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Tattoo Thread - including current policy [MERGED]

aesop081 said:
  If you can turn your attitude on and off easy....do it now....alot of your future instructors are members here.

Maybe I can bribe them with a few brews??? hehehe ;D

Just kidding...or was I??? ;)

Springroll said:
Maybe I can bribe them with a few brews??? hehehe ;D

Just kidding...or was I??? ;)

We cannot be bribed

And also, those army.ca members i refered to also have freinds who are members and e-mail back-and-forth regularly  ;D

seriously...turn it off, it'll show and it will make your life that much harder than it needs to be
aesop081 said:
We cannot be bribed

And also, those army.ca members i refered to also have freinds who are members and e-mail back-and-forth regularly   ;D

seriously...turn it off, it'll show and it will make your life that much harder than it needs to be

Well, if they are going to make my life hell because of some things that I have posted on the net, then I will roll with the punches when I get there and deal with whatever they hand me and move on to be a better person...that is the type of person I am.

Take that as you will, but I am also not a kiss-arse type of person....I will buck up and take whatever they dish out while smiling and asking for seconds.  ;D

I appreciate the advice
Springroll said:
I fully understand what you guys were saying, but to charge someone for having their piercing in when their sleeping is ridiculous, and I can thnk of a few other more important things they should be worrying about then my tongue when I am sleeping.

I can drop the "attitude" at the drop of a hat, if needed, that is no problem for me, and I appreciate what you guys have been saying, but I am also a stubborn chick who has dealt with the military all her life(daddy was navy, gramps and uncle both army, NUMEROUS boyfriends military  ;D)

I do appreciate what you guys have said though, don't get me wrong, I do, but there are always options that many people don't consider, such as what I am doing etc.

Now a tip for those with neck tat's...buy a really good all day cover-up or concealer, and that should do the trick with hiding any of it that is exposed. Be willing to spend some bucks on the good all day stuff though....you don't want it wearing off onto your collars.

You think a charge for disobeying Regulations is ridiculous??  When I was a Corporal, I was charged for asking a Master Corporal "Why".  And I was NOT confrontational, or belligerent while doing it (and I was one of the "rising star" Corporals at the time - my promotion three months later proves the point).  Cost me 7 extras, and I just sucked it up - 'cause that's what you did, then (and in most cases - do, now).

You'd be surprised what your instructors (and later, your Section/Platoon leaders) spend their time worrying about - one of those worries is whether they've instructed/lead their troops sufficiently well that those troops understand and obey the various Regulations and Orders they're subject to - including Dress Regulations.

As far as a "buy a really good all day cover-up or concealer" to cover tatts - aside from child birth, have you ever REALLY SWEATED??  No, I mean REALLY SWEATED - when the PMeds are demanding to know when was the last time you peed, and what colour it was, and insisting that you pour yet ANOTHER litre of water down your throat - take these salt pills, too.  If you HAVE, then you know that whatever crap you put on your skin (including cam paint) isn't going to stay there - if you HAVEN'T, then you're talking through your hat.

At any rate - I will not be posting here again, it is, apparently, a losing battle - if you have anything to add that you think needs a response from me, you'll have to PM me.
Springroll said:
Well, if they are going to make my life hell because of some things that I have posted on the net, then I will roll with the punches when I get there and deal with whatever they hand me and move on to be a better person...that is the type of person I am.

I'm just picking on you now.  just bear in mind they do hang around here.

Take that as you will, but I am also not a kiss-arse type of person....I will buck up and take whatever they dish out while smiling and asking for seconds.   ;D

Good to hear because suck-ups are not a welcomed type either.
Retired CC said:
As far as a "buy a really good all day cover-up or concealer" to cover tatts - aside from child birth, have you ever REALLY SWEATED??   No, I mean REALLY SWEATED - when the PMeds are demanding to know when was the last time you peed, and what colour it was, and insisting that you pour yet ANOTHER litre of water down your throat - take these salt pills, too.   If you HAVE, then you know that whatever crap you put on your skin (including cam paint) isn't going to stay there - if you HAVEN'T, then you're talking through your hat.

At any rate - I will not be posting here again, it is, apparently, a losing battle - if you have anything to add that you think needs a response from me, you'll have to PM me.

It was a suggestion not meant for the field but for everyday wear.

To answer your question, yes I have really sweated aside from childbirth, that is why i suggested a more expensive one then those cheap drug store ones that don't do much.

Sorry if I have ticked you off, but I do enjoy conversing with you  :)
aesop081 said:
I'm just picking on you now.  just bear in mind they do hang around here.

Good to hear because suck-ups are not a welcomed type either.

I'm sure there are quite a few lurking in here....nothing surprises me anymore.
Suck-ups really suck anyways!!  ;D
Anyway, I think the intricacies of the CF Tattoo policy have been sufficiently explored.
Wow i am bringing a topic old from 2 years on this forum wow i am proud of my self hahha. Well anyways my question is will tattoos be a problem for the secret  :eek: military organisations like JTF2 or Pathfinders or any other that are consider like secret ?

THX For the reply

Word for the mods: i did a search about tattos and when i reply i got this message Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 100 days. Unless you're sure you want to reply, please consider starting a new topic. so well i am not starting just continuing.

Cheers Lads  :salute: :cdn: :salute:
On the tattoo topic, I would definitely wait until you get to Battalion for starters.  I've seen in the past course instructors who have a field day with such tattoos on their recruits.  Second, there's always the chance for whatever reason, you don't complete your MOC training and either leave the Army or OT to some other trade. (Always fun to try and explain WHY you have "DUCIMUS" or some other cbt. arm insignia on your body when you never even completed your course)  There was a new guy come to my unit 2 years ago with the Armoured Fist on his forearm and there was many a senior Corporal that endlessly got on his case for it.  He ultimately had another tattoo inked over it so you couldn't see it anymore.  For whatever reason, many people in units frown on such tattoos.  Like a particular paratrooper said back there a ways "I know I'm a paratrooper, I don't need to advertise it".  Thats right on.  He has a distinction that the bulk of people in the Army don't have, and I'm sure he's justifyably proud of the fact that he wears jump wings, but he didn't ink them on his body.  He knows what he's accomplished.  On the other hand, I see nothing wrong with having your wings inked on your body if you want that.  It's a very tough course and the pride I'm sure you feel when you've completed it (I never have - don't care for heights, kudos to anyone who can do it) may give you the desire to show that you're a part of that brotherhood on your body.  The whole point of this message is wait to get your tat until you make it to Battalion, then decide.  If you still want it - by all means, go get it!  It is your body to ink up.  If the pride you feel as being an Infanteer in our Army is something you want to show, then thats what you should do.
Now onto the RCR thing..................... A couple of years ago, I saw an old photo of some guys from the RCR in South Africa.  They were in a line up and several were holding live chickens that they were going to cook up.  However, one of the men holding the chickens had his down around his nether regions and by the photo appeared to be............. well, you get the idea.  Anyhow, I would venture a guess to say an infanteer from another Regiment saw this photo and the name stuck.  This is just my guess on the whole matter, but it makes sense. 
On the tattoo topic, I would definitely wait until you get to Battalion for starters.

Probably the best advice when it comes to tatoo's in the military you can get.

Wait a little while after you join to get one.  Your opinion of whats cool and whats cheesy will change in a major way.
Well for sure i am gonna wait IF i want to put a tattoo from the army, but my question is, if i already have a tattoo doesn't matter what kind of tattoo except ( the conditions about tattoos in the military ) will it be a problem for the secret military organisations like the jtf2 or the pathfinders ?

Cheers  :salute: :cdn: :salute:
Wolfe said:
Well for sure i am gonna wait IF i want to put a tattoo from the army, but my question is, if i already have a tattoo doesn't matter what kind of tattoo except ( the conditions about tattoos in the military ) will it be a problem for the secret military organisations like the jtf2 or the pathfinders ?

Cheers   :salute: :cdn: :salute:

Not if your wearing a secret decoder ring while having "I am a whore" tattooed on your butt.
I alway's think in terms of if I ever get taken prisoner, I would not want the enemy to know who I was or what qualifications I had. Wether I was recce, jump, pathfinder, ex-airborene or JTF2.

I had an interview with my platoon commander (22er captain) on BOTC (the getting-to-know-you meeting) and he suggested, after seeing my parent's initials on my forearms, that any further tattoos be in places covered by combats - the implication being that visible tattoos are inappropriate for officers. I'm not sure I necessarily agree... any comments? Would respect an officer LESS (all other things being equal) if he had tattoos? Seems kind of ridiculous, especially in the military.
So with what i read it shouldn't be a problem having a tattoo and join the jtf2 or pathfinders. right ?

Cheers  :salute: :cdn: :salute:
No probs at all. Send in 5 orange crush caps and get the JTF2 decoder ring before you join up.
Kat Stevens said:
No probs at all. Send in 5 orange crush caps and get the JTF2 decoder ring before you join up.

See this is the kink of stuff I live for!
Kat Stevens said:
No probs at all. Send in 5 orange crush caps and get the JTF2 decoder ring before you join up.

Ok that's nice but one think i don't understand, sorry English is not my first language, can you please explain me in other words this sentence thx : Send in 5 orange crush caps and get the JTF2 decoder ring before you join up.

THX LADS  :salute: :cdn: :salute: