We might be able to agree that lawyers cost too much..
The cost of execution and appeals, we could say for
the sake of argument, would be similar to what the
cost of incarceration would be.
I would prefer to take the financial issue out of it anyway.
Applying a cost vs. benefit rule to human life - don't want to go there.
What greater good is served by actually pushing the button?
He may at some point (no matter how remote) provide some value
to someone else. Should the state and courts have the ultimate
power in a civil society? Picktons' continued existence would be
material proof of our civility. Now if he chose to die by his own hand
I would not feel any particular need to prevent it, like I would just
about anyone else.
Here's the thing. Once capital punishment is accepted and practiced,
the burden of proof and burden of evidence will shift.
Each case brought forward will potentially move the bar up or down
as to what's acceptable. Today were getting rid of caged monsters.
Tomorrow we're getting rid of racial minorities or old people.
If the state has no such ultimate power, no risk exists.
There is no risk of killing the wrong guy, because we never kill unnecessarily.
Edit to add: Two movies come mind; 12 angry men and The Green Mile
Cheers all!