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"So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

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Correct me if im wrong but i think,really not sure about it but  ,  you  have a waiting period of a few months ... maybe a years , if you  had eye surgery... but once again im really not sure about this .
M.Hamada said:
So you don't need 20/20 vision but you can't do laser surgery? I don't have 20/20 vision but I see pretty well and I never have to wear glasses, however I wanted to do laser surgery to get the best possible eye vision for the sake of the job, does this mean I can't be a pilot?

Yes you can do eye surgery, or be a V2. If the correction you need is very small, you may not be eligible for surgery anyhow depending on the clinic or procedure. Waiting period post-surgery is 6 months.

Lots of guys I've done courses with wear glasses, or have been zapped (like me).
Melbatoast, thanks for the info, this changes a lot.

I guess I'm definitely not gonna be sworn by next school year if I do surgery in the summer, maybe I should look into joining after first year of university, or maybe just apply when I'm done as a DEO. I hope that I get to speak with a recruiter at the office during any time during this process, I'm not too sure what options I really have.. I'm starting to think that getting an engineering degree is a waste of time, I could spend less time getting a degree in aviation and even learn how to fly if I do Seneca's program, and then becoming a pilot.. Although like I said, I think I'll wait until I get to speak with the recruiter before making any decisions.

Thanks for those who've read and helped and I hope this in any way helped others.
762foryou said:
Som1 deleted my post.. 24hours ago. No freedom of speech by badass mods?

Som1? Badass mods? Things like that is what gets your posts removed. Read the rules before posting next time if you actually want help on this site or don't bother posting at all. Nobody here owes you anything so don't start posting like they do.
You've got a lot of blank spaces in your signature.

In other words, lots of hoops to jump through in a very very competitive and challenging trade.  Have a backup plan (ie don't ditch engineering as a waste of time).
762foryou said:
Som1 deleted my post.. 24hours ago. No freedom of speech by badass mods?

I do not know which of us "badass mods" deleted your precious post, but I have reviewed it and would have done the same had I seen it first. It was nothing but incomprehensible gibberish, and painful to read.

There is nothing "badass" about us. I am, for example, one of the nicest, helpful, caring, and sensitive people that you could ever hope to meet in the CF. We are here, however, to maintain the standards of this Site. Those standards reflect those of the CF. Either accept that, and comply, or leave. There are plenty of other sites around on which you can spew whatever nonsense that you wish, but we will not suffer fools here.

You will use either proper English or proper French. If neither is your native tongue, we will take that into account, however you will use proper words and not MSN-speak, compose coherent and properly-constructed and properly-punctuated sentences, and correct spelling. There is a spell-checker provided at no extra cost.

Lastly, freedom of speech does not apply here. It is a privately-owned site, and you are a guest. Feel free to start your own if you do not like that.
Hey folks,

I'm 28 and have been mulling over my options for my application. I already applied under ROTP for this fall semester, but going to withdraw it to possibly apply again for a later semester/year. My grades are simply not up to snuff to be competitive for this position. There are affordable online courses I can take to improve them, but I need some advice.

The way I see it I have two options: a) Improve my ENG4U and MCF31, reapply under ROTP or b) Take the required courses (65% average minimum) and apply under CEOTP. It appears that CEOTP is not always available as an application option. However recruiters are often citing this as a possible application step. So is it available or not? Forces.ca seems to imply that currently Pilots are only being recruited under DEP and ROTP. Can anyone clarify this?

Atominthesky said:
Hey folks,

I'm 28 and have been mulling over my options for my application. I already applied under ROTP for this fall semester, but going to withdraw it to possibly apply again for a later semester/year. My grades are simply not up to snuff to be competitive for this position. There are affordable online courses I can take to improve them, but I need some advice.

The way I see it I have two options: a) Improve my ENG4U and MCF31, reapply under ROTP or b) Take the required courses (65% average minimum) and apply under CEOTP. It appears that CEOTP is not always available as an application option. However recruiters are often citing this as a possible application step. So is it available or not? Forces.ca seems to imply that currently Pilots are only being recruited under DEP and ROTP. Can anyone clarify this?


CEOTP/AEAD Pilot is definitely an available option if you wish to choose that path.
Hello Recruiters,

I am very interested in joining the Air Force as a pilot and applied this past Sunday to the direct entry officer program. I have an advanced diploma (3 years) in Aviation Management from Georgian College and a Canadian Commercial Helicopter Pilot's licence (Bell 206 endorsed).

My first question is will you accept an advanced diploma for the direct entry officer program or does it need to be university? Also, what are the current operational needs for air force pilots either jets, transport or rotor, and how long does it generally take to hear from a recruiter? Many thanks for your response.
Good day DaveAB86,

Welcome to the “Ask a CAF Recruiter” section. The members tagged as “CAF Recruiter” are official Canadian Armed Forces recruiters. They will identify themselves with their rank, first name and the Forces.ca avatar. In order to best answer questions, there are some rules that need to be adhered to.

This section is for persons who have questions about joining the Canadian Armed Forces, occupations, different enrolment programs, and prerequisites. Much of the information can be found at Forces.ca, or the Recruiting FAQ and wiki section of this site. Before you ask a question, you should be searching the forum or the Forces.ca website for these answers.

We will not answer questions about technical difficulties with the application process, or the website. We will not answer questions about difficulties contacting your recruiting centre or general inquires with regards to your current application or file. These questions can be asked here: http://forces.ca/en/page/contactus-73
DaveAB86 said:
Hello Recruiters,

I am very interested in joining the Air Force as a pilot and applied this past Sunday to the direct entry officer program. I have an advanced diploma (3 years) in Aviation Management from Georgian College and a Canadian Commercial Helicopter Pilot's licence (Bell 206 endorsed).

My first question is will you accept an advanced diploma for the direct entry officer program or does it need to be university? Also, what are the current operational needs for air force pilots either jets, transport or rotor, and how long does it generally take to hear from a recruiter? Many thanks for your response.

Long story short.....NO, college diploma's will not qualify you to become a Commissioned Officer in the CF.  You must possess the relevant undergraduate degree granted by a recognized Canadian Academic Institution.


With respect to your recently submitted application, it can take 2-3 weeks before you will be contacted.
I was worried that might be the case. Looks like I'll have to explore the option of an upgrade from diploma to degree. Thank you for the quick response.
DaveAB86 said:
I was worried that might be the case. Looks like I'll have to explore the option of an upgrade from diploma to degree. Thank you for the quick response.

Let me help you out ---->  http://www.georgiancollege.ca/admissions/credit-transfer/articulation-and-transfer-agreements-tab

Here are the "preferred" degrees required to apply for DEO Pilot...

Any Bachelor of Engineering degree
•Any Bachelor of Science degree
•Bachelor of Aviation degree
•Bachelor of Arts in any of the following:
o Business Administration
o Military and Strategic Studies
o English
o French
o History
o Political Science
o Economics
o Military Psychology and Leadership

The CF will also accept "Any baccalaureate degree".  You do not need to have the actual degree to apply but as a minimum, you MUST have started your final year of studies before you can apply.

Good luck!
I too went to Georgian College for Aviation Management (2002). After Georgian I went to U of T to do a BA in History. U of T gave me enough transfer credits to write off basically the first year and I finished the remaining 2 years worth in about 6 years working full-time doing other things. Even at that time the quality and availability of online degrees was not there but if I were doing it now, I would probably finish my degree though an online program such as the one offered by Embry-Riddle which has an articulation agreement with Georgian. (As I'm sure you are tracking). Alternatively, check out Athabaska if you want something in Canada. Going through a school that has an articulation agreement rather then applying somewhere will probably result in substantially less courses on your part.

Best of luck!
DAA said:
Long story short.....NO, college diploma's will not qualify you to become a Commissioned Officer in the CF.  You must possess the relevant undergraduate degree granted by a recognized Canadian Academic Institution.

As jeffb mentioned (thanks Jeff by the way) my college has an articulation agreement with Embry Riddle in the U.S. Is the "Canadian Academic Institution" stipulation a necessisty or would you conisder and american Bachelor of Sceince?
DaveAB86 said:
As jeffb mentioned (thanks Jeff by the way) my college has an articulation agreement with Embry Riddle in the U.S. Is the "Canadian Academic Institution" stipulation a necessisty or would you conisder and american Bachelor of Sceince?

The degree must be granted by a recognized Canadian Academic Institution.  Should you obtain the degree outside of Canada, I'm inclined to think that they are going to want an Academic Credential Assessment, which is going to cost you a few bucks.

www.cicic.ca  or www.wes.org
DAA said:
The degree must be granted by a recognized Canadian Academic Institution.  Should you obtain the degree outside of Canada, I'm inclined to think that they are going to want an Academic Credential Assessment, which is going to cost you a few bucks.

www.cicic.ca  or www.wes.org
Sounds like I have my work cut out for me. Thanks DAA
DaveAB86 said:
Sounds like I have my work cut out for me. Thanks DAA

It's not that simple, yet.  You still need to score sufficiently high enough on the CFAT and TSD to even be considered.  And if you make it past that point, then comes Aircrew Selection.

As a minimum, I'd try and find some way to write the CFAT/TSD before you consider spending money on pursuing a degree for a career that you may not be eligible for right from the start.

It's a tough call.......
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