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The disability award "top up".....not until 2017?

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There's a lot of debate on how it will be calculated. The big problem is VACs example of someone receiving a 25% award would receive a $11000 top up doesn't matter the year you recieved it. No one can figure out how they came to a top up of $11 000 but that's what they are saying.

So BinRat you would be looking at $22 000 total for a top up.

Link for VACs example http://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/about-us/department-officials/minister/budget/disability-award

I would hope that the way you and Puckchaser are calculating it is correct but VAC has thrown many with there example.
Teager said:
There's a lot of debate on how it will be calculated. The big problem is VACs example of someone receiving a 25% award would receive a $11000 top up doesn't matter the year you recieved it. No one can figure out how they came to a top up of $11 000 but that's what they are saying.

So BinRat you would be looking at $22 000 total for a top up.

Link for VACs example http://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/about-us/department-officials/minister/budget/disability-award

I would hope that the way you and Puckchaser are calculating it is correct but VAC has thrown many with there example.

Bear with me, I'm a SigOp not a MathOp but the answer for the VAC example is solveable:

25% of $360K is $90K
$90K minus the $11K topup would be $79K
$79K (being 25% of max payout) times 4, is $316K

$316K is what the max disability rating would have likely been in 2017 with inflation, as $310,378 was the 2016 numbers (It's been going up roughly $6K a year for the past few years).

Someone getting a 25% payout in 2006 would be looking at a topup of $27,500.
If a member put a VAC claim in in 2016  and he was assessed as 16% (like a 16% injury?)  would he receive any extra money for this top up thing?
Jarnhamar said:
If a member put a VAC claim in in 2016  and he was assessed as 16% (like a 16% injury?)  would he receive any extra money for this top up thing?

Yes, but would only receive 15% payment VAC will round up or down.
PuckChaser said:
Bear with me, I'm a SigOp not a MathOp but the answer for the VAC example is solveable:

25% of $360K is $90K
$90K minus the $11K topup would be $79K
$79K (being 25% of max payout) times 4, is $316K

$316K is what the max disability rating would have likely been in 2017 with inflation, as $310,378 was the 2016 numbers (It's been going up roughly $6K a year for the past few years).

Someone getting a 25% payout in 2006 would be looking at a topup of $27,500.

Makes sense to me hopefully that's how VAC sees it too.
The amount Disability Award and Pension depends on:

    the degree to which your disability is related to your service (entitlement); and
    the extent of your disability (assessment)

The entitlement is based on fifths - 5/5 represent the Crown is responsible, 1/5 the Crown is only minimally responsible. If you are assessed a 5% disability and 5/5 entitlement you get 5%. If you are assessed a 5% disability and 3/5 entitlement you get 3%.

I have 2x 5% awards
. What is your entitlement? (I don't need to know).

All of the above because I bet for sure VAC will calculate the entitlement for the top up. IMHO.
The way I am understanding it is: 310378 is 86% of 360000 so the increase is around 14%. 14% of 77594 is about 11k.

Oh my...this is getting downright painful to read.

Here's the gospel according to the legislation.  Amendments to the NVC begin at Section 80. Changes to the Disability Award and Death Benefit begin at Section 99.

The vast majority of people getting the retro payment will come under Section 100 - that covers members who are still alive as of 1 April 2017.

Member or veteran who received disability award

100 (1) The Minister must pay to a member or a veteran who received, in whole or in part, a disability award under section 45, 47 or 48 of the Act before April 1, 2017, and who is alive on April 1, 2017, an amount determined in accordance with the formula

A − B

is the amount set out in column 3 of Schedule 3 to the Act, as that Schedule read on April 1, 2017, that corresponds to the member’s or veteran’s extent of disability, as set out in column 2, for which the disability award was received, reduced — for every calendar year from 2016 until the year in which the disability award was received — by a percentage calculated in accordance with the method of calculating the percentages by which the amounts set out in Schedule 3 to the Act are periodically adjusted*; and

is the amount of the disability award that was payable to the member or the veteran under subsection 52(1) of the Act.

Death of member or veteran before amount paid

(2) If the member or veteran dies before the amount is paid under subsection (1), the Minister must pay that amount, in accordance with section 55 of the Act, to a survivor or a person who was, at the time of the member’s or veteran’s death, a dependent child.

* This is also known as the annual indexing rate, or COLA.

Schedule 3 is at the very bottom of the document.

Now if you have access to the Indexing rates since 2006, you can calculate this exactly the same way VAC is going to do it.
So people will be getting a good shunk of money less then what they expect. Since most think A= % as of 1 April 2017 minus % received. http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/econ46a-eng.htm
So what is the formula used to calculate the amount someone would get?
Well exemple April 2017 assessed at 15% =$54000  let's say you got your desability payment in 2013. Look at the CPI for

2016= 1.3 so 54000 X 1.3 $702
2015= 1.1x 54000 = $574
2014 = 2.0x 54000 = $1080
2013 = .9 X 54000= $486

Add all the result $2842

Now $54000- $2842 = $51158

So $51158 - whatever you received then 15% in 2013 was $44788 so $51158 -44788= $6370 vice if they would have taken 2017 rate minus 2013 rates then it would have been $9212.  Hope it make sense.
Binrat who said that anything was easy and clear with VAC. If it was nobody would get screwed .G
BinRat in simple terms your getting less money from VAC than you think if Tilaps calculation is what VAC is using.
Tilap61 said:
Well exemple April 2017 assessed at 15% =$54000  let's say you got your desability payment in 2013. Look at the CPI for

2016= 1.3 so 54000 X 1.3 $702
2015= 1.1x 54000 = $574
2014 = 2.0x 54000 = $1080
2013 = .9 X 54000= $486

Add all the result $2842

Now $54000- $2842 = $51158

So $51158 - whatever you received then 15% in 2013 was $44788 so $51158 -44788= $6370 vice if they would have taken 2017 rate minus 2013 rates then it would have been $9212.  Hope it make sense.

I think(!) the way they'll do it would actually be 54000 - 1.3%.  Take the result and deduct 1.1% off the result.  Then take that result and deduct 2.0%...and so on.  The net result is marginally less of a hit than the way you did it.
I took a second look at the law as it is written and you might be right but like you said it would be magically more, a few hundred bucks in my example. I'll take it. Thanks for pointing that out to me.
That's simply my guess.  The wording is so ambiguous they could do it either way and substantiate the way they decided to do it.  Who knows what their actual intent was when writing it up.  Hopefully there will be a detailed calculation sent out for everyone when it's time to make the direct deposits, so we aren't forced to look at the top up sum awarded and wonder "Just how did they arrive at that?".
Who here trusts Trudeau's promises for anything, let alone the Liberals election promises to woo the Veterans' vote? Who here trusts VAC?