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Starting a club: need Hamilton or nearby peoples advice.

How should my club be structured?

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I am starting a Club within my school, or if that does not work, just a general club. This will consist of a bunch of people (members) who want to train, regarding the CF or just health it doesn't matter, and we will have people designing special weighted outfits for added restriction to movement and whatnot. I am looking for anyone in Hamilton or within the vascinity to help me out.   If anyone is interested even in the thought email me or contact me via MSN at pokegenius202020@yahoo.ca   also If anyone has any connections for me to use that may help me take the group on "field trips" then that'd be great, those trips are including paintball , go-karts, tours, and any other possible field trips that a group could go on.    

This group needs:

designers - to help design the weighted outfits
research reporters - to help us to find more accurate information about the CF's history and present affairs.
People to teach us other languages - For making it more ideal for when in other countris on tour or during other affairs.
CF volunteers - people who want to help us trai and show us how it's done.
General members - people who want to be a part of a group training aspect that is free. (Field Trips may have a cost, obviously.)
Leaders/Adults - anyone whom is an adult and wants to help me lead the group is QUITE APRECIATED!

the group is simple, we train, we field trip, we talk, we study a little and we have fun.   The rules are: Listen to the leaders and we will be happy, and to make it simpler, the leaders are there to help keep people from killing other people (which shouldn't have a chance to occur but oh well) and if this is OK then the group will run smoothly.

There is also a possibility for a religious aspect, but i doubt it will come into play due to diversity. But on the other hand to that, if anyone wants to share their religious aspects with me I would never oppose because if I know more religions then I can become more agreeablea better people person.

I have one last request:    If there are ANYONE who wants to join or help out, PLEASE say so HERE or contact me via PM or MSN or E-MAIL!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for your time.

:salute: :cdn:
Man i wish i was near the hamilton region because id love to. Unfortunately no one around my place likes army :'(
Dude, you already know I'm in.
Same with Sam.  ;D

Alrighty, So that makes a bunch of us already, anyone else want in?

I will be updating everyone on where it will be held, because even if my school wont let me host it there it may be at another place, any sugestions?

also i was told that i should have people suggest what they would like to do within the group so that i know how to incorporate your intentions to make it more fun and exceedingly successful for you. :salute: :cdn:
how bout "#1234 wannabe cadet corps" affiliated with the JTF2, lol
If you want a good club with a good fitness program with ties to the CF, go join your local cadet corps.
its not PT only, it wil have a historical study sort of thing just to get basic knowledge and we will do fun stuff and it will be structured,  please dont mock my club i am only trying to get people who want into a structured, fun and not fully CF incorporated environment a chance to chill with other people....  :salute: :cdn:
dont worry hes only joking by the way could you maybe give may an update on the stuff you guys are doing? maybe i could help with the design of the program since i cant be there in person
Sounds great,  sorry for taking to the offense on that comment rifle, 

Alex, I would be happy to take your help, If you can help with the name thing for starters that'd be great (i may have posters up in school and stuff so i need a name)

and to clarify things, I am considering this an all around group,  I need a i said before designers and people with  other language backgrounds to help me and the group learn the history and so that we can get some cool weights going on.

Next up, I would like for you , Alex, to help me with one other thing, which is (everyones oppinion helps here too)  that i need an idea of whether i should make it a ranked system or just a cool club to go and chill at, like not tooo structured? or almost as structured as cadets.  I have many possible plans so any ideas help, ill add a poll.
Hmmm alright to start of with the name thing we dont want it to be like cadets or boyscouts.Need to be original. I'll get back to you on that. Now about the ranks i think it would be a good idea to an extent. You want to have ranks to show experience but since this is a club you still want it to be laid back. Ill say yes to ranks but youre going to have to fill me in if you want disipline etc.
well, the ranks are basically for experience and participation and leadership.  There is no need for discipline because this is a club, people can come and go s they please, so yes its laid back but a structures laid back.
How about calling your club The League of Extraordinary Gentleman (and Ladies)

That name seems to be en vogue (or something to that effect)....
Infanteer,  even thouh your suggestion is very good, i would like to also see other suggestions as well, and I am looking for something moreso original, not movie related.  But thank you for you suggestion and participation!! :salute: :cdn:
Movie related....right.   ^-^

How about the Studies and Observations Group - you could even abbreviate it.  That sounds like a good name for a club that does that sort of thing.
sounds cool, we also are going to do Physical Training. not just studying, actually studying is more of a secondary thing.

Though i like SOG. sounds cooler then ome other suggestions i got.
Studies and Observations Group Gunnin' Youngins'

Or S.O.G.G.Y. for short......or isthat to navy ;D
LOL ;D  An addition i didn't state before is that I dont think that it will be ARMY only but maybe ALL forces, but im not sure how many NAVY or AIR FORCE people there will be, so it all depends.

any questions are always appreciated, because that way i will answer them and know the answer!! :salute: :cdn: