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Soldier Qualification Course (Questions & Answers)

Would like the low down on the "new" divisional training SQ school. It wasnt implemented when I went through St.Jean
and I was wondering what the deal is?
I will be going element ARMY as a med tech and from what I have heard about SQ the element matters. Where are these schools?
How long is the program? And what are the core courses? Did older soldier have to retake this after its implementation.
Is SQ training like an annual training thing?

Any input on the SQ course would be appreciated.
Felt old before thinkin about re-enlisting but shit now I think I'm gonna have to get some Grecian 5.

Thanks again folks,

Mike the medic
Just for you Mike the Medic, I have done a quick search using the SEARCH FUNCTION and found all these answers for you and merged them all together so that you will not have to use any of those natural abilities that the CF looks for in its' Recruits.  Have a good read.
Hello,I'm probably in the wrong section for this question but, I was wondering if there was any possible way to sign up for the recruitments online from home, I am very new to this site also new to the whole Army idea!
If there is anyone here who could help me in any chance that would be very good. Thank you muchly.
-Alex 8)
You can apply online by going to:


they give full instructions and that site has everything you could ever want to know about signing up
Hey guys I was wondering if there was a time period in between BMQ and SQ? OR does it depend on staffing and where you are going? Also I'm going for 043 cmbt engr and I was wondering where I would do my SQ? THanks all for the insightful information. :D

armyrules said:
Hey guys I was wondering if there was a time period in between BMQ and SQ? OR does it depend on staffing and where you are going? Also I'm going for 043 cmbt engr and I was wondering where I would do my SQ? THanks all for the insightful information. :D


No there is not any set time in between. The problem is we are so back logged on Sq's. You may o r may not be going to gagetown. Gagetown at LFAATC is the center of excellence for Sq's. And I'm pretty sure you do your engineer training here as well. The course is roughly 6 weeks long (give or take a holiday). Weapons training, a couple of overnights in the field. The last 2 weeks are in the field, the first week is a learning week. The second is full tactical, applying all your skills you have been taught. There is also a lot of ranges and roughly a PO check a week. Also inspections in the morning followed by PT in the afternoon. The information comes fast and furious, so you have to be on your toes. Instructors at LFAATC are firm but fare, and have no problems coming in the evenings if you need help, or some corrective training lol.

Hope this helps.
If you have any more questions feel free to PM me
does any one here know when the next SQ is going to be, and if there is still openings for this course

Ok I see a lot of confusion in this thread,so maybe I can help.

-There is no driver courses offered on the SQ course.
-Weapons learned C-7, C-6, and C-9
-There are 2 weeks Monday to Friday in the field overnight.
-There is also an overnighter in the middle of the course. It is used for winter warfare.(although you do a summer course you still do this)
-2 ranges where you shoot the C-7 PWT and a famil shoot on the C-6 and C-9 on another day.
- There are reservists placed on the reg force course
- Complete the express test before you start the course.
-BET is to be completed on course

This is all I can think of right now. Anymore questions and I will try to answer.
steve29 said:
-There is no driver courses offered on the SQ course.
-Weapons learned C-7, C-6, and C-9
-There are 2 weeks Monday to Friday in the field overnight.
-There is also an overnighter in the middle of the course. It is used for winter warfare.(although you do a summer course you still do this)
-2 ranges where you shoot the C-7 PWT and a famil shoot on the C-6 and C-9 on another day.
- There are reservists placed on the reg force course
- Complete the express test before you start the course.
-BET is to be completed on course

Actually, I think they're having a bit of trouble standardizing the format across the country. For example, I completed my SQ this summer in Dundurn Saskatchewan, where we did a single, five day field ex, no overnighter, no C7 shoot, our course was 100% reservists, and there was no express test.

Maybe what you called out was the standard, or by the book, but according to my experiance, that's not what happened. Cheers.
There are differences between Reserve and Regular SQs, its the whole time thing. I had a 4 week SQ covering C9, C6, Carl G, Grenades, dismounted offensive and defensive ops, basic patrolling and basic basic FIBUA with a 10 day ex with the first 5 days being learning the last 5 days being tactical against the CATS ISM enemy force in both a FOB and Camp environment. In addition there was a fitness eval but no BFT.

Firehose as much information in as possible, then play catchup at the unit at ELOC.

Are the Reg SQs covering M72s now?
SQ is the same as basic right?  If so, does anyone know what the basic training dates are going to be for the 2007 summer?  I'm trying to find out if it will conflict with a rugby trip i was gonna go on in early July.  I have to find this out soon, and I cant find this information anywere.  ???

I guess i should add that its for infantry reserves... if that makes a difference.
You are joining the Reserves.  Reserves have time in the Summer to Train.  Using some simple logic, that places the course dates in the months of July and August.  If the course is four weeks long, you can plan on being away for four weeks in that eight week period.  All courses are usually done so that the personnel can take part in a week long Area Exercise in mid to late August.  This would put all courses in the early July time slot for Start Dates.  In other words, FORGET ABOUT your RUGBY trip.
Zertz said:
There are differences between Reserve and Regular SQs, its the whole time thing. I had a 4 week SQ covering C9, C6, Carl G, Grenades, dismounted offensive and defensive ops, basic patrolling and basic basic FIBUA with a 10 day ex with the first 5 days being learning the last 5 days being tactical against the CATS ISM enemy force in both a FOB and Camp environment. In addition there was a fitness eval but no BFT.

Firehose as much information in as possible, then play catchup at the unit at ELOC.

Are the Reg SQs covering M72s now?

There is no Carl G taught on SQ and Canada hasn't used the word FIBUA in years, it is called urban operations. I'm going to get a schedule here scan it and put it up. I'm on my DP3A right now so won't be for 5 more weeks but I'll get it up to stop all this confusion, because some people make me laugh when they reply when they don't know what they are talking about. I wouldn't have the nerve to do that, I would only want to pass on correct info. :-[
George Wallace said:
You are joining the Reserves.  Reserves have time in the Summer to Train.  Using some simple logic, that places the course dates in the months of July and August.  If the course is four weeks long, you can plan on being away for four weeks in that eight week period.  All courses are usually done so that the personnel can take part in a week long Area Exercise in mid to late August.  This would put all courses in the early July time slot for Start Dates.  In other words, FORGET ABOUT your RUGBY trip.

Aww... i had a feeling that would be the case.  :(  Thanks for the reply and putting up with my poor logic... never been a strong point for me.  :P
steve29 said:
There is no Carl G taught on SQ and Canada hasn't used the word FIBUA in years, it is called urban operations. I'm going to get a schedule here scan it and put it up. I'm on my DP3A right now so won't be for 5 more weeks but I'll get it up to stop all this confusion, because some people make me laugh when they reply when they don't know what they are talking about. I wouldn't have the nerve to do that, I would only want to pass on correct info. :-[

I was instructed on 84mm SRAAW Recoilless Rifle on SQ as a PO with test (TOET style) and tracer famil shoot for all and cement head for the Royal Winnipeg Rifles and Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders candiidates. This was on 38 CBG Reserve SQ 0330 in August of this year. Additionally there was elementary urban ops which was tacked on during the first field ex (5 day instructional) with no in class and no PO check. Apologies for using the colloquial/outdated terms.

Edit: Edited for clarity.
84mm is NOT a current PO in the SQ course, reg or reserve. If the unit that trained so did put it as a PO then they goofed. It was a PO in 2002 but removed shortly after. Check the CTP (current).
Ah, looks like the staff made a bit of an error then. Thanks for clarifying.