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Taliban "Workplace Accident" Merged Thread

Mod Squad:  Feel free to dump if this isn't within the lines, but I just HAD to share it - courtesy of the Infidels in Paradise blog....

....this time, according to xinhuanet.com, in Ghazni province:
Five suicide bombers were killed in Ghazni province of southern Afghanistan Saturday night as the explosive materials in their jackets went off prematurely, provincial police chief said Sunday.

"The incident took place in Waqhaz district in a house which had been destroyed, five suicide bombers including two Arabian were killed," Khial Baz Shirzai told Xinhua.

He added that the huge explosion did not damage other residential houses in the area ....

A bit more on link
About three minutes of video from the U.S. military, showing:
1)  what appears to be IED planters scoring an "own goal" (perhaps a test fire?), and
2)  how those with the guns in ISAF wouldn't fire as long as there was a chance of a child being hit.
hehehe.Brings joy to my heart.
Heard one guy do the same one night....in his compound making the stuff.At least they didnt have to waste money on a bullet.
I wonder what the Taliban spin on this will be?

"Three warriors of Allah killed by Infidel thoughtwaves while burying a treasure of Allah."
Those poor friggin roads.

Do the Taliban realize how bad driving conditions are there?  Maybe they secretly have shares in vehicle shock's companies.
There are reports taliban are funded by toyota.They supplement their drug trade with CB joints.
I wouldn't want to be their supervisor once OHS gets on the scene.  No hardhats, no steel toed boots, no reflective vests.  Workers Comp is never going to pay out on this.
After the reaction to watching a party engaged in doing something to an IED meeting a timely end wears off, my other feelings were, first, just how the traffic is channelized by the terrain and, second, what a good spot to plant an IED.
For some reason this video does not bother me in the least. Am I just messed up or is this a normal reaction.

Oh, too bad that hasn't happened a few more times. Just a thought.
OldSoldier said:
Oh, too bad that hasn't happened a few more times. Just a thought.

It has. Just not always caught on tape.

We'll hear more about other cases when the Taliban discover www.fmylife.com.
Loachman said:
It has. Just not always caught on tape.

We'll hear more about other cases when the Taliban discover www.fmylife.com.

or we won't....because they won't be around to log on

It appears the Taliban should have worked on the Health & Safety manual before they wrote the "code of conduct" they don't even follow - story courtesy of Xinhua:
Three Taliban insurgents were killed as their mine exploded prematurely in Helmand province south of Afghanistan, a local official said Saturday.

    "Three rebels were busy in planting a mine on a road in Gereshk district Friday evening to target security forces but their mine exploded killing all the trio on the spot," governor of Gereshk district Abdul Ahad Khan told Xinhua.

    Taliban outfit that has resorted to the deadly suicide and roadside bombings as new weapon has not made comment.

    Premature explosions have in the past too claimed militants lives in different province.
I wonder if the Taliban have an insurance plan that covers this kind of thing? Oh, Right! I forgot!  Its under the 70 Virgins section.
I'm saddened by this, sad they didn’t buy/use a full size bus, say a 50 passenger one.

Reproduced with the usual caveats etc.

Botched minibus bomb kills 14 Taliban

Posted Wed Jan 6, 2010 8:49am AEDT

Fourteen militants died in Afghanistan's increasingly war-torn north when explosives detonated prematurely in a minibus bomb being rigged by Taliban fighters, police said.

"Fourteen Taliban placing explosives into a minivan for terrorist activities were killed yesterday evening when the bomb went off," said Abdul Rizaq Yaqubi, police chief of northern Kunduz province.

"The bomb exploded while they were working to build a car bomb."

The incident happened near Kunduz city in the north, where Taliban-linked violence has increased steadily as Afghanistan's insurgency reaches an eight-year high.
Awesome. 14 gone to see Allah to claim rewards with no loss to the good guys!!

Maybe Allah could see to it more go out this way!
6 and 14 more.  I wonder if this is a scheme from on high to fill the quota of virgins?