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Tattoo Photo Thread

To echo the comments written here, get something that you will be proud of all your life.  I have my family coat of arms on my left shoulder and the Canadian flag and st. Andrews cross on the right soldier.  All about heritage, something that will never change.  I am also of the opinion of keeping them above the summer dress limits, more professional that way, especially if you decide to go for a job interview in a short sleeved shirt.

GUNS said:
If you decide you want it removed it, it cost $800.00 per square inch.
And the laser doesn't remove green ink.....which is why I have two green spots remaining on my forearm. It was a really cool scorpion at one time - - good idea and all, so that I wouldn't forget Ft Hood. Should have bought a postcard and spent the rest on beer.

As I told my boys before their first ink:
1) Nowhere that shows, unless you want to show it
2) No names/words
3) You have to tell your mother.
... let's hope the people here listen better than your boy did! haha  :blotto:
muffin said:
... let's hope the people here listen better than your boy did! haha  :blotto: 

Well, that one was the second-born. We #2's always had to disobey to get any attention  ;)
I have my kids names on my forearms. Brayden on the right and Jocelynn on the left. It looks pretty good. Even if my kids drive me crazy I am still proud of them.

I get a little chuckle when someone asks me if am still going out with Jocelynn.

I've got three tatts, (back, chest and upper right forearm), and just remember, they don't wash off. They're for life. Of my three, I regret only one, but thats life. It did not turn out the way I wanted it.

Don't go for lower arms, stay on the upper arms, chest, or back. I know mine are there, so no need to have them airing out in public, unless I wear a singlet or take off my shirt, no one knows but me and my GF, who HATES them with a passion.

Just think hard mate. You'll have it or them til the end of your days.


I was looking into getting the maple leaf and crossed swords after my trades course,
I think its tasteful and something I will be proud of my entire life so no regrets.
Question, Is it true that no one with tattoo's can get into JTF2 or CSOR?

One option that has been overlooked is covering up a tattoo you don't like.  It's less expensive than laser removal, but it takes a talented artist.  My dad got a tattoo of me and my sister's names when we were very young, and the artist did a sloppy job.  He claims the tattoo looked horrible, so he got it covered up.  Where there used to be 2 names going up to meet one another and some little decoration, there are now 2 branches crossing in front of a sunset with a leopard ready to pounce underneath.  Just other options to explore.  I am in no way discouraging caution when it comes to selecting a tattoo or a location for one (I myself have been debating what I would get and where for over a year now, but I'm not yet 19, I've got plenty of time  ;D), but for those of you who have regrets, look into a new tattoo with similar design.  Also, some tattoo artists will alter a tattoo.  Another example with my father (he's a miner, not military, his arms are full) is a wizard he got done about 3-4 years ago.  He got home and his girlfriend's daughter noticed that there were 6 fingers on the one hand holding the staff.  He went back and got it fixed, the changes aren't even noticeable.

Another tattoo he has (something to look into) is a variation of the Canadian flag. The tattoo is made to look like he has 3 rips (lines torn, as if by animal claws) going down his forearm, and "inside" you can see the flag.
Future Unknown said:
Question, Is it true that no one with tattoo's can get into JTF2 or CSOR?

As it is not mentioned in the recruiting CANFORGEN, I doubt it. 
Future Unknown said:
Question, Is it true that no one with tattoo's can get into JTF2 or CSOR?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

No its not true
Add that to the list of myths perpatrated by Basic course staff, probably to discourage hasty drunken weekend leave mistakes.

And add me to the list of people that ask obviously stupid questions about JTF2  ;D
Little late here... but I just got an appointment booked to have the Germany coat of Arms Eagle scribbled on my back :D
ill get the army.ca logo tattooed (not sure yet were)

and ill get this on my left arm (near shoulder) with a phrase that goe like this "Est Sularus Oth Mithas"

Hey, about the whole blood type tattoo. My teacher says that one of her friends out west is in some kind of special army unit and he has to have his blood type tattooed on. Now I doubt it highly, but she insists that he has it and thats why. Just out of curiousity does anyone know if its a big thing in one of the regiments out there to get your blood type tattooed on you? Im betting if the story is true he just did it to look hardcore and hes prolly para or recce or something of the like. Ideas anyone?

PS: I like the maple leaf over the heart idea.
Have to reinforce this fact: that tattoo you are getting is PERMANENT, cover-up or not.  As far as I am concerned, it has to be meaningful.  I got my 1st one for my 40th birthday and it was the Irish Claddagh (because the whole story behind the symbol meant a lot to me).  I got 2 more after that (which I wish I hadn't) and recently got the Claddagh one re-worked to to incorporate a Celtic cross (another meaningful symbol to me) and it turned out very well, if I may say so myself.  Be VERY careful, I can't say this enough. Think it through very carefully.Just my 2 ¢
PS  If I make it into the CF I'm thinking the Lorne Scots crest would look pretty good...haven't figured out exactly where yet.  And if I don't, well, maybe the Army.ca logo would be an option (sorry Mike  :D)
I guess she isn't a "Bull Shyter", as the saying is that "You can't Bull Shyte a Bull Shyter".  So someone have very effectively pulled her leg and she didn't know it.   ;D
a post about the psycho x girlfriend in there. eesh. that's bloody old.
I've rocked yet one more army tattoo. been scratchin my head on getting the whole blood type thing. think I'm going to skip that though.
already looking at cheese grating to off of the arm. *so stupid*

hahaha well said my friend. I didnt think so, thats why I was wondering if it was a fad out there? Either way I didnt think she was right lol.
