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System Upgrades- Improvments Over The Years

Mike Bobbitt

Staff member
Directing Staff
Reaction score

Just wanted to introduce an addition to the CdnArmy.ca site. I have started tracking usage, simply for interest's sake.

To see this site's usage statistics, simply select "Usage Statistics" from the "Administration" menu, or click on the following link:

[ Link edited out ]

If you have any comments or feedback, please let me know.


I have upgraded The War Diary software from 6.0 to 6.01. Still no spellchecker, though I will include the list of fixes from the vendor here.

The new minor features:
The ability for an admin to send an email to a user who has lost their password from the control panel's Member Info screen.
Floodcheck is now used on registration.

Minor changes/bug fixes:
Fixed the extra table tag if Iframe review is off.
Changed the http header on all user pages for better performance when changing charsets.
Fixed the forum homepage links.
Fixed the display of the incorrect default topic view.
Added some code for those people upgrading from operable pre y2k versions.
Fixed a typo in searches.
Added protection for people trying to import archives with the wrong file permissions.

If you have any questions, just let me know.


The War Diary has just been updated again. If you have any problems or see something that‘s not quite right, please let me know.

According to the vendor, the changes in 6.02 are:

Changes/fixes include:

  • In registration email, URL to "My Profile" was broken.
  • Link to return to the previous page from UBBFriend was broken.
  • Redirection from PMing was wrong if you had to login to send a PM.
  • Formatting of multiple page links was inconsistent.
  • Formatting of the topic review text was inconsistent.
  • Tildes in control panel URLs had a space inserted before them.
  • Instances of %%CGIURL%% existed in the control panel.
  • Today‘s Active Topics sometimes had an extra row that was hard coded white.
  • The tag occasionaly had trouble with q... which currently has no release date. Cheers

The upgrade went ahead as scheduled. Although there are still some outstanding problems, overall, it was quite successful. The new hardware is now in place and being used. Hopefully we will see a performance improvement.

If you notice anything wrong, please post the details here. (Mail is one of the things that is currently broken, so it won‘t get through - the mailing list is also down for the moment.)

I will address the outstanding issues as soon as I am able, and I hope you will bear with me.


I have updated The War Diary software to a new version that may not be as stable as the previous one.

If anyone notices any problems, please let me know, and I‘ll do my best to track it down.


P.S. This is a precursor to adding more features. Please bear with me!

I have just made a change to the board that should result in much better performance. Hopefully you will notice a decrease in the time it takes for pages to load.

The potential drawback is that this is fairly experimental, so we may encounter some problems. If you do notice anything amiss, please let me know as soon as you can.


Just wanted to make you aware of a new feature. Recent Visitors to The War Diary are now displayed, so you can see who is currently browsing the forums with you.

As this feature is still being designed, any feedback you have may be useful. I‘ll be sure to pass your comments and suggestions on to the vendor.

As a side note, those who wish to remain anonymous can modify their profiles to hide from the Recent Visitors featre.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

:cdn: You mean people are ashamed to stand up for what they think or say. Shame on them. In the words of an American Admiral "Damn the torpedoes full speed ahead".
HEY ART J- welcome to the CANADIAN WORLD/ARMY :crybaby:
You‘ve probably noticed that this site has slowed down a bit over the past few days.

I just wanted to acknowledge that I‘m aware of the problem, and attempting to solve it.

Update: The problem has been isolated to a network appliance, which we hope to replace this weekend.
2nd Update: The hardware has been replaced, and the site is back to normal.

You can now post "Polls" in addition to posting regular messages. Polls allow you to ask a question and provide one or more answers, which other users can vote on. Results are then collected and displayed.

I have enabled Polls on most forums, but please, only create one if you have a legitimate question, or do any testing in "Off Topic."

If you have any questions, please let me know.


Edit: I know some of the graphics aren‘t finished up yet. I‘ll work on that probably this weekend...

I now have the capability to set up to 15 "levels" of membership. Each level is based on the number of posts for that user, and simply changes the user‘s title. There are no other benefits.

(Previously, the "levels" were 0-3 posts = Recruit, 31 or more = Veteran...)

So my question to The War Diary users is this: How would you like to see user levels defined?

Edit: I forgot to mention that I can also associate icons with each level. (For example, "recruits" could have the corn flake, and veterans could have the army insignia by their title.)
Ok, I guess everyone‘s had a chance to cast their vote. Unless there‘s a coup, things stay as they are.

Ok folks, if you‘ve gotten this far, you know that I‘ve changed the look and feel of the site.

Bring on the feedback, good or bad.

The board has been pretty quick lately, which is the main thing. If I have to wait, I go elsewhere.

I preferred the light green and dark green text box to this black and white one, but that is a minor quibble. Otherwise, looks good.
Even your damn site is getting CADPAT before the Militia... ;)