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The Evil Mother Teresa

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Army.ca Veteran
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"Mother Teresa was a pretty unsavoury character behind the PR campaign.
I have friends who refer to her with all seriousness as one of the most evil women of our century."
- Britney Spears

Do Tell?


Quote from: Britney Spears
"I also learned to use descriptive thread titles so that people would actually know what the thread was about before opening it.

Of course, your mileage may vary."

- I did what I could, in this case.


Well you could just read the link.....

In short, I'm not a big fan of her due to the fact that she recieved millions in donations, yet never spent one cent helping anyone with actual medical treatment (paying nuns to pray for you generally won't make you better). Her hospices also have a policy of baptizing patients before their deaths, with or without their consent, which I find to be a tad unethical.
There are a few other quirks about her religious outlook that bug me, such as her attitude that the poor should just bear their suffering instead of trying to improve their lot, because "the world is made better by their suffering" or some such tripe. The finances of her charity were never disclosed to the public and people suspect that the majority of contributions went into the Vatican Bank and towards  missionary work and aggressive prosetlyzation.

See wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother_Teresa#Criticism

From <a href=http://www.saintmychal.com/hitchens.htm>This site:

* In 1981 Mother Teresa journeyed to Haiti, to accept that nation's highest award, the Legion d'Honneur. She received it from the Duvalier family, and made a glowing speech in which she said that dictator "Baby Doc" and his wife Michele not only loved the poor, but were loved by the poor in return.

* In 1990 she made a trip to Albania, then the most oppressive of the Balkan Stalinist states, and laid a wreath on the grave of the dictator Enver Hoxha as well as on the irredentist monument to "Mother Albania". She was herself of Albanian descent (born in Skopje, Macedonia), but many Albanians were shocked by her embrace of Hoxha's widow and her silence on human rights.

* In 1992 she intervened with a court in Los Angeles, which was about to sentence Charles Keating, the biggest fraud and embezzler in American history. His S&L racket stole a total of $252 million, mainly from small and poor depositors. A strong Catholic and right-wing campaigner against pornography in his spare time, Keating gave Mother Teresa $1,250,000 in cash and the use of a private jet, in return for which she gave him many useful endorsements, including a character reference to the court. The court had asked Mother Teresa to return Keating's donations, which may well have been stolen, but she never replied to the request.

All in all she is a reactionary religious fundamentalist, anti-abortion, anti-gay marriange, anti-divorce uness it was for Princess Diana, and generally does not share my liberal viewpoint.

Godless Heathens!

If it wasn't for that name and avatar, I would launch in a firey tirade, so I would.


Hey I've an open mind. If anyone has anything to say in Mother teresa's defence, I'll be very interested to hear it.
If you're interested in the definitive anti-Mother Teresa diatribe, try Christopher Hitchens' take down called The Missionary Position: Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice....at this link http://users.rcn.com/peterk.enteract/Books.html

cheers, mdh
Britney Spears said:
Hey I've an open mind. If anyone has anything to say in Mother teresa's defence, I'll be very interested to hear it.

How about her life devoted to helping the poor,  winning the nobel peace prize and,...... oh yeah, she's saint.
I believe he touched on some details pertaining to her aid to the poor, which was probably the result in winning the peace prize. I also, dont see how being called a saint is any defense without substance...

Or maybe this drink is hitting me harder than i think, who knows.
x-zipperhead said:
How about her life devoted to helping the poor,  winning the nobel peace prize and,...... oh yeah, she's saint.

Keeping them poor probably wasn't much help to them.

It's like the idiots in the States who thought a viable act of charity was buying new shopping carts for homeless people.  On the face of it, yeah, it's a charitable act, but take a step back and look at the big picture.  The charity is just keeping the homeless people down so they can make themselves feel good and keep themselves in business.  Being a non-profit organization is big business in itself; check out the United Way sometime.  It's why I don't donate to them.

A lot of charities are like that.  Donate money to the charity, support their overhead and the people who work for the charity, but God forbid you actually donate your money instead to finding the homeless, unemployed or downtrodden people they help jobs, so that those same "poor", homeless, etc. don't  need other people's help anymore.

Sounds like Mother Theresa was doing the same sort of thing.
Okay so Mother theresa is to blame for keeping them poor?  All so she could maintain her " big business " of providing homes and hospices for the poor, the sick, and the dying.  Alrighty then.

If you insist on slagging one of the greatest humanitarians of our time, perhaps you could share what charitable acts you have contributed to the world, your community, anything.

I hope you are sitting back having a giggle  because you are pulling my chain.  That would be kinda funny.

If you are for real, that is sad.  I will withdraw and leave you to your ridiculous conspiracy theories.

God, you guy's can't be for real!

x-zipperhead said:
Okay so Mother theresa is to blame for keeping them poor?

According to what was mentioned so far, she was probably partially to blame for keeping them sick.  Don't know about poor, probably not.

All so she could maintain her " big business " of providing homes and hospices for the poor, the sick, and the dying.  Alrighty then.

I have no idea what she personally gained - someone mentioned a plane for 1.25 million bucks.  Don't know much about her; what I am saying is that it happens on a smaller scale all the time.  As much as I hate to bring his name up, Rush Limbaugh identified some good examples of charities out to keep themselves "in business".  Not necessarily for personal monetary gain.  I mean, hey, maybe they genuinely thought they were doing good.  Probably. In fact, I'm certain of it.  And so keeping the poor, sick, homeless, etc., in need by performing "charitable" acts that in the end only kept them down let them keep going on feeling good about themselves.  So instead of finding a job for that dude that hangs out by the public library, you buy him a new shopping cart to collect cans in.  What have you done, really, but ensure he is still dependent on handouts?

If you insist on slagging one of the greatest humanitarians of our time, perhaps you could share what charitable acts you have contributed to the world, your community, anything.

Not relevant.  But every dollar I refuse to give to some guy or gal who doesn't want to join society and work for a living like I do is one more dollar towards a pretty good cause.

There ARE legitimate charities out there, and people in legitimate need of assistance.  I don't circumvent them by supporting false charities,  such as giving to beggars on the street.

If you are for real, that is sad.  I will withdraw and leave you to your ridiculous conspiracy theories.

Go through life eyes open, eyes closed, its all the same to anyone else in the end.
I'm starting a new thread too, entitled

Mao Tse Tung, Josef Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Pol Pot and Satan; Friends of Humanity......

Well, if the premesis for her beatification was that she was advancing the Catholic cause, then there's nothing unreasonable about it. Certainly I don't *hate* her as much as some people, especially many gay/lesbians do.But you have to admit that in the context of giving practical assistance to the poor, she wasn't particularly good at it, especially considering the amount of money she raked in for that very cause. Add that to her rather questionable religious opinions on things like divorce and other inconsistencies in her position, and she is at best a religious fundamentalist, and at worst a hypocrite.

There's no "consipracy theory" involved, really. It was no great secret what she was doing. It just looks a little silly today to liberals and non-catholics.
You know what I meant....... :)

Baptizing people on their deathbeds without their consent is a little over the top even for a nun.
Not if you believe it will ensure that they get where they need to go...

Not saying I agree or disagree (I'm not RC). Just saying in those days, religious beliefs, like lots of things - were more black and white. I gotta believe she thought she was doing what was best for them, based on the way she was raised/taught/indoctrinated. I doubt very much there was any malicious intent.. "Ha - I'll snatch another one for conversion, while they are powerless to resist".

If I get struck by a car tomorrow, and am lying on the street drawing my last breaths - I won't be offended if a Tibetan Monk, or even an Apache Shaman wanders by and tries to help me along, to "the other side", the best way they know how.
Considering a nun to be evil for doing what she believes to be the Right Thing, as taught to her by the Church she served for her entire life?
Little absurd, don't you think?
She wasn't particularly effective at ending poverty? Who'da thunk it? One old lady couldn't end poverty in India!
She gave her money to the Catholic Church? Like she's supposed to, according to the rules by which she lived her life?
She baptized people? Like she's compelled to, according to her Faith?

Yeah, she's the epitome of evil.  ::)

Do you also get angry with police officers for upholding the law? Or doctors for practicing medicine?
*shrug* I'm not going to argue over the finer points of religion, that is your own business. But even RCs must admit that all the money she took in for her charity ended up doing pretty much nothing for the people she purported to help, and in many cases her actions and words were directly contrary to what was best for their wellbeing. Don't you think all that money would have been better spent towards hospitals, doctors, or any kind of actual medical treatment, something which Mother Teresa made a point of NOT doing? I don't believe her to be EVIL, as that implies a malicious intent, which she PROBABLY didn't have, but then again she's hardly someone who I have a great deal of respect for either.
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