will be worth it? I've seen many opinions on that here, so I guess you don't really have to answer. Just wondering if there are any fresh takes on that. My priority is The Booklet and some MS Flight Simulator X time.

Good luck everyone, and Happy New Year! :)
Gunshark said:
Yup, I've seen that they updated the "in demand" jobs. That's a fairly recent addition since I remember the last "in demand" list was unchanged for quite a long time. Notice though that Pilot doesn't have that red star next to it. And probably never will, considering how there never seems to be a shortage of interested and eligible folks for this trade. Pretty cool that Pilot is under the "Featured Job" tab - is that a new tab on the website? Note that Pilot has been on the front page for many months now, always the first out of the four pictures too. And they would update the image every 1-2 weeks, or maybe they have it programmed to change on its own. I'm not sure if this has any meaning for the Pilot profession in particular, or if it just looks nice for a front page. I probably wouldn't think too much into it, but of course it's a great idea to remain hopeful!

On a different note, I'm headed to ASC on Jan 13 for the Jan 14-18 Aircrew Selection. Anyone here going that week? I am studying the booklet, but also want to book some time on a sim and/or Cessna. Think it will be worth it? I've seen many opinions on that here, so I guess you don't really have to answer. Just wondering if there are any fresh takes on that. My priority is The Booklet and some MS Flight Simulator X time.

Good luck everyone, and Happy New Year! :)

I am going to ASC on Sunday. I have read the booklet a few times and done a lot of practice with a joystick on Flight Simulator to get use to do the crosscheck on the instruments.

I went for a 2 hours on a sim with an instructor today but it wasn't working properly, so tomorrow I've book another session with another flying school. I will post here again during next week to let you know it worth it!
When I did my ASC I was going to do some sim time before hand but I wasn't able to, and so instead just did some microsoft flight simulator runs (about an hour/day for the week before) with my very unsophisticated playstation controller. I dunno how your learning styles are but I found that to help tremendously. If you can make it to a sim you should probably do it but if not, I think it's almost essential to do some microsoft flight sim practice. Read through the book but don't stress over it as the book material will be well-explained before each sim session. Please update us here if the ASC officers provide any info on upcoming selections.
If I may shamelessly advertise my post in another section of this forum... >:D

In an attempt to dig deeper into the life of a CF pilot, I posted several questions that have to do with the aspects of pilot's life that are not related to things like training and flying missions. But more to things like personal life and perhaps the bigger picture.

I am advertising the link here because I saw that a lot of currently serving pilots have posted in this topic. So I'm just trying to grab their attention! :) Thanks a lot guys, much appreciated.
So I've finally finished reading this entire thread - phew! It took so long, some things are a blur. Quick silly question - what exactly is OJT and what does it stand for? From the context, it seems to be a ground tour while waiting for PFT or BFT. Please elaborate if you could. Thank you.
OJT is "on the job training" aka administrative work or some other type of busy work that you don't need special training to do and do while you wait for your courses to start.
Are there OJE options for pilots at Petawawa? I'd love to get some helo squadron experience this summer before heading to MJ, while attempting to stay within the geographic region of SW Ontario that my wife will be in (getting sent on a restricted posting). Didn't realize how tough picking 3 choices would be, lol.
Petawawa is in Eastern Ontario....not exactly SW :)

Perhaps Borden or Trenton might be a better option.
Ok, so I'll share some info I heard recently from someone associated with recruiting. Don't quote me on this, this is just what I've been told, and a big Thank You to the person who provided the info.

There are around 70 (plus, minus...) DEO pilots positions projected for the next CF fiscal year. The CF fiscal years starts on Apr 1. A Selection Board will meet on Feb 27 to pick pilots for the next fiscal year, and anywhere from days to weeks later, the job offers should start flowing in. Typically about a week or so later.

I have no info with regards to ROTP, this is just for DEO. I also do not know when the next selection after Feb 27 might be.

If anyone has furhter info, please feel free to contribute. Cheers.
Hi I'm 18, holding with an 80 average in grade 11 and ive just applied for the reserves in the combat engineer regiment (33rd). My training should start in the upcoming summer.

I'm really looking into a career as a pilot (preferably jet) and I was wondering if I should enter RMC and whether or not being in the reserves has any positive or negative influences on getting into the pilot trade. What options should I be looking at?

I understand there are a lot of threads already on the So you wanna be a pilot subject, but i'd like to find some more case-specific info

if you had took the time to read those other topics , you would have see that MANY of them are exactly like you ......
Sorry ? :p from what I've read there aren't any of them who are in high school, enrolled into the reserves. Most are contemplating whether or not they should join the reserves and apply for a trade transfer, which is quite different from my situation
There are several threads on people in high school considering joining the Reserves and contemplating going Reg, ROTP or whatever.  Maybe they don't want to be a pilot, but still are still in a situation quite similar to yours.

Try looking at the ROTP and Res/Reg threads.  Just my  :2c:

It seems that the discussion focus is mostly on the flying, but what are the Pilot's officer/leadership duties?

I understand that it's not quite comparable to an Army officer who may have command of, say, 40 people? So then, where do the Pilot's leadership duties lie? I would assume Pilots are leaders of their on-board crew and possibly some ground personnel. Is that correct?

Sorry if this is not the brighest question. Pilot officer role has just always been a little unclear to me and I want to clear it up. Thanks.
Gunshark said:

It seems that the discussion focus is mostly on the flying, but what are the Pilot's officer/leadership duties?

I understand that it's not quite comparable to an Army officer who may have command of, say, 40 people? So then, where do the Pilot's leadership duties lie? I would assume Pilots are leaders of their on-board crew and possibly some ground personnel. Is that correct?

Sorry if this is not the brighest question. Pilot officer role has just always been a little unclear to me and I want to clear it up. Thanks.

From what I've seen, it will depend on what community you're talking about.  Pilots will become Aircraft Commanders and possibly Crew Commanders.  I say "possibly" because depending on qualifications, an ACSO may be CC or Mission Commander while a Pilot is AC; this happens often in Aurora and Sea King communities.  As Pilots rise up the ranks, they'll be flight commanders, etc. and so have admin responsibilities as well.

So, in general, a junior Pilot won't have much in the way of leadership as what is taught in Basic, and will have little to no interaction with the ground crew depending on community (I'd say Sea Kings, Tac Hel may be different as they are at sea/in the field.)  The bulk of the "leadership" stuff will come as AC, CC and Flt Cdr, etc. later on.
Your PER score will depend upon your abilities as Squadron Cookie O and second language skill.
Alright thanks guys.

Is it true in the military, as in civil aviation, that the pilot is the one ultimately responsible for the aircraft and crew safety? I am assuming those would lie under Aircraft Commander's responsiblities.
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