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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

Contemplating what nasty reactions I might get from the neighbor if the Disturbance Bylaws enforcement officer ends up having to talk to him to get him to fall in to the regulations like everybody else has to and neighbor will know exactly who complained (moi) and I expect I'll be on the receiving end of payback behaviors for having complained. Sigh. All of my attempts to reason and get results have bombed so I turned to the bylaws folks to see if maybe they can talk to him and get him to listen to them. That would be nice and might work to prevent the radio/stereo plugged in and playing huge volume by my entrance so noise is way too disturbing even with all doors and windows closed.

Am thinking how much I hate complaining or asking people to tone things down when there are reasonable laws and rules to back the requests and especially drunk hotheads feel the complaint is wrong NOT breaking the regulations ARGH! Some people just get rebellious because they just don't want to ruin their fun by having to abide by rules everyone else has to live by, yet funny how they are first to go for the big guns to complain whjen others disturb them hey? Something amiss with that attitude methinks  ;D

There, that was my cranky moment after more than 5 hours of amplified disturbance. I feel better now ... thanks for letting me whinge  :crybaby: ;D

Also wondering what kind of job I could be capable of learning to do, and get asap, with my disabilities I now have. Feeling challenged ... but not hopeless ;)

I hope you all had a good weekend!!!
Vets Dottir said:
There, that was my cranky moment after more than 5 hours of amplified disturbance.

Uhhhh Ohhhh. You don't happen to live in Pet next to a house that had a big party Saturday night do you; I thought we invited all the neighbours!!  8)
ArmyVern said:
Uhhhh Ohhhh. You don't happen to live in Pet next to a house that had a big party Saturday night do you; I thought we invited all the neighbours!!  8)

Yep I do and nope you didn't invite me so the bylaws folks will come visit you. I'm sending them for you ... have your check book ready to pay the disturbance penalty fine. That'll teach ya for not inviting me!  ;D ... just kidding. I'm in BC and too pooped to party anyways  :crybaby:  ;D
Today I spent the day with someone who is very dear to me.  She is an older woman (70's) and I absolutely love spending time with her.  She showed me how to cook a dish she likes to make, we watched an older movie and shared a bowl of popcorn, we talked about recipes and shared lots of laughs.  I love how she laughs and her husband has such a nice smile, they are both so nice and their nephew (he stopped by briefly later in the day) was most kind.  Oh... and her husband showed me some family photographs; some of my hobby interests are scrapbooking, family history and photography, so of course, I really enjoyed getting to view their family photographs and hear some of their memories and family stories. 

It was nice to have such a supper day- it really brightened my spirit.  I sure needed a day like this; just a simple day, but filled with lots of love and new memories.  :) 
'Early to bed, early to rise', would definitely apply to me on most days.  Today the dishes were done, laundry was done, bed was made, I was dressed, had eaten breakfast, dogs were fed and had my teeth brushed by 5:30am. My alarm goes off at 5am, but it isn't uncommon for me to wake up one or two hours before the alarm goes off; depends on the day (though I do have my sleep-in-days now and then).  Am I a morning person or what!  ;D  I was also out the door by 5:40am.  I love it when days are productive!  ;D

Currently, I'm enjoying a cup of tea while I wait for my lunch.

Have a super day everyone!  ;D
Sunday, 0745h

METREP Sunny, currently 21C, topping of at 30C today, and its WINTER. Gotta love the tropics.

Yesterday did some more painting of the ever elusive rocking horse, then went out for the remainder of the arvo on Sea-Doos with mates, terrorising locals, and stopping off at a near by small island for a few beers. Seen a shark fin in shallow water near the SS Avon wreck.

This adventure was followed by a few hotdogs on the BBQ, followed by an evening of a few CCs, at Richard's beach house, while watching The All Blacks kick the arse out of the Wallabys 19-18, and then being entertained by my mate Richard (a Kiwi) chucking a domestic with GF No.2, while GF No.1 had her turn after GF No.2 left crying. Home by 2200h, and film at 2300h.  :nod:

Today will continue to paint the final colour on the horse, and about 1200h, more Sea-Dooing on Pummicestone Passage.

What a life.

EDITs to say "his GF No.1" stayed  ;D . Richard truly has the gift.

Hangin' in the yard with my 12 week old Basset Hound, and getting ready to fire up the 'Q and cook some pork kebabs.
Funny you should mention fences, I'm just about finished repainting mine. What a difference a coat of paint can make...
Overwatch Downunder said:
Seen a shark fin in shallow water near the SS Avon wreck.
What a life.

What a life indeed!
You sparked my curiosity, Wes, about the S.S. Avon. So, I took a gander on the internet and came up with this:
This is very very odd. I spent this summer renovating my house with my dad. I painted my basement today. Up stairs looks amazing with the new wooden floors! Then I practiced my piano for a little while - I've been learning how to play the song called "Apologize" for about a month now.
Finished up the last touches on two more HO scale model buildings. I enjoy doing the buildings and scenes more than the trains themselves. Now I have to get things right for the people and lights in these two buildings.
Hey MM, my PC won't let me into that site, so found this, not much, but at least it mentions it.


kratz said:
Finished up the last touches on two more HO scale model buildings. I enjoy doing the buildings and scenes more than the trains themselves. Now I have to get things right for the people and lights in these two buildings.

If you like model railroading, this is a great place to visit:
Sent to my boss a paper I am writting on my thesis work to be published in a journal, then windsurf on the salty water (Georgia Straight) followed by gardening. Now, I have a beer meanwhile my girlfriend is making pies using peers and apples that grow in our backyard.

Life is good in  :cdn:
I just had to call 911.  Came across a pickup that had gone off the road. Buddy got pretty beat up, he hit his head on the window hard enough to shatter it. Had to keep talking to him to keep him from going unconcious until the paramedics and mounties got there.
And now I'm off to work.

uncle-midget-Oddball said:
I just had to call 911.  Came across a pickup that had gone off the road. Buddy got pretty beat up, he hit his head on the window hard enough to shatter it. Had to keep talking to him to keep him from going unconcious until the paramedics and mounties got there.
And now I'm off to work.


Good on you.

Drive carefully and stay safe - I see you already have 40mm of rain down in your vicinity; may you keep your power & avoid any damage.
I'm thinking of my friends in NS today as the hurricane / tropical storm starts to hit. I'm also thankful that my daughter is here with me in NB for another week and isn't back in CB right now.

The countdown is on for basic...3 weeks from now I'll be 'there'. Wow.  :-\
Celticgirl said:
I'm thinking of my friends in NS today as the hurricane / tropical storm starts to hit. I'm also thankful that my daughter is here with me in NB for another week and isn't back in CB right now.

The countdown is on for basic...3 weeks from now I'll be 'there'. Wow.  :-\

Keep your chin up CG, and this time make sure you kick some butt!

Good luck to you lass  ;)