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Strange Application


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Hi again this is Dave,

Now I'm not to sure about some things that have happend in my Medical and my Interview.

First off, During my medical i was never issued a urine test...i was a little suspicious about this. why wouldn't they give me a urine test? I'm only 17 and i do know for a fact that the urine test is to check my blood sugar for diabetes.

Secondly, During my interview they never asked for my birth certificate OR my passport. this also caught my intrest..now why haven't these things happend?
If you check in the Enrollment Medical sub-forum, there is a thread regarding the need (or not) for urine tests.  I believe they only do it for aircrew now.


Birth certificate or passport during the interview??  Did you not have to provide proof of citizenship when you applied?  ???  I don't think they'd wait until the interview for that.

Edit to add link.
I recently went through the application process and a passport was never required. They should have made you bring the birth certificate when you first handed in your application.

- Birth certificate (and those of your family members, if applicable)
- Citizenship card (if applicable)
- Original transcript for your level of education (university, college, high school)
- Proof of trades or qualifications (if applicable)
Common Forms:
- Canadian Forces Application Form
- Personnel Screening, Consent and Authorization Form
- References for Applicant Form

These are taken from the Canadian Forces Recruiting website.

If anything seems out of place call your File Manager.
Passeport will be asked for eventually after you have completed BMQ, SQ and trade upon your posting, before, it is nto required as you are not "deployable' .. they will ask to see it eventually...
Indeed, I did not have a passport until after I had been in more than a year.
Small point...if they had *issued* you a urine test, wouldn't that mean they gave you one, as in gave you a urine sample?  I think you mean they didn't *ask* you to give one.

Personally, I don't want anyone to issue me a urine sample...

(again)  :blotto:
Eye In The Sky said:
Personally, I don't want anyone to issue me a urine sample...

(again)  :blotto:

you mean it's NOT standard issue?!??!?!?!?  ;D
Jingo said:
you mean it's NOT standard issue?!??!?!?!?  ;D

- Sure they are, and if you're smart like me, you'll ask them to issue you the WINTER one, not the SUMMER one.

TCBF said:
- Sure they are, and if you're smart like me, you'll ask them to issue you the WINTER one, not the SUMMER one.

But it will be like everything else and it won't fit.  :-\ 

DaveyOldNavy said:
Hi again this is Dave,

Now I'm not to sure about some things that have happend in my Medical and my Interview.

First off, During my medical i was never issued a urine test...i was a little suspicious about this. why wouldn't they give me a urine test? I'm only 17 and i do know for a fact that the urine test is to check my blood sugar for diabetes.

Secondly, During my interview they never asked for my birth certificate OR my passport. this also caught my intrest..now why haven't these things happend?

We no longer do a urine test as part of the Application process.

Your birth certificate and/or passport should have been handed in with your application. Your ID should have been checked by the person at the front desk to make sure you were you before calling your MCC for the Interview ... the MCC's trust us to make sure people are who they say they are ... and he has the copies of your passport and/or ID/BC in your file.

I really hope this post was you honestly being curious and not just being a smart-a$$ thinking you were making us look bad ...

DaveyOldNavy said:
First off, During my medical i was never issued a urine test...i was a little suspicious about this. why wouldn't they give me a urine test? I'm only 17 and i do know for a fact that the urine test is to check my blood sugar for diabetes.
I'm not in medicine but don't you need a blood sample to test blood sugar? I just noticed that now. I figured the urine was for protein and something else.
For the time before basic I took it upon my self to go around and get my blood tested and everything double checked my my Doctor, if you're worried about diabetes then go get the tests done you're self. It can't hurt  ;)