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Stupidiots: Anti-war vandals attack peacekeeping monument.

Yrys said:
If I'm getting what is post in your link, Public Works is erasing the damaged so no need of volunteers ?

You just don't get the reason for the passion we have to serve, and why some would volunteer to clean it up, do you?


the 48th regulator said:
You just don't get the reason for the passion we have to serve, and why some would volunteer to clean it up, do you?


I just wanted to be sure that I understood G.W. post, responding to Shamrock question. That is all!
Yrys said:
They won't get tired of vandalism either. They may get distract and move on  to their next "cause".
They should get "sensitivity training" in war hospital, or something similar !

And let them rub shoulders with vets? THAT would be a crime in my books.

I couldn't really care less about these guys defacing the monument. I know what the monument means to me and some spray paint won't change that.

Is defacing a war memorial a slap in the face to the vets it commemorates? Hell no!
The sacrifice those guys and girls made is so far above these stupid antics that I'd chalk their "expression" right up with a bird crapping on the monument. Their not worth getting upset over.
Having visited the Peacekeeping monument a couple of times I would suggest that they chose that particular monument because there are a lot of blind corners and it was easy for them to attack it without being seen.

Attempting to do the same thing to the National War Monument wouldn't have been so easy.... and it would require someone who is much more bold & prepared to be arrested.
:o First I have heard of this! I am sick! Some people need to get some brain cells to rub together.

"I am sure their ignorance is bliss."

Actually ignorance is for Fu%*wits. Any of these so called Anarchists would not last 20 sec in an anarchist state!

Even if they are caught, they just don't care. They'll be out of custody in an hour or two, adn joking about it with friends. Lets just hope they move up on the path of being career crims, as they'll do time in gaol sooner or later, with big "bitch lov'n" boyfriends, eager for new 'cherry' meat.

As far as I a concerned, having them sit down and talk with with Vets etc is pointless, and would do nothing. In one ear, and out the other, off for a few bongs and some piss warm beer, stolen from Dad's fridge of course.

However, a 'gang tasering' for 'slacking off' on the cleanup of this and other vandalised sites, well that would be sweet. They would remember that.
Nah.  Six months "volunteer" service in Afghanistan with the PRT.
Shamrock said:
Nah.  Six months "volunteer" service in Afghanistan with the PRT.

Better yet: Six months "volunteer" service in Afghanistan as Taliban Negotiation Liaison Team.  ;)
ArmyVern said:
Better yet: Six months "volunteer" service in Afghanistan as Taliban Negotiation Liaison Team.  ;)

Both sound like great ideas, how do you think the Taliban would feal about having these idiots trying to talk to them? They might just surrender, 'please dont send any more, we cant take it, they are TOOOOOOO stupid. kill us or take them away please'.

One question, why especially after the first incident (I cant believe it would require a first incident) do we not have security at our important monuments or security cameras for that matter?
Monuments in the City of Ottawa are the responsibility of the City Police force......
I doubt very much there are cameras..... the Peacekeeping monument has a lot of stone wall panels that would block the view of surveillance.... which is probably why this monument was chosen