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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

Happy members of the Zen Force,

Greetings from Gallipoli Barracks!

OWDU is stuck in the duty room as DO. Hard to comprehend that less than a week ago I was back in dear ole Saskatchewan, rednecking, swilling and shooting. That was such fun to unwind with a Pilsner in hand :). A land of radar detectors, speeding, and much lawless fun.

As the McClean brothers once said... ah, bitter reality.

Meanwhile after a regimental rugby match this arvo ( it went into OT  :o) , I can hear the base from the speakers 'thumping' (ACDC) in our outdoor boozer, and the lads are howling into a late August winter's evening.

Hope no one steps on their dick tonight, I want and DEMAND a quiet tour. Meanwhile some of the Lads have headed down to the Normanby (google Normanby Brisbane) Hotel, so something wicked this way does cometh, its a problem for drunken soldiers vs drunken civvy males.

Happy days from OWDU

Taking over the world.

Uh, going to go play Guitar Hero, yeah, thats it... :D

STILL setting up OPME courses for Fall.... it's never going to end!!! hahaa.........  :blotto:
muffin said:
STILL setting up OPME courses for Fall.... it's never going to end!!! hahaa.........  :blotto:

Well, I did get 5 email notifications yesterday afternoon that "you've been enrolled in DND Learn."

I was thinking ... Muffin must need a break, or a beer, or BOTH!!

muffin said:
STILL setting up OPME courses for Fall.... it's never going to end!!! hahaa.........  :blotto:

Did i mention i am done those....... ;D
In St.John's, NL...best man for my best friend's wedding...rehearsal in an hour...best..time..ever

man...I gotta sober up before Saturday....

ArmyVern said:
Well, I did get 5 email notifications yesterday afternoon that "you've been enrolled in DND Learn."

I was thinking ... Muffin must need a break, or a beer, or BOTH!!


I must not be that popular AV...I only got 2  ;D
Eye In The Sky said:
I must not be that popular AV...I only got 2  ;D

HAHA ... I am not done the imports yet folks... they will be done today though. All internet courses are done - just finishing the onsite ones. All should be done this morning... assuming I get off this site and get my ass to work ;) hahah
Sitting on a train on my way to Guelph to get ready for the upcoming year.
I`m working (kinda) at my new tasking. Tasking the PAT/PAR Coy at CFLRS. I now have an office all to myself...at least until Tuesday.
Heading off for two weeks leave in about 20 minutes!!!
waiting for the dang blasted cleaner that seems to know everytime I need it to finish cleaning the heads so I can get changed and go home.
Welcoming 18,000 students back to the U of Gee  Guelph campus!!

Good Luck to all new and returning ROTP students! :)

(Classes start today.)
About to go for a run and stare help welcome some of the students back..... >:D
Bruce Monkhouse said:
About to go for a run and stare help welcome some of the students back..... >:D

Bruce, I saw a T-shirt you might like to wear while running today. It reads: "Please Tell Your Breasts to Stop Staring At My Eyes." >:D
Maybe Mike can get it made for swag with the Army.ca logo applied.

(Insider info: The U of G female to male ratio is 60/40.)