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Student punished for spaghetti beliefs

Heh.... Doukhobor faith... Dress: NONE!!! Awright!

Wicca:    some coven may worship nude..... Awrighe!

Soo..... no virgin sacrificing sect recognized in the CF :(.....
Must be cause it's hard to find virgins  >:D

Yes some Wiccan covens do their rituals nude, however that loses alot of facination when one winds ups standing across from a 300 pound guy with a beard down to his navel that hasnt' washed for six months.  :P

And I'm still waiting for a NeoDruid group to start up that promotes live sacrifice--I have a long list of potential victims volunteers.
300pound nudist???  :P yetch!
time to move to a new neighborhood.
I would expect the Navy to suppress a sect that requires being dressed as a pirate-makes sense to me.

A serious question, then I'll not usurp the forum again. How does the CF handle religions that require prayer several times a day/at certain times a day? Just curious. There was a Islamic girl where I used to work (civillian job), and we had to provide her with a place to pray, that's why I ask.

I was mostly being a twit---we tease my husband about being a Druid, his family comes from southern England. Perhaps reformed more suits him. Mostly the teasing is about hugging oak trees  >:D

Don't worry about it until you find him wandering around aimlessly with a golden sykle in his hand looking for mistletoe.  Of course, if he starts to build a half scale model of Stonehenge in the living room (a la Close Encounters of the Third Kind), you may want to call Bards Anonymous. ;)
Oh Lord---we have a problem!!!

He keeps talking about building a henge when we move out of the city. And he has a thing for mistletoe.

I'm just not ready for this!!!
Must look up the number for Bards Anonymous.
