Hello, I'm seeking information in regards to the direction that would help me become a pilot. I know many people say it’s an oversubscribed field, but I've made up my mind to achieve this goal, and will not back-down.
Currently I am enrolled in University, and want to begin applying for the pilot position, or setting myself up to head towards this direction. I've been told I have a few options at this point, such as the CEOTP or ROTP programs.
Here is a list of the ambiguities I have in regards to making the right decision for what I want to achieve.
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[*] Can I choose to pay for my own education in the ROTP, rather than having it subsidized?
[*] Should I wait to apply in my last year of studies for conditional DEO entry?
[*] If I do not apply right now, should I enlist in the air reserves in my area?
[*] If I join the ROTP program, and do not get accepted as a pilot, can I just walk away? (Because I won’t do anything else, besides be a pilot)
Also, if there are any suggestions into activities, or groups, et cetera, that I should partake and further explore that may benefit heading towards a career as a pilot. Please let me know!!!!
Thanks in advance to all those who took the time to reply, and help me clarify certain ambiguities.