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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

Its funny isnt it? The way language and speech become independant of the original influence. If i hadnt had an Irish mother i'd have been in a hell of a lot of trouble hanging out with Newfies when i was in Canada, but as it my mums accent helped me get it pretty quick.
When i was in Ireland, all the relo's would ask my brother and i to slow down and speak "properly" as we both had quite strong Austrlalian country accents then. And i remember the feeling of panic when a Newf that i lived with in Canada told me my accent was getting Canadianised and losing its Australianism.
Our voices really do define us.
But back to the topic, right now i'm trying to figure out when i'll be able to come back to Canada again. I'm comparing my bank balance to the plane fare... and unfortunately both are about even.
I need to get back over there, i've been saying it for 2 years now and i really have to do something about it!

If you would stop spending your hard earned cash on grog, porno, and in brothels, maybe you'd have a few quid to save  ;D


Ah, the life of a single shack-rat rogue blackhatter!

I might pop in to the barbie at the 41 Club after 1130h tomorrow, then move on to the Newmarket Hotel for the 1400 swill that TST are promoting.

Enjoy your parade in the morning. I wonder how many poor souls will kiss the bitumen with the heat and all. It was another shocker today or what!

Remember to hydrate (with water not beer).

Cheers/beers etc,

Water not beer you say? Hmm, better look into that then...
For the friendly Canadian readers out there, Overwatch Downunder is talking about the parade rehearsal that our (my?) Light Horse Regiment did today. 90minutes in the sun and the boys were dropping like flies. We had 5 in my Squadron alone, 3 of whom went in for big face plants. And we were out scored by the other squadrons. Hell, we even had a horse almost go down it was so hot!
Tomorrow will go for at least 2 hours they reckon and its going to be another hot day. So right now i'm drinking the water that my good comrade in arms has perscribed and making peace with any God that'll allow a man to stand, in high shine boots and dress uniform, for more then two hours in 30degree heat. Buddha is my best bet but even he's a bit dodgy, He perscribes sitting more then anything else i believe.
I've never gone down before though, and i'll be buggered if i'll go down tomorrow.
Heh... never seen a horse do a face plant (aka Nose Dive) - could be interesting ;D

My fav was watching a Guardsman doing a plant (many hears ago).  Came down so rigid & straight that he bounced and broke his nose - though I am uncertain as to which plant did the nose in.
Waiting around for THE CALL and debating wether I should be decorating for christmas or packing up the house.  :crybaby:
Maybe I can chop down a mini tree...  :D
procrastinating.  I'm waiting for the hubby to come online and debating when to put the window lights up.  All the decorations are up save those.  tree, outside lights (that was fun for 5'2" me), garland, and of course mistletoe.  :D  Also getting ready to work on some math problems in preparation for my CFAT.
Getting ready for another two-hour drive to Kingston.  Of course, I don't mind getting out of Ottawa for the weekends.  ;D
Last min touches on Kids party for tomorrow for the unit, last min prep for Mixed Mess dinner, and squashing rumours about the last people killed and injured.  "Op Sec" people just don't get it.
0701 h, Sat 06 Dec

Rev 0415 h.

Completed household duties ( includes clean toilets  ;D ), currently baking fresh bread, and been for a swim already.

METREP today is a humid and happy 35C, rained like buggary last night, all laundry on the line is still saturated.

Discovered ant nest in study closet abouty an hour ago, said nest now neutralised  :rocket: .

Hosting a few neighbours this arvo for a swim and a few snags on the barbie.

About to pull thru the ME CC Mk1, then might have a nana nap as I have been awake for hours already, and I had a late night in front of the TV.

Rejoicing in the single life on a tropical island www.bribie.com.au, I answer to no one except my two Siamese cats.

I'm baaaccccckkkk.  >:D

And busily sifting through upteen thousand pages of new posts ...  :-X

1126 h  METREP sunny and now 33C.

Enjoying warm fresh bread and CC and Pepsi Max to wash it down  ;D

Love this heat!!

Just returning from a Timmies run, had my Lg Blk 2 Sugar.  I may or may not have (mostly may) partied a bit too hard at brother in-law's 30th last night. Lucky for me though, it was a downhill walk home.

Work in a little while. Hopefully it won't be as busy as hockey night across the street.
Welcome back, Vern.

Getting my DEU's back together after picking them up from the cleaners for the Men's Soldiers Christmas Dinner tonight.
NFLD Sapper said:
Getting my DEU's back together after picking them up from the cleaners for the Men's Soldiers Christmas Festive Dinner tonight.

There, fixed that for you.  Our MCpls and below had their "Jr Ranks Appreciation Dinner" on Thursday.  ::)
NFLD Sapper said:
"Bah, humbug!"

I agree! 
We're calling ours the "Men's Christmas Dinner" but that's just out unit I'll check the official terminology on Mon.