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The Military Police [MP] Superthread

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tannerthehammer said:
NO!! Actually YOU are wrong and he is right...A civi police officer can act as so ANYWHERE in Ontario if his service is situated in Ontario...Read the police services act...

Correct, a warrant card issued to a PC in Ontario is exactly for that, ANYWHERE in Ontario.  It is for courtesy purposes only (and help with the paperwork afterwords) that the jurisdictional agency is notified.  Most times the jurisdictional agency will send out some officers to assist (if it's a warrant being executed).  Smaller agencies wont have the resources and will let the show run on its own.  Now if its a case where PC Bloggins from Toronto has placed someone under arrest in like Wingham for example, of course an officer will show up to process the arrest, where's Bloggins going to put him, in the back of the family station wagon with the kids and transport him?
Hua. Mike L. I was reading your take on the MPs and the College Course requirements.  You seem well informed.  I was wondering if you could help with another semi-related matter.  I am searching for archival records of persons held in in custody in CFB's.  In particular, a registrar of inmates held in Valcartier in the summer of 1967.  I was there and injured myself in the rigorous parade and cannot prove that I was in fact there.  I was a Navy regular transfered from Stadacona Halifax stockade to serve ninety days for being AWOL from my post.  Any help in this area would be very much appreciated.
Information like dentention or imprisonment time would be on your service record, a registar for inmates might be archived in Ottawa, you will need an access to information request. Contact VAC and they may be able to put you in contact with a pension advocate.
I remember a k-9 unit in Pet????????  I believe he ( the handler ) and the dog went to the OPP.???????
In the 90's there was a guy..can't remember the name or rank...Cpl/MCpl? And I think the dog was his own pers pooch.
I am sure it was around that time span.....I cant remeber the Handlers ame but I believe the dog was called Justice
I work with a guy now that used to be a dog handler in Germany. 
Dude if you want respect in your job and honour i strongly suggest you don't become a police man, they aren't well respected and although i do personally hate them im not be bias if you actually consider what they do, all they do now a days in Canada is bust kids for drugs and vandalism. By doing this they cause many kids to end up dropping out of school and not growing up right because with a criminal record they can't ever land a good job. So basically they ruin lives and do nothing more than that but hey it's your choice  ;) hope you make the right one  :salute: good luck in the military bro. Peace
Kid_Recruit said:
Dude if you want respect in your job and honour i strongly suggest you don't become a police man, they aren't well respected and although i do personally hate them im not be bias if you actually consider what they do, all they do now a days in Canada is bust kids for drugs and vandalism. By doing this they cause many kids to end up dropping out of school and not growing up right because with a criminal record they can't ever land a good job. So basically they ruin lives and do nothing more than that but hey it's your choice  ;) hope you make the right one  :salute: good luck in the military bro. Peace

Somewhere there is a villiage without an idiot.
..and the prize for dingleberry post of the week goes to.......

Listen son, you don't have a clue what the police do so stick to things you do know..............hmm.
Kid_Recruit said:
Dude if you want respect in your job and honour i strongly suggest you don't become a police man, they aren't well respected and although i do personally hate them im not be bias if you actually consider what they do, all they do now a days in Canada is bust kids for drugs and vandalism. By doing this they cause many kids to end up dropping out of school and not growing up right because with a criminal record they can't ever land a good job. So basically they ruin lives and do nothing more than that but hey it's your choice  ;) hope you make the right one  :salute: good luck in the military bro. Peace

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

OK ok... breathe... breathe...
Kid_Recruit said:
Dude if you want respect in your job and honour i strongly suggest you don't become a police man, they aren't well respected and although i do personally hate them im not be bias if you actually consider what they do, all they do now a days in Canada is bust kids for drugs and vandalism. By doing this they cause many kids to end up dropping out of school and not growing up right because with a criminal record they can't ever land a good job. So basically they ruin lives and do nothing more than that but hey it's your choice  ;) hope you make the right one  :salute: good luck in the military bro. Peace

first of all in most of your posts you have said "dude" which is starting to get irritating. Second if those kids weren't skipping school and doing drugs and vandalism your "bad" policemen wouldn't arrest them. Once arrested those kids should learn that they are wasting their lives and hopefully they will change!
Kid_Recruit said:
Dude if you want respect in your job and honour i strongly suggest you don't become a police man, they aren't well respected and although i do personally hate them im not be bias if you actually consider what they do, all they do now a days in Canada is bust kids for drugs and vandalism. By doing this they cause many kids to end up dropping out of school and not growing up right because with a criminal record they can't ever land a good job. So basically they ruin lives and do nothing more than that but hey it's your choice  ;) hope you make the right one  :salute: good luck in the military bro. Peace

Kid Recruit,

read this:

Regarding the use of "MSN speak" versus the employment of prose which is correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation, please see
: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34015/post-260446.html#msg260446

and this:

Grammar and Sentence Structures - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/31327.0.html

and this:

How to get yourself Banned  -  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/37897.0

and now this one:

FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412

Lastly, review these:

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

I would also suggest you carefully consider the reaction your posts are getting, and figure out why they might be running against the grain of some of the members of this site.  If you can't figure that out, maybe you're not quite ready to be a soldier.
Well, I can respect your concern for my spelling Michael. AS for the rest of you why don't you try to be a teenager with tons of adults trying to get you to do stuff their way and you know what I especially am annoyed by is the fact you would bring my age into this because age has no bearing on someones opinion ever. Also i do not do drugs or else i would not be in the forces due to the fact that i would have failed the entrance drug test yet i did not  ??? how confusing isn't it. So therefore you cannot say i do drugs as for skipping and vandalising stuff, I tend to find school very boring due to the fact it would take me about five minutes to do most of the work i am assigned for an entire period of class. Also about the vandalising portion i rarely do that because i honestly find no pleasure in it and well most of the time I've had to have a little chat with police officers about that and well most of them are not as competent as i would have hoped the men and women of law enforcement  who protect our society would be, they are also not as well tempered either(especially when they become frustrated). I have had police make extremely uncalled for comments to me because they were merely prank called by my brother and i feel if they wish to have the power to enforce our laws they must learn their responsibility first and should try to co-operate with society instead of against it(especially the youth). Also many adults try to exclude the youth from having views on the way society is run well i feel this is very narrow minded because we are all people and u should not feel that you are superior to someone because you were simply born before them, we all have opinions and each one should be given as much attention as the other and just because i am a teen does not mean you should try to force your morals on me because i am completely capable of making my own. Thank you very much

:threat: THE KID  :threat:
Kid_Recruit said:
Well, I can respect your concern for my spelling Michael. AS for the rest of you why don't you try to be a teenager with tons of adults trying to get you to do stuff their way and you know what I especially am annoyed by is the fact you would bring my age into this because age has no bearing on someones opinion ever. Also i do not do drugs or else i would not be in the forces due to the fact that i would have failed the entrance drug test yet i did not  ??? how confusing isn't it. So therefore you cannot say i do drugs as for skipping and vandalising stuff, I tend to find school very boring due to the fact it would take me about five minutes to do most of the work i am assigned for an entire period of class. Also about the vandalising portion i rarely do that because i honestly find no pleasure in it and well most of the time I've had to have a little chat with police officers about that and well most of them are not as competent as i would have hoped the men and women of law enforcement  who protect our society would be, they are also not as well tempered either(especially when they become frustrated). I have had police make extremely uncalled for comments to me because they were merely prank called by my brother and i feel if they wish to have the power to enforce our laws they must learn their responsibility first and should try to co-operate with society instead of against it(especially the youth). Also many adults try to exclude the youth from having views on the way society is run well i feel this is very narrow minded because we are all people and u should not feel that you are superior to someone because you were simply born before them, we all have opinions and each one should be given as much attention as the other and just because i am a teen does not mean you should try to force your morals on me because i am completely capable of making my own. Thank you very much

:threat: THE KID  :threat:

someone ban this kid before he gets hurt  ::)
Kid_Recruit said:
Well, I can respect your concern for my spelling Michael. AS for the rest of you why don't you try to be a teenager with tons of adults trying to get you to do stuff their way and you know what I especially am annoyed by is the fact you would bring my age into this because age has no bearing on someones opinion ever. Also i do not do drugs or else i would not be in the forces due to the fact that i would have failed the entrance drug test yet i did not  ??? how confusing isn't it. So therefore you cannot say i do drugs as for skipping and vandalising stuff, I tend to find school very boring due to the fact it would take me about five minutes to do most of the work i am assigned for an entire period of class. Also about the vandalising portion i rarely do that because i honestly find no pleasure in it and well most of the time I've had to have a little chat with police officers about that and well most of them are not as competent as i would have hoped the men and women of law enforcement  who protect our society would be, they are also not as well tempered either(especially when they become frustrated). I have had police make extremely uncalled for comments to me because they were merely prank called by my brother and i feel if they wish to have the power to enforce our laws they must learn their responsibility first and should try to co-operate with society instead of against it(especially the youth). Also many adults try to exclude the youth from having views on the way society is run well i feel this is very narrow minded because we are all people and u should not feel that you are superior to someone because you were simply born before them, we all have opinions and each one should be given as much attention as the other and just because i am a teen does not mean you should try to force your morals on me because i am completely capable of making my own. Thank you very much

:threat: THE KID  :threat:

Guess we all skipped the teenage years.
Your right, but age is required to create INFORMED opinions.
Why vandalize at all, it's against the law.
Who are you to judge the competency of a LEO? What experience do you bring to the table?
So while you and your brother were jerking them around with prank calls, they could maybe have been preventing some serious crime, and you dare get indignant about their attitude.
Running society is a priviledge that everyone over the age of eighteen has the power to bestow upon the people we deem fit to do the job. It is not a right to be taken by smart mouthed, vandalizing, resource robbing self righteous punks.

Time to take a long look at yourself and decide if you want to start acting mature and participate properly. You've got a time out, just like the bad kids.
Quote from Recruit-Kid,
AS for the rest of you why don't you try to be a teenager with tons of adults trying to get you to do stuff their way

Gee, I guess I wouldn't know about that, being in Cornwallis only one year older than you.......don't remember them making any allowance's for that. Kid. get used to the real world.....
Kid_Recruit said:
Also about the vandalising portion i rarely do that because i honestly find no pleasure in it and well most of the time I've had to have a little chat with police officers about that and well most of them are not as competent as i would have hoped the men and women of law enforcement  who protect our society would be, they are also not as well tempered either(especially when they become frustrated). I have had police make extremely uncalled for comments to me because they were merely prank called by my brother and i feel if they wish to have the power to enforce our laws they must learn their responsibility first and should try to co-operate with society instead of against it(especially the youth). Also many adults try to exclude the youth from having views on the way society is run well i feel this is very narrow minded because we are all people and u should not feel that you are superior to someone because you were simply born before them, we all have opinions and each one should be given as much attention as the other and just because i am a teen does not mean you should try to force your morals on me because i am completely capable of making my own. Thank you very much

Of course... and you are qualified to comment on the competency of the Ottawa Police how? Do you have a diploma in Police foundations? Have you ever served on a police force? Are you a member of the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police? No? Then don't talk about them, especially the OPS.

Were you aware that many members of the Ottawa Police Services are actually serving reserve members? Some are former Reg F members who have gone through more duffel bags than you've gone through socks!

Kid, I hate to say this, but you're making a name for yourself here, and are in for a hell of a surprise when you get some who "are also not as well tempered"
end up being your staff and remember you as the kid they busted for vandalism.

BTW, if you are greatly disturbed by "extremely uncalled for comments", enjoy your career in the military, and let me know how that works out for you.

Also, you don't get to make your own ANYTHING in the military. You say "Yes Sir, No Sir, three bags full sir".

Thanks for coming out. Mind your ways, and heed the advice of the senior members here. They've seen them come, they've seen them booted off this site, and they've seen 'em drummed out of the forces.