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The air cadet thread

5 years, that's it!?  ;D welcome to the Alumnus club.  Do you guys do a retirement parade and such ?


Congrats on the out Mandal. lol

I'm a WO 2 with 599 Marc Garneau, formerly with #27 City of London.

By the by, what comes next for you, Mandal? 
What comes next, wow, thats a good question....life?.....

i think i'm out of the cadet system for good; no transferring sqn's or CIC or CI for me. The system and all the politics that surround everything is disgusting. Maybe I'll join a reserve unit when i move to Ottawa. Hopefully there'll be less BS...
Reserves in Ottawa would be awesome.

Join the Highlanders!  All the goodness of a part-time army job plus the added benefit of kilts!

Good luck!
I heard they are changing some of the summer courses next year (according to a few of my officers). Such as lengthening some of the courses and reducing the length of some other courses. Creating a few courses and probably merging some (such as ITL and ITI into one course).

Has anybody else heard anything?
I would like to point out that the worst possible information tends to flow from the grapevine. So I wouldn't place much stock in that yet. Of course I was saying the same thing about the darn service medal so what do I know...
condor888000 said:
I would like to point out that the worst possible information tends to flow from the grapevine. So I wouldn't place much stock in that yet. Of course I was saying the same thing about the darn service medal so what do I know...

Obviously not very much. ;)

But if they did, for example, merge ITL and ITI together into a new lengthened course, it would be beneficial. A lot of cadets that I talk to do not want to take ITI because they do not like teaching or being in front of a group. This would give them the leadership aspect that they like and force them to be better teachers/talking in front of large groups.
I don't like it. You have 13 or 14 years olds, 3 weeks is plently long enough to be away from mommy and daddy. To properly teach this you're upping it to 6 weeks. So, you have the cadets would would be first intake, and the cadets who would be second intake, they'd have to all be there together in order to keep the same numbers of cadets attending these courses each year.

I still think its not gonna happen. Too much trouble. Might happen eventually, but I can't see it at the moment.
condor888000 said:
I don't like it. You have 13 or 14 years olds, 3 weeks is plently long enough to be away from mommy and daddy. To properly teach this you're upping it to 6 weeks. So, you have the cadets would would be first intake, and the cadets who would be second intake, they'd have to all be there together in order to keep the same numbers of cadets attending these courses each year.

I still think its not gonna happen. Too much trouble. Might happen eventually, but I can't see it at the moment.

The part in bold is the major problem that I see that you have pointed out. ITL and ITI also have two different level requirements. It would be very hard to accomplish a merge like this.

What about a 6 week marksmanship course to advance on the knowledge of  Rifle Coach?
Exactly. Which is why I think it won't be done in the near future.

Find that much range space and I say go for it. But you have to find the space. Connaught might handle it, but thats pretty much the only place I can even start to think of.
Connaught would probably be the only able to accept a new course like this. We could probably piggy back on the army cadet CLI marksman course somewhat (change the course accordingly). In creating a new course like this, it would be creating a new specialty in air cadets. Sort of like SI or AI.
Ah, but is not CLI Marksman a very selective course? How much would they like it if we dropped a flight of air cadets on them?

I think it would have to be run seperatly, unfortunate, but I can't see how it could be combined.
Rifle Coach is already run at Connaught and Penhold. The graduates of these courses can be the staff cadets of the new course (along with help from army cadets at first). When I said piggy back, I meant taking there curriculum and modifying it to our needs.

Penhold can be the second location of this course.
I've been to Penhold. Last I heard ITRCC's range and classroom was the curling rink. Yes the curling rink. They don't have the range space.

And isn't CLI Marksman the Bisley exchange? You want to try and piggy back onto that?
Ok so scratch Penhold off the list.

I said piggy back on to their curriculum, not the actual course. I don't know if CLI Marksman is the Bisley exchange. Any army cadet want to clarify?
C/WO Liu-2381 Fusiliers said:
HAHAHA flying Squrl.....LOl  :D

                                                          :threat:*** Squints eyes angrily *** >:(
A bit of a history lesson ITLC and ITIC used to be one three week course, JLC.  We covered the same material from both courses in a three week time period, granted that was the 80's.  The seperation of these courses was to allow more focus and practice time in specific disciplines because too many people were returning to their units at the end of training with nkowledge but little practicle experience.  Personally, I preferred the combined course, but many years out and now as an officer, I can see the value of the two seperated streams.