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Taliban Propaganda Watch, RC-South - October 2008

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milnews.ca said:
Or, as greater minds than mine have opined elsewhere on the site, they like puppets....


There woste fear is that their followers will begin to think for themselves. :o
Taliban Propaganda Watch (RC South)
141955EDT Oct 08

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NOTE:  The following material is from web pages and forums carrying statements attributed to the Taliban, Taliban spokespersons or supporters of the Taliban, or analysis thereof.  Posting of this material neither confirms nor endorses any of its content - it is shared for information only.  When material translated into English is not available, Google Translate is used to translate the original (indicated by "GoogEng") - this is only a machine translation, NOT an official one.

"Several explosion in Kandahar, chief of department Dost Mohammed Registani is killed" - Original in Arabic
The killing of a department in Kandahar
Qari / Yousuf Ahmadi
The mujahideen of the Principality Balislamip killed at 09:15 a.m. 14-10-2008 President of the Presidency of the martyrs and Almaloulin / Mohamed Argstani Douste-client management in the Shah Nawrouz tower in the city of Kandahar, while on his way to his office.  News reported that the car was destroyed in the attack, President of the kind Krola Toyota, two security men were injured severely surgery.  After the attack the mujahideen returned to their posts.  Recalls that in the last big Azad killed senior management client, in this state, killing the President on 28-9-2008 police in the state / Kakr mullahs in a similar attack, and died on 23-9-2008 Regstan Director of the Directorate and the commander of security in the area of Mount Oot Department Baldk by the Mujahideen result of the explosion.  In a separate news of mujahideen destroyed before noon today two F-Bey August of Afghan soldiers in the Khak-Gobain and Zarer Qala along the road in my province of Herat, Kandahar and buttons Meond by explosive devices, killing all on board.  In a similar vein, destroyed a military vehicle of foreign troops on the night of improvised explosive device in the Mullah Abdullah Kariz near the airport, the state's Directorate of Daman, killing all four passengers were soldiers.

"1 tank of foreign invaders blew up in Kandahar" - Original in Arabic
Destruction of military vehicles of foreign troops in Kandahar
Qari / Yousuf Ahmadi
At 07:30 of Morocco yesterday 13-10-2008 destroyed military vehicles of foreign forces occupying military convoy exploded on a roadside bomb planted by the Mujahideen in the Islamic Emirate Snchri State Department buttons on the road to Kandahar, Herat, Kandahar highway.  News reported destroyed in the explosion mechanism in full, and All of the killed was on board immediately.  Then the enemy cordon the area and taken their dead to their positions, while the military vehicle still remain in the explosion.  To the road remained blocked and closed by the enemy even in the face of morning traffic.

"1 tanks of English invaders blew up in Helmend" - Original in Arabic
Hkurjah from near destroyed tanks for the English forces improvised explosive device
Qari / Yousuf Ahmadi
The mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate blew promptly at 09:10 a.m. 14-10-2008 tank track of the English forces occupied by an explosive device planted in the mayor of near Qala Hkurjah Center Helmand province.  According to the news, the explosion took place by remote control mine, scattered the enemy tank, killing all on board immediately.  After the explosion the enemy, the dead walk the airport base Choraoh Jursck Department, but the wreckage of the destroyed tank still remain at the scene, the puppet army soldiers to guard him.
Taliban Propaganda Watch (RC South)
150945EDT Oct 08

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NOTE:  The following material is from web pages and forums carrying statements attributed to the Taliban, Taliban spokespersons or supporters of the Taliban, or analysis thereof.  Posting of this material neither confirms nor endorses any of its content - it is shared for information only.  When material translated into English is not available, Google Translate is used to translate the original (indicated by "GoogEng") - this is only a machine translation, NOT an official one.

"2 checkpoints of puppet police captured in Grishek"
Wednesday  midnight 15-10-2008 at approximately 12:20 am local time, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, with heavy and light weapons attacked puppet police checkpoints in Lashkergah dorahi area  of Grishek district of Helmand province. In the attack three checkpoint were captured, 12 puppet police terrorists were killed few wounded others fled from the area. their arms and vehicles were Mujahideen booty. Reported  Qari Muhammad Yousuf
Taliban Propaganda Watch (RC South)
160630EDT Oct 08

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NOTE:  The following material is from web pages and forums carrying statements attributed to the Taliban, Taliban spokespersons or supporters of the Taliban, or analysis thereof.  Posting of this material neither confirms nor endorses any of its content - it is shared for information only.  When material translated into English is not available, Google Translate is used to translate the original (indicated by "GoogEng") - this is only a machine translation, NOT an official one.

"5 Canadian invaders soldiers Killed in Kandahar"
Wednesday morning    11-10-2008 at approximately 10:10 am local time, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, with remote controlled landmines blew up a foot patrolling unit of Canadian invaders army in Pashmol area of Zhari district of Kandahar province. In explosion 5 Canadian soldiers terrorists were killed and few wounded.Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf

"1 tanks, 5 supplies trucks of American invaders were destroyed in Kandahar"
Thursday morning 15-10-2008 at approximately 10:17 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked a American supplying convoy traveling, in the Sanzari area of Zhari district of Kandahar Province.  According to reports, Mujahideen burnt-out 5 truck and three vehicle belonging to the puppet security guard in which 11 police were killed the remain at the scene of the attack.Also 1 tank of American invaders were blew up in which 4 American soldiers were killed. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi

"Provincial capital attack kills 20 British invader and puppet army terrorists in Helmand"
Tuesday night 14-10-2008 at approximately 10:21 pm local time, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, from three  different positions simultaneously  launched an attack on a base in Lashkergah city capital of Helmand province, where a large number of British invader and puppet army terrorists live. In the attack fight started which continued for three hours, during which 20 enemy terrorists were killed, few were wounded and few vehicles were destroyed. The lies and the hypocrites claiming that several Mujahideen were martyred is a propaganda to cover up its damages and losses. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid

"Provincial capital attack kills 16 British invader and 20 puppet army terrorists in Helmand"
Tuesday night 14-10-2008 at approximately 10:21 pm local, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, from three side launched an attack in Lashkergah city capital of Helmand province where a large number of British invader and puppet army terrorists live. In the attack fight started which continued 3 hours, during which 20 enemy terrorists were killed, few were wounded and few vehicles were destroyed.  The lies and the hypocrites claiming that several Mujahideen were martyred is a propaganda to cover up its damages and losses.  Also today afternoon in Majed Chok area of Sangin district of same province in ambush 4 British soldiers were killed 2 wounded ,in bazaar of same district 1 commander of puppet army and 4 soldeirs were arrested.  In Loai area of Garmsir district of same province in farce firefight 4 British soldiers were killed and few wounded.  Also today noon in Shoshorak area of Nawa district of same province Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate ambushed a convoy of British army .in ambush 2 tanks of enemy were distroyed and 8 British soldiers were killed.  Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid

"Taliban mock West for calling Afghanistan unwinnable" - "The withdrawal of invader forces is the only solution to Afghan conflict" - "The withdrawal of invader forces is the only solution to Afghan conflict"
The Taliban have seized on what US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates described as "defeatist" comments made by Western officials on the ability to succeed in Afghanistan to score a propaganda victory .... (more on link)
NOTE:  It appears the Taliban's English-language web page has moved - it moves every few months for one reason (hacked) or another (hosts realize what's up).  Don't be surprised, then, if links to previous editions of Taliban Propaganda Watch don't work anymore.  Will hunt down newest site, and share the latest as soon as I find it.
Taliban Propaganda Watch (RC South)
210725EDT Oct 08

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NOTE:  The following material is from web pages and forums carrying statements attributed to the Taliban, Taliban spokespersons or supporters of the Taliban, or analysis thereof.  Posting of this material neither confirms nor endorses any of its content - it is shared for information only.  When material translated into English is not available, Google Translate is used to translate the original (indicated by "GoogEng") - this is only a machine translation, NOT an official one.

"7 British invader terrorists killed in  Helmand province" - .pdf version
Seven British invader terrorists were killed and many others injured Tuesday when their patrol was attacked by forces belonging to the Mujahideen of the  Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, according to reports.  Additionally, the fighting started at approximately 07:15 am local time Tuesday morning and took place near the Shrine of Mir Agha in Helmand province’s Garmser district.

"Statement regarding  mobile phone usage restrictions" - .pdf version
....  The occupying invader forces use telephone communications for espionage and investigation purposes in order to suppress Afghans. This is against all international standards.  Therefore, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has decided to ban the use of mobile phone services at night in order to protect the Afghan people and the Mujahideen, who are constantly fighting against the enemy of Islam.  Additionally, our fellow Afghans and Mujahideen have noticed that the trial implementation of the decision in some parts of the country has already yielded positive results.  The invader enemies use their equipment to spy on telephones mainly from sunset to sunrise. Because nights have grown longer and days are shorter now, the Islamic Emirate has also shortened the standard usage time of mobile phone services. Cellular communication companies will be permitted to provide communication services from 6:30 am in the morning to 5:00 pm in the afternoon in the cities and rural areas. We reiterate that the companies should halt their operations at night time ....

Taliban Propaganda Watch (RC South)
212145EDT Oct 08

.pdf version with links, sources attached at bottom of message

NOTE:  The following material is from web pages and forums carrying statements attributed to the Taliban, Taliban spokespersons or supporters of the Taliban, or analysis thereof.  Posting of this material neither confirms nor endorses any of its content - it is shared for information only.  When material translated into English is not available, Google Translate is used to translate the original (indicated by "GoogEng") - this is only a machine translation, NOT an official one.

Rationale behind bus beheadings:  “Kandahar: dead people are not civilians!
(by) Qari / Yousuf Ahmadi
Five days before the date 15-10-2008 mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate arrested at the time of the afternoon three buses F (303) Benz, in the Mlink Kariz Meond the mandate of the Directorate of Kandahar in order to inspect, which was (148) passengers.  After several hours to leave the struggling three vehicles and passengers after landing (28) were the result of the passengers arrived to report documented that these are the puppet army soldiers in civilian clothes and were on their way to Helmand province.  Soldiers arrested twenty-eight, most of them residents of the state of Laghman, and a few of them residents of the mandate of Kunar, Helmand province, called the rulers of Kabul in the management of the client / Gulab machete.  After two days of investigations proved one hundred percent Bolsnthm according to their confessions, they were summoned by Gulab ibis from the mandate of the eastern Laghman province, which had previously There rulers, papers and confessions recorded in the court records of legitimate e Khalq.  Two days later, on 17-10-2008 executed twenty-seven of these soldiers by the decision by the court legitimacy to the strugglers and the ratification by the provision of the act as the Islamic Emirate, and executed them to death by firing squad, was released that he was a small one.  The bodies of the dead and put the road between Kandahar Hkurga regions of Khak-Gobain and Minister Mande Meond mandate of the Directorate of Kandahar.  And published by news media, quoting administration officials that the client passengers killed were civilians, not to have any reality, and these clients are trying to disseminate this Alofuahat close the door on crimes Muftdhp masters of the infidels, which is among the unarmed civilians throughout the country every day, as a result of raids Air violent and brutal.” (GoogEng, 19 Oct 08)

“Killed intelligence officer in Kandahar
(by) Qari / Yousuf Ahmadi
The mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate killed at 07:18 am today from Morocco 19-10-2008 intelligence officer named / Noor Agha in the Ardopazar Abjahaoni within the city of Kandahar, when he was mentioned in the case of going about hairdressing.  Murdered by the inhabitants of Laghman and currently works in the Intelligence Division, led by (national security) has received its penalty today after a long surveillance by the mujahideen.  After the client implement the mujahideen returned safely to their positions.” (GoogEng, 19 Oct 08)

“Considerable quantity of enemy soldiers is killed and wounded as result of attack on Shankay in Zabul
(by) Qari / Yousuf Ahmadi
At 08:15 last night 17-10-2008 in the armed attack carried out by the mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate status Shenqui state Department of Zabul, killing and causing great loss of the directorate building and the deaths and injuries among the soldiers who are, but it did not have accurate information On the number.  In the clashes, which lasted for half an hour was one of the Taliban.”  (GoogEng, 18 Oct 08)

“(B)attle in Garnser, killed 7 British soldiers
Seven British invader terrorists were killed and many others injured Tuesday when their patrol was attacked by forces belonging to the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, according to reports. Seven British invader terrorists were killed and many others injured Tuesday when their patrol was attacked by forces belonging to the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, according to reports. Additionally, the fighting started at approximately 07:15 am local time Tuesday morning and took place near the Shrine of Mir Agha in Helmand province’s Garmser district. Additionally, the fighting started at approximately 07:15 am local time Tuesday morning and took place near the Shrine of Mir Agha in Helmand province's Garmser district.”  (GoogEng,  20 Oct 08)

“(M)artyrdom attack in Helmand, killed 25 enemy soldiers
(by) Qari / a Youssef Hamdi
Was one of the heroes of the Islamic Emirate (Naqibullah) at 10:00 this morning (2008-10-20) martyrs attack on the puppet army soldiers in the region, "Karth but" Blchukrajat Center Helmand province, killing five and twenty (25) Soldiers of the enemy.   It was reported that the attack had been blessed by the martyrdom man, was killed when his explosives belt, twenty-five enemy soldiers, including two local commanders, and wounded many other enemy soldiers.  As a result, the attack destroyed a number of enemy vehicles parked near the scene.  (R)eport adds that the attack was the enemy soldiers when a large number of them standing outside the military headquarters, which Oftersoa surprise attack.  After the attack, soldiers were dead and injured to their headquarters, and smashed cars and some members of dead soldiers scattered so far in the region.” (GoogEng, 20 Oct 08)

“(D)estruction 3 points of puppet army in Helmend
(by) Qari / Yousuf Ahmadi
At 10:30 this morning 20-10-2008 by large-scale offensive by the Mujahedeen of the Islamic Emirate points of Afghan security troops in the Louis Bagh Department Nad Ali in Helmand, killing three security destruction of the enemy.  According to details at the beginning of the attack chose soldiers manning the points off through, the Mujahideen captured during the attack on the premises of the security points.  In another separate report, there was a face-to enter with the occupation forces and Afghan soldiers at the same time in the Louis Mande Directorate itself.  Battle that lasted for nearly two hours, killed (11) on the side of the enemy soldiers, were killed and several others injured.  The two students were injured in these clashes.” (GoogEng, 20 Oct 08)

“Great loss to enemy from attack in Helmand
(by) Qari / Yousuf Ahmadi
The mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate fired at 07:15 of the dinner yesterday 18-10-2008 three rockets at army post in the Alaiml Churki Jursck Department, which caught fire at the enemy did not have information about casualties among the spiritual enemy so far.   the context of other independent, there was a battle between high-Mujahideen and puppet army soldiers promptly at 08:20 a.m. 19-10-2008 Bulan in the near Hkurga capital of Helmand province.  During the battle which lasted nearly an hour destroyed the car of the Mujahidin, and losses on the enemy did not have information.  In other news of mujahideen attack promptly at 12:10 noon today, in the Zubair Jk Department Jermser the state's killing of seven of the British infidels, were killed and several others.  Thus, the mujahideen destroyed a car near the Afghan soldiers from the area in the village of Jojrom in an ambush, killing seven soldiers clients.  And two Taliban wounded in the attack.” (GoogEng, 19 Oct 08)

“Attak on enemy convoy in Zabul
(by) Qari / Yousuf Ahmadi
According to details mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked at precisely 03:35 am on the afternoon of 19-10-2008 yesterday on a convoy refueling of the enemy in the Foreigoi on the road to Kabul from Kandahar highway near the center of Zabul province (Qalat).  News adds a truck burned during the attack targeted the convoy of nine trucks shot, but did not burn.  In a similar context in a car exploded at 05:00 of the interior troops improvised explosive device in the Jahangir Hmozay the state's Department, have been destroyed in the blast, the car full and killed eight soldiers.  Thus, destroyed two vehicles of the type of enemy Bey August on the road near Mnjariano of Qalat, as well, but that soldiers passengers in the cars chosen to escape at the beginning of the attack.” (GoogEng, 19 Oct 08)

Taliban Propaganda Watch (RC South)
230715EDT Oct 08

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NOTE:  The following material is from web pages and forums carrying statements attributed to the Taliban, Taliban spokespersons or supporters of the Taliban, or analysis thereof.  Posting of this material neither confirms nor endorses any of its content - it is shared for information only.  When material translated into English is not available, Google Translate is used to translate the original (indicated by "GoogEng") - this is only a machine translation, NOT an official one.

"17 puppet police killed 3 arrested in Uruzgan"
Thursday  midnight 22-10-2008 at approximately 12:34am local time , Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, with heavy and light weapons attacked puppet police checkpoints near the center of Dehrawat district in Shekzi area of Uruzgan province. In the attack which was lasted 5 hours in which 3 checkpoint were demolished , 17 puppet police  were  killed 3 arrested. their arms were Mujahideen booty.  After the enemy (of) Islam bombarded the area in which a number of civilians and 7 Mujahideen were martyred and 3 wounded. Reported Qari Yousuf Ahmadi

Are these puppet police anything like the puppets on "Team America - World Police"? ;D
OldSolduer said:
Are these puppet police anything like the puppets on "Team America - World Police"? ;D

Funny, I had the SAME picture go through my head the first times I read the Taliban's English material...
Taliban Propaganda Watch (RC South)
231315EDT Oct 08

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NOTE:  The following material is from web pages and forums carrying statements attributed to the Taliban, Taliban spokespersons or supporters of the Taliban, or analysis thereof.  Posting of this material neither confirms nor endorses any of its content - it is shared for information only.  When material translated into English is not available, Google Translate is used to translate the original (indicated by "GoogEng") - this is only a machine translation, NOT an official one.

"Americans’ Last Ditch Attempt"
.... The Americans are determined to  form  tribal militias  via dispensation of  dollars and  play the tribal people against the Mujahideen ....  The most obvious  and fresh experience  about the formation of militias in Afghanistan  is the  despicable experience of the Russians, which is hated and deplored by all  the Afghan nation.    When the Russian were about  to  flee   from Afghanistan, they  turned to forming  militias  under the  name of  Gailam Jan Militia , Jabbar  Militia and other militias  built  on the basis of  ethnicity and   region.  Americans  have to  analyze the role ,  reputation and history of these  unscrupulous militias and  then  take up the  strategy  of militia formation.

NOTE:  To clarify which militias the statement refers to, this, from a GoogEng translation of an Arabic version posted here:
.... The experience of a sectarian militia groups and armed gangs failed in Afghanistan are carried out by the Soviet Union, which was on the brink of defeat and flee during the occupation of Afghanistan; He has excelled in Dostum's militia, known as LE mg Jabbar and militias and other sectarian militias and bandits and battalions of the insurgency, which continues to compel the Afghan people The Inzjr and repugnant them ....

Taliban Propaganda Watch (RC South)
232010EDT Oct 08

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NOTE:  The following material is from web pages and forums carrying statements attributed to the Taliban, Taliban spokespersons or supporters of the Taliban, or analysis thereof.  Posting of this material neither confirms nor endorses any of its content - it is shared for information only.  When material translated into English is not available, Google Translate is used to translate the original (indicated by "GoogEng") - this is only a machine translation, NOT an official one.

"11 puppet police killed in Kandahar"
Thursday noon 23-10-2008 at approximately 12:13 pm local time, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, with remote controlled landmines blew up  a vehicle of puppet police in Kokran area of Dand district  of Kandahar province.  in explosion the vehicle was completely destroyed and 11 troopers in it  were killed . Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf

"BM's Mortars shells fired at Kandahar airport"
  Wednesday midnight 23-10-2008 at approximately 2:30am local time , Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan fired BM's Mortar shells at Kandahar airport where a large number of Canadian invaders live, however the damages and casualties to the enemy of Islam could not be confirmed in there entireties. Reported by  Qari Muhammad Yousuf

"In an ambush 3 tanks of the NATO invaders destroyed in Zabul"
Thursday noon 23-10-2008 at approximately 11:55am local time , Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, ambush a convoy of NATO invaders army on Kabul Kandahahr highway in Hasnkariz area of Shahjoi district of Zabul province, in the ambush 3 tanks enemy tanks were destroyed and all invader soldiers terrorists in them were killed.also 3 mujahideen were wounded. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
Taliban Propaganda Watch (RC South)
240550EDT Oct 08

.pdf version attached at bottom of message

NOTE:  The following material is from web pages and forums carrying statements attributed to the Taliban, Taliban spokespersons or supporters of the Taliban, or analysis thereof.  Posting of this material neither confirms nor endorses any of its content - it is shared for information only.  When material translated into English is not available, Google Translate is used to translate the original (indicated by "GoogEng") - this is only a machine translation, NOT an official one.

"Few British invader terrorists killed in  Helmand province"
Few British invader terrorists were killed and many others injured Thursday night when their patrol was attacked by forces belonging to the Mujahideen of the  Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, according to reports.  Additionally, the fighting started at approximately 09:15 pm local time Thursday night and took place near the Hedarabad area  in Helmand province’s Grishk district. after the enemy of Islam bombarded the area but the casualties of mujahideen were not reported.

"In Explosions 13 puppet police killed in Kandahar"
Friday morning 24-10-2008 at approximately 9:13 am local time, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, with remote controlled landmines blew up  a vehicle of puppet police in Lwila area of Kandahar city.  in explosion the vehicle was completely destroyed and 7 troopers in it  were killed.  Also Friday morning 24-10-2008 at approximately 10:00 am local time, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, with remote controlled landmines blew up  a vehicle of puppet police on Kandahar Herat highway in Khaki Chopan area of Mewand district  of Kandahar province.  in explosion the vehicle was completely destroyed and 6 troopers in it  were killed .Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
I'm increasingly alarmed by the number of puppet police being killed.  Soon the intenational community will need to step up and make efforts to keep roving bands of pillaging puppets out of Taliban controlled areas.
Haggis said:
I'm increasingly alarmed by the number of puppet police being killed.  Soon the intenational community will need to step up and make efforts to keep roving bands of pillaging puppets out of Taliban controlled areas.

As long as they have that funky herky-jerky walk like on the old Thunderbirds or Team America.
OldSolduer said:
As long as they have that funky herky-jerky walk like on the old Thunderbirds or Team America.

Troy Tempest Rules!
Taliban Propaganda Watch (RC South)
260745EDT Oct 08

.pdf version attached at bottom of message

NOTE:  The following material is from web pages and forums carrying statements attributed to the Taliban, Taliban spokespersons or supporters of the Taliban, or analysis thereof.  Posting of this material neither confirms nor endorses any of its content - it is shared for information only.  When material translated into English is not available, Google Translate is used to translate the original (indicated by "GoogEng") - this is only a machine translation, NOT an official one.

"1 military vehicle of puppet army blew up in Kandahar"
Saturday morning 25-10-2008 at approximately 0:15 am local time, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, with remote controlled landmines blew up  a vehicle of puppet army in Sanzari area of Zhari district of Kandahar province.  in explosion the vehicle was completely destroyed and 7 troopers in it  were killed .Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf

"Attacked checkpoints of puppet police in Nemroz"
Friday  night 25-10-2008 at approximately 12:00 am local, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, with heavy and light weapons attacked puppet police checkpoints in Dehmazang area of Khashrod district of Nemroz province. In attack few checkpoints were demolished and  puppet police  fled form the area, their arms  were Mujahideen booty .   Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi

"18 supplies trucks of American invaders  destroyed and 7 puppet security gourds were killed in Zabul"
Sunday noon 26-10-2008 at approximately 12:10  pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked American supplying convoy traveling  in Spinghbarga area of Qalat city capital of Zabul  Province. According to reports, Mujahideen burnt-out 18 supplies trucks and few vehicles belonging to the puppet security guard in which 7 police terrorists were killed,  Also 2 Mujahideen were wounded.  Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf

Taliban Propaganda Watch (RC South)
270655EDT Oct 08

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NOTE:  The following material is from web pages and forums carrying statements attributed to the Taliban, Taliban spokespersons or supporters of the Taliban, or analysis thereof.  Posting of this material neither confirms nor endorses any of its content - it is shared for information only.  When material translated into English is not available, Google Translate is used to translate the original (indicated by "GoogEng") - this is only a machine translation, NOT an official one.

"Statement on false reports of eye gouging"
Some media outlets have published reports, quoting a person who very well may have been admitted to Mirwais Hospital in Kandahar province.  This individual stated that three armed men gouged his eyes out with a knife in the Sarwan Kala area of Helmand province’s Sangin district.  The aforementioned individual did not on any occasion identify Taliban fighters as his attackers. Furthermore, in response to questions from several journalists, he (the victim) only elaborated that the area in which the attack occurred is under the control of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.  The Taliban administration of the area never punishes anyone (Afghans or invader soldiers for that matter) in secret, and it is also a distinct possibility that the incident may have been the product of personal vendettas gone awry .... (more on link)

"4 puppet police killed in Helmand"
Sunday noon 26-10-2008 at approximately 12:10pm local time , Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, ambushed  afoot unit of  puppet police  in  Jwgrm area of Garamsir district of Helmand province. In the attack    4 puppet police were killed few wounded.Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf

"A puppet army commander killed in Zabul"
Sunday noon 26-10-2008 at approximately 1:25 pm local time, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, with remote controlled landmines blew up  a vehicle of puppet army commander in Marmana area of Mizina district of Zabul province.  in explosion commander and all puppet soldiers were killed and their vehicles were destroyed.Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
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