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The Agent Orange and Its Repercussions Thread

Agent Orange compensation eligibility expanded

Last Updated: Wednesday, December 22, 2010 | 12:56 PM ET Comments0Recommend0CBC News
The federal government is expanding its compensation program for Agent Orange exposure at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown to include those who died of a related illness before Feb. 6, 2006.

These barrels in New Brunswick are thought to have once contained the chemical defoliant Agent Orange. (CBC)Veterans Affairs Minister Jean-Pierre Blackburn announced the new criteria for the program, which was originally designed for people who were exposed to the herbicide at the New Brunswick base in the 1960s.

The government estimates that more than 1,000 additional people whose loved one died of an Agent Orange-related illness before the previous 2006 cutoff date will now be able to apply for the one-time, $20,000 ex gratia payment.

The eligibility expansion is estimated to cost $24 million, Blackburn said.

As first reported by CBC News's Louise Elliott, Blackburn also announced the deadline for applying for the payment has been extended to June 30, 2011, from Oct. 1, 2010.

Earlier this month, the Veterans Affairs Department revealed it had not spent $26 million of the $96 million originally set aside for victims of the spray program that took place at Gagetown in 1966 and 1967. It stopped processing applications in November.

That led groups such as Widows on the Warpath to complain to CBC News last week that the government's criteria to qualify for compensation were too strict.

Copyright © CBC 2010

Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/politics/story/2010/12/22/agent-orange-compensation.html#ixzz18rhoqT6X
From VAC:
The Honourable Jean-Pierre Blackburn, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Minister of State (Agriculture), announced today, in company of the Honourable Keith Ashfield, Minister of National Revenue, Minister of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and Minister for the Atlantic Gateway, that the Government of Canada is extending the time that individuals have to submit an application for the Agent Orange ex gratia payment. Certain eligibility criteria have also been modified.

"Today, I am announcing that our government has extended the deadline to June 2011 and widened eligibility criteria. We estimate that these changes will allow approximately 1,140 people to receive the ex gratia payment, for a total of approximately $24 million dollars. The Department will be communicating shortly with individuals whose applications were previously declined in order to see if they meet the new criteria. I am proud to be part of a government that proves once again that it takes action and shows compassion," said Minister Blackburn.

As a result of today's announcement, the deadline for submitting an application is extended to June 30, 2011. People will also have until June 30, 2011 to obtain a relevant medical diagnosis. They will no longer have to prove that they were expecting their medical diagnosis before February 6, 2006. Furthermore, the requirement for applicants to have been alive on February 6, 2006 has been removed. This will allow more primary caregivers, including widows and widowers, to apply on behalf of a loved one who died before the ex gratia payment came into place.

"Today's announcement of additional government assistance to Veterans and families living in communities closest to CFB Gagetown in New Brunswick is a welcome continuation to the previous commitment made by this government," said Minister Ashfield. "It demonstrates our continued support to Veterans and their families in this province. I am so pleased to see the Government make good on the commitment made to all New Brunswickers to address longstanding concerns related to the testing of Agent Orange at CFB Gagetown."

In September 2007, the Government of Canada announced a one-time, tax-free ex gratia payment of $20,000 related to the testing of unregistered U.S. military herbicides, including Agent Orange, at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown in New Brunswick during the summers of 1966 and 1967.

While the best research available has confirmed there were no harmful long-term effects from the testing of Agent Orange, the Government of Canada acted with compassion by offering an ex gratia payment. This recognizes the uncertainty many individuals have lived with over the years.

"On behalf of the Agent Orange Association of Canada Inc., I would like to take this opportunity to thank Minister Blackburn and his government for extending and changing the Agent Orange ex gratia program. I believe that we are moving in the right direction in supporting our Veterans and civilians who were exposed to Agent Orange and other toxic herbicides at CFB Base Gagetown but we also must continue to work together," said Carol Brown Parker, Co-President Agent Orange Association of Canada Inc.

To qualify for the ex gratia payment, individuals must be diagnosed with a medical condition listed in the U.S. National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine Update 2004. They must have worked at, trained at, been posted to, or lived within five kilometres of CFB Gagetown when Agent Orange was tested in 1966 and 1967.

To date, a total of 3,137 applicants have received the tax-free, ex gratia payment, for a total payout of $62.7 million. An additional sum of 7.7 million dollars was used to communicate information about this program to the general population, to hire personnel to deal with the applications and to open an office in Oromocto.

For more information, visit the Veterans Affairs Canada Web site or call 1-866-522-2122.
Well that sound's like good new's. As far as
the Government of Canada and Veteran's
Affair's are concerned.... I won't hold my
breath,,, I will however check with Merchant
Law Group Monday morn and scope out the
situation.. Best regard's all who are involved
and hope we can  come to a conclusion in
this... Got my finger's crossed...
Scoty B
maybe this topic could be moved to re: VAC and other Soldiers' Benefits  :salute:

Facts on the Extension of the Agent Orange Ex Gratia Payment:
The Government of Canada is extending the Agent Orange ex gratia payment. With this extension, individuals will have until June 30, 2011, to obtain a relevant medical diagnosis and to submit an application. An applicant will no longer have to prove that a medical diagnosis was in progress before February 6, 2006. In addition, the requirement for an eligible individual to be alive on February 6, 2006, has been removed, allowing more primary caregivers to apply on behalf of a loved one who died before the ex gratia payment came into place.

To qualify for the ex gratia payment, individuals must meet the following conditions:

(a) Between June 1, 1966, and June 30, 2011, the individual must be diagnosed with any one or more of the following medical conditions listed in the Institute of Medicine's Update 2004:

•Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
•Soft tissue sarcoma
•Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
•Hodgkin's disease
•Respiratory cancer (of the lung/bronchus, larynx or trachea)
•Prostate cancer
•Multiple myeloma
•Acute and subacute transcient peripheral neuropathy
•Porphyria cutanea tarda
•Type 2 diabetes (mellitus)
•Spina bifida (as described in (b)).
(b) At any time from June to September of either 1966 or 1967 the individual or, in the case of an individual diagnosed with spina bifida, a biological parent of the individual must have:

•worked or lived at CFB Gagetown;
•been posted to or trained at CFB Gagetown; or
•resided in a community of which any portion laid within five kilometres of the perimeter of CFB Gagetown.
You may apply on your own behalf, and/or as the primary caregiver of an individual who passed away and would have qualified for the ex gratia payment. If you are applying both on your own behalf and as a primary caregiver, you must submit two separate application forms.

How to Apply
This is saddening on the part of VAC >:(

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Dying woman denied Agent Orange payout
Kathy Tomlinson, CBC News 19 Dec

Veterans Affairs rejects application because cancer diagnosed after deadline

A Winnipeg woman dying of lung cancer has been denied compensation promised by the federal government for illnesses linked to Agent Orange spraying at CFB Gagetown, N.B, because she missed a deadline for getting diagnosed.

"I was tired. I was worn out. I was just exhausted. But, I just thought I was stressed through work," said Debbie Bertrand, 57. "I can't change not going to a doctor."

Bertrand grew up in a military family. She is one of several thousand people who lived or worked at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown when Agent Orange was sprayed there.

"We as kids weren't given a choice of where we were allowed to live when our fathers were in the military," said Bertrand. "We just happened to be there at that time and that place."

The Canadian military allowed the U.S. to conduct Vietnam War-related experiments, in the summers of 1966 and 1967. The U.S. spraying in those years is only a small portion of the Agent Orange used in the Gagetown area over a 28-year period.

Ottawa has since promised $20,000 payments to anyone who suffered ill health effects linked to the American tests. Lung cancer sufferers qualify. However, the deadline to get diagnosed was June 30 of this year.

Sick before deadline

Bertrand said she was feeling quite ill before the deadline, but didn't go to a doctor. In June, she was working overtime as a civil servant in Winnipeg, processing Employment Insurance cheques during the postal strike.

"It's pretty obvious that she had been sick with lung cancer for quite some time, she just hadn't been diagnosed" said her daughter, Amy Bertrand, adding her mother always put others first and doesn't stand up for herself.

"She will walk away because that's what she was told — and that's not right."

Bertrand has worked for the federal government for 25 years and was just starting to plan her retirement when she got sick.

"It was very shocking actually," she said, adding she drove herself to hospital after she started coughing up blood.

"Maybe I should have gone to the doctor in May – and never mind the rest of the Canadians that they didn't get their EI cheques. I should have looked after myself instead of them."

By the time Bertrand went to hospital in August, her cancer was inoperable and quite advanced. Veterans Affairs then told her, since she was diagnosed after the cutoff, the rules dictate she is not entitled to a payment.

"In order to accept an Agent Orange ex gratia application after the June 30, 2011, deadline, there must be circumstances beyond the control of the applicant," reads the latest rejection letter from Veterans Affairs.

"Furthermore, the medical document you provided shows you were diagnosed with lung cancer on Aug. 11, 2011. That is after the eligible time period."

Cut-off date criticized

"Why do they have a cut-off date on such an important issue that's been around for years?" asked Bertrand. "How many other people don't know they are sick right now?"

The Agent Orange Association of Canada, which advocates for people exposed, said it believes many people who have suffered didn't even apply.

"I have talked to eight or nine people that found out … after the June 30th deadline. So of course they could not apply. The government right from the beginning did not do due diligence in informing people," said president Carol Brown Parker.

She said some requests submitted before the deadline were denied because of technicalities.

"The whole thing is an insult," said Grant Pye, whose application was rejected. "They are playing with people's lives here."

He said his family spent summers at a vacation property near the base and he suffers from two diseases approved for compensation. His application was denied, though, because technically the summer property was not his "residence."

"I proved I was there [during the spraying]," he said, "I wouldn't have bothered if I didn't have the right to it."

Pye's MP, Conservative John Williamson, wrote a scathing letter to Veterans Affairs about the denial calling it "arbitrary and discriminating."

"An injustice has occurred," wrote Williamson. "Your office has chosen to ignore the clear intent of the program … I ask that you right this wrong in the interest of fairness and justice."

Figures from Veterans Affairs show 9,584 people have applied since 2007, when the federal government first decided to compensate people exposed to Agent Orange in and around Gagetown in the mid-'60s.

About 4,800 people — half the applicants — have been paid. Veterans Affairs indicated most of the $114-million fund has now been depleted. About $8.6 million went to administration.

The remaining $9 million will be used to pay claims, with the last cheques being sent out by Dec. 30.

Woman has filed 2 appeals

Bertrand’s daughter, who like her mother works for the federal government, said the money would allow her to take a leave of absence to care for her mom at home.

"They were testing a chemical they used for war on my family," said Amy.

She's helped her mother file two appeals and said the slow response shows disrespect for her mom, whose time is running out.

"They can't even have the courtesy to respond to letter we sent by a lawyer," she said. "This isn't just about the money. It's about the principle. It's not right that the government can treat their citizens like this."

Veterans Affairs refused to comment on Bertrand's case, citing privacy. The minister responsible, Steven Blaney, declined a request for an interview.

A statement from his spokesperson read, "We went beyond our initial commitment by providing additional funds to the program to ensure all those who are eligible for the ex-gratia payment receive it. This is concrete proof that our government is delivering transparent and measurable results for our veterans and their families."

Christmas plea

Several members of Bertrand's family have also become ill, with diseases linked to Agent Orange exposure, and some have since died.

She hopes by going public she can still get Ottawa's attention before Christmas.

"When you are not ready [to die] you are not prepared," says Bertrand.

Her daughter is hopeful her mother's appeal will be considered and compensation granted, so she can use some of the funds to take time off work.

"I do work two jobs, so it's hard to be home all the time to look after her," she said, choking back tears. "Until it affects you directly, you don't really know how hard it is."
Since it can be proven she was there when the Agent orange was sprayed, and it's verifiable that other people within her family have difficulties, it should be appealable
In this case, VAC has no legal authority to pay.  Their hands are tied: the qualifying criteria were not met.

The bureaucracy can only do as it is told to do and permitted to do.  If the rules need changing (and this case suggests they do) it is the role of the elected officials to change those rules.
You are correct....permission would have to come from the minister...
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MP rallies to support dying woman told she filed Agent Orange claim too late
Shawn Berry, Postmedia News, 19 Dec

New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal

A woman who's dying of lung cancer that she says was caused by Agent Orange spraying at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown in New Brunswick in the 1960s says the federal government has denied her compensation because she was diagnosed months after a deadline.

``It's not so much the money. The money would have been nice to put my affairs in order, but it's more that the government has a responsibility to each individual person and not to put a date on it,'' she said Monday from her Winnipeg home.

Debbie Bertrand, 57, was raised in a military family and is among the thousands who lived in the area when the U.S. military tested Agent Orange, a specific blend of herbicides, at the base in 1966 and 1967.

The base also used a range of powerful defoliants to clear brush from the 1950s until the 1980s, when the most toxic substances were banned.

In 2007, the federal government made the $20,000 payments available to people whose health may have been harmed by the spraying of Agent Orange at the base.

The $95.6-million package was for veterans and civilians affected by the U.S. military's spraying of the lethal herbicide at CFB Gagetown during the 1960s.

An NDP member of Parliament says situations such as Bertrand's are highlighting a sad chapter in Canadian history.

``She's not an isolated case, and there will be many more down the road,'' said Peter Stoffer, the MP for Sackville-Eastern Shore in Nova Scotia.

``(Veterans Affairs) has a `benefit-of-the-doubt program' and they should apply the benefit of the doubt in these cases.''

Bertrand, who said she felt ill earlier this year but wasn't tested until August, several weeks after a deadline for compensation, says she believes the government should have contacted every resident and told them to get medical tests.

``We should have all been notified. How many people who lived there really know nothing about it? They lived there, they've been sick or their parents have been sick and they don't know,'' said Bertrand, who lived in Oromocto, N.B., for about 15 years.

``It shouldn't be up to us hunt them down. They should have been hunting us down, making sure we got doctors' (appointments) and get tested for these things.

``It's kind of sad that they gave a cut-off date. I'm only 57. How many of the other kids who grew up there are sick? How many more of them actually know about this?''

She said she was diagnosed with lung cancer in August of this year, after the June 30 deadline for a $20,000 payment.

Bertrand said she was feeling ill earlier this year, before the deadline. At the time, she chalked it up to the stress of work, she said.

An employee at Service Canada, she said she was especially busy during the Canada Post strike.

She said she had enough in August when she wasn't feeling strong enough to take the garbage out.

``I drove (my daughter) to work and went to the hospital, and that's when I found out.''

``I feel very sorry for Ms. Bertrand, there are many people like herself who have been denied (compensation) for ridiculous reasons,'' said Carol Brown Parker of the Agent Orange Association of Canada.

Parker said it's her group's position that the government did not do due diligence from the beginning to properly notify people who lived and qualified in CFB Gagetown and surrounding areas.
Steven Blaney’s Office Claims Harper Government Delivered on Agent Orange Promises But Veterans Ombudsman Calls VAC Actions “Scandalous”

December 22, 2011. 11:12 pm • Section: Defence Watch

NATALIE STECHYSON, POSTMEDIA NEWS has the latest about the Agent Orange issue:

OTTAWA — Canada’s veterans ombudsman stood up Thursday for the caregivers of those affected by Agent Orange who are being excluded from government payments.

Veterans Affairs Canada is denying claims from caregivers based on “very narrow” interpretations, Guy Parent said in a statement released Thursday. While no one questions the need for eligibility criteria, these criteria must respect the spirit of the legislation, Parent said.

“The definitions used by Veterans Affairs Canada would not withstand public or legal scrutiny. This is nothing short of scandalous,” Parent said.

“One wonders how many other individuals have been denied the ex gratia payment unfairly.”

The Agent Orange ex gratia payment program is meant to compensate those who were exposed to the defoliant chemical and are suffering from medical conditions related to the testing. The spray program took place at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown in New Brunswick in 1966 and 1967. The program allows primary caregivers to apply on behalf of an individual who would have been eligible but died.

Jean-Christophe de le Rue, a spokesman for Veterans Affairs Minister Steven Blaney, said the government promised to deal with the Agent Orange issue and has delivered on that promise.

In 2007, the government announced a $20,000 ex gratia payment. In 2010, the government enhanced the eligibility criteria and extended the deadline for a medical diagnosis and the deadline for applications to June 30, 2011, de la Rue pointed out.

“We went beyond our initial commitment by providing additional funds to the program to ensure all those who are eligible for the ex-gratia payment receive it,” he said in an email to Postmedia News.

“Until December 31, 2011, Minister Blaney will continue to monitor cases to ensure fair and accurate decisions are being made. This is concrete proof that our government is delivering transparent and measurable results for our veterans and their families.”

The office of the ombudsman has received a number of requests for help by people whose applications have been denied, Parent said. In one instance, the widow of a former soldier was denied payment because her husband of 50 years was living in a long-term care facility at the time of his death.

One of the criteria is that the primary caregiver must have been living in the same home as the deceased for at least one year prior to that person’s death and was primarily responsible for caring for the individual.

“The widow in question ensured that her husband received the care that he needed by placing him in a facility when she could no longer care for him at home, and she visited that facility every day to assist staff where possible,” Parent said. “Unfortunately, the department narrowly has interpreted the order in council to mean that care must be provided directly by the caregiver.”

Parent also raised the case for individuals who have been denied because of late applications.

Read more: http://www.canada.com/health/Veterans+ombudsman+slams+scandalous+Agent+Orange+compensation+rules/5901347/story.html#ixzz1hJdunrpn
"Veterans Affairs Minister Steven Blaney has told official to review some cases with more compassion, a spokesperson said."

Bravo Mr Blaney. Hopefully this is the beginning of a new era in VAC.  I have great hopes for you sir.
A bit more from The Canadian Press:
The federal government is reversing a decision to reject compensation for dozens of Canadians affected by the spraying of Agent Orange.

The Canadian Press has learned approximately 30 people will now receive payments under the program, which is meant to compensate soldiers and their families exposed to the defoliant in the 1960s who later became ill.

A number of families had gone public in recent weeks with their bureaucratic battles over the funds and the Veterans Ombudsman publicly rebuked the government for its handling of the file, saying the rules were being applied too restrictively.

Government sources say the number of complaints they've received led to a review of what one admitted was a "less than perfect" program.

Those people who are eligible for a payment but filed an application past the June 30, 2011 deadline will now receive funds.

The government is also loosening its application of rules on compensation for primary caregivers.

In one case, a widow was denied payment because her husband died in a nursing home and the couple of 50 years was technically not living together.

She and others like her will now receive funds, government officials said ....
I am pretty sure this would be an appropriate place to post this, however i apologize in advance if it is not. I am currently waiting to be accepted into my local armored reserve unit (not saying I will be, however I have high hopes that I will since it is a big dream of mine). I have some valid concerns of mine that I would appreciate if some good folks here could help me with. After hearing so much about CFB Gagetown's unfortunate spraying and testing of Agent Orange and Agent Purple defoliant from 1956 until 1984 when it was outlawed, I cannot help to wonder what the current environmental situation is on the base. I understand training goes on there on a regular basis and has been for a long, long time but it still makes me wonder what effects some of the soldiers stationed there or training there will have from being in an area sprayed with one of (if not the) most toxic substance known to man later in life. I wont let it stop me from serving my country, but I would very much like to know what people here think about the situation and perhaps receive some good responses and information from the users of these forums. No, I am not joking I do have very valid concerns over this matter and I would like to be fully aware of what I am getting myself into.

Responses are much appreciated.

-Thanks, AJ
The training area is safe and there are no areas off limits to troops due to the agent being sprayed 40+ years ago.

You can roll around in your trench all you want to your heart's content.

As for it being spraying in the 80's....source please?

"kstart"is so right in saying he is really glad to hear some better news.
Hopefully VAC will understand that there are many many more persons out there that have not been seen to. Many more are ill or will become ill and one by one, each will have to fight for what should be theirs to expect. It is a shame that anyone who served their country should have to fight for their rights after they have given their best years to fighting for EVERY persons rights while protecting Canada.

"AJSangster" asked a valid question about todays health in the Training area. I would respond with, take care, keep your skin covered if possible, arrange a clean surface for you food prep and eating. All the stuff that mom taught you, like, wash your hands before you eat. Do your job (training) but use common sense in protecting yourself as much as possible. It has NOT been proven to my satisfaction that dioxin is not present in some areas. I add this to Nerf Herder's comment since it is well known that herbicides and pesticides are still used by the military and if anyone checks on the ending of these words "cides" they will know that it is a latin word meaning "to kill" and what kills greenery or insects is also poisonous to humans.

I will describe the chemicals that posed the problem that we call Agent Orange. Agent Orange is actually a description of a barrel that held a chemical mixture. The description "Agent Orange" was a nickname used by the American Military because the barrel holding the chemical mixture had an orange stripe painted around it for quick recognition. Inside the barrel was a 50/50 mixture of 2,4D and 2,4,5T. Just in the last couple of years 2,4D has been taken off the shelves in hardware stores because it is suspected of being a health risk. In 1973, 2,4,5T was found to be highly contaminated with Dioxin and the production procedure was modified and later 2,4,5T was banned in most areas of the world. 

"Nerf herder", The chemicals 2,4D and 2,4,5T and many other toxic chemicals (ie: Tordon 101) were sprayed in Gagetown from 1956 - 1984 and the documentation can be requested from Access to Information by asking for document A-2004-00207 

The 'Agent Orange Association of Canada Inc' is still pushing VAC to be more accessible to the victims of the Chemicals at Gagetown. I will add that I have not been well received by VAC and I know my husband will be one of the forgotten ones, but I will continue to support others. I began this thread on Feb 21, 2005 and was working on a DVA claim for my husband well before the media became involved, each claim was rather quickly rejected.
Bumped with a new development from south of the border ....
The state government of Maine is going to Washington D.C. to try to get help for members of the state's National Guard who trained at CFB Gagetown.

Over the years thousands of Maine guardsmen trained in the woods at the New Brunswick base where Agent Orange and other chemical defoliants were used.

Maine Gov. Paul Lepage has directed senior veterans department officials to ask Washington to acknowledge the hazards Maine National Guard members faced in New Brunswick. If the U.S. federal government agrees, the veterans will receive benefits they are currently not eligible to receive.

"It would allow them to get benefits that they would deserve - if it has been determined that whatever illness they have was a direct result of exposure," said Peter Rogers, the communications director for Maine's Department of Defence, Veterans and Emergency Management ....
More background at Maine's Department of Defence, Veterans and Emergency Management page here.
The veterans affairs critic for the NDP is calling for an inquiry into defoliant spraying at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown in New Brunswick and is encouraging anyone who was exposed to the chemicals to file a claim with the federal government.

Peter Stoffer didn't limit his appeal to members of the military who have been affected, saying Tuesday that civilians or their families should also step forward if they think they have a claim.

"If you believe you have a legitimate claim to make towards (the Department of Veterans Affairs) we're encouraging you now to get the forms and send them in," he told a news conference in Moncton with Basil McAllister, 83, who has been fighting for compensation for 10 years.

Stoffer used McAllister's case to encourage others to come forward.

"He wasn't asking for a Rolex watch or a trip to Florida," Stoffer said. "He was asking for basic dignity and basic compensation to help him and his family live through the ailments they are suffering from."

McAllister, who is from nearby Burton, has a list of health problems, which he attributes to exposure to the defoliant Agent Orange.

"I have prostate cancer and it has gone into my bones. I have Type 2 diabetes. I have skin cancer and I have a pacemaker to keep my heart going," he said.

Veterans Affairs Minister Julian Fantino said in a statement that the federal Conservatives introduced a $20,000 ex-gratia payment that was paid to over 5,000 veterans and other Canadians for exposure to Agent Orange ....
The Canadian Press, 16 Dec 2014

A bit more from the NDP's news release:
NDP Veterans Affairs critic Peter Stoffer congratulated veteran Basil McAllister today for winning a federal court case that forces Veterans Affairs Canada to grant him disability compensation in relation to his exposure to defoliant spraying at CFB Gagetown.

“Basil fought for almost 10 years to obtain compensation and assistance from Veterans Affairs Canada,” said Stoffer. “He was repeatedly denied assistance but did not give up. I am proud of Basil’s win on this issue.”

Stoffer noted that the NDP has long advocated for better compensation for all military personnel and civilians affected by defoliant spraying at CFB Gagetown. Stoffer also noted that the federal Conservatives promised to call for a full public inquiry into Agent Orange and defoliant spraying at CFB Gagetown prior to being elected in 2006 but did not deliver on their promise.

“Based on Basil’s recent win, I encourage all Canadians affected by defoliant spraying at CFB Gagetown to file a claim with Veterans Affairs Canada,” said Stoffer. “There is no excuse for this Conservative government to deny them their rightful compensation.”
Having problems figuring out how he feels that his ailments are Agent Orange related - prostate cancer, Type 2 Diabetes, skin cancers and heart issues are something a lot of 80 something year olds have issues with and weren't bathing in AO.  They come with having 80 year old body parts.  There are fairly specific disease processes that are identified as being caused by exposure to AO - these aren't. 

Don't get me wrong, I do feel for the guy, however I feel he needs to come up with something better if he feels he deserves compensation based on that alone.

