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The Military Police [MP] Superthread

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I'm in the same boat as you right now... sort of. Was in before, got out and am now re applying as a civy. I applied last October and am still waiting. Recruiting told me that they are running MP interviews this month (October) but I haven't heard anything back from them. Does anyone out there have info as to what's going on right now in the MP recruiting world? I'm totally in the dark for this application as many others seem to be as well. Thanks for any info or enlightenment.
danteh said:
So about a year for the whole process I guess. I put in my OT the minute the CANFORGEN came out this year (August-ish) and did my interview with the BPSO about a week after. Still waiting for the MP interview tho. How long after the interview with the BPSO did you get your MP one?

coyote489 said:
I'm in the same boat as you right now... sort of. Was in before, got out and am now re applying as a civy. I applied last October and am still waiting. Recruiting told me that they are running MP interviews this month (October) but I haven't heard anything back from them. Does anyone out there have info as to what's going on right now in the MP recruiting world? I'm totally in the dark for this application as many others seem to be as well. Thanks for any info or enlightenment.

Both of those are subjective questions that nobody on here can answer with 100% certainty because of how the system works now but suffice it to say, you have to be deemed suitable for MP before the Background Integrity Interview will be conducted.

So, for Danteh, since the VOT applications for MP aren't due in Ottawa until 10 Nov 17, the boards need to sit and merit all of the applicants.  After that, they will push out the BIIs to be done prior to offers starting to go out in May/June, with a QL3 start date of likely Aug 18.  "Best guess" is if you are suitable you will be contacted for a BII in the Marchish time frame if last year is any guide.

Coyote489, if you get a recruit school bypass there is a possibility you could be contacted in the next couple of weeks as they are lining folks up for vacancies on the January start.  If you need to go do BMQ and BMQ-L, then you will also likely be waiting until at least after the new year with you being lined up to hit Borden for your QL3 in Jan 19.
Is the BMQ-L Mandatory for all MPs?  I didn't even know there was a BMQ-L lol.... being navy my whole career and all.
It's just like NETP and before that OSQAB.  You'll need to learn how to be a soldier just as you needed to learn how to be a sailor.  It was the same for me when I crossed over from MP to HT in 99.
One thing I have done is broke down the possible timeline (based on they want applicants to go right from BMQ-QL3's).

I am waiting for my BII so if I am to make QL3's in August I would have to start basic mid-end of April and if they are booking BMQ 2 months in advance I would need to have an offer by early-mid February.
That then would leave me with needing an interview and offer by mid January. Unfortunately I don't see that happening as I have only been waiting for a month for my BII since my abstract was sent in, as a civy applicant.

Unless they are letting people do several months of OJ work/training, I do not see me having an interview until February at least. That being said you never know what can happen.
WEng87 said:
Is the BMQ-L Mandatory for all MPs?  I didn't even know there was a BMQ-L lol.... being navy my whole career and all.
Yes, the decision was taken at Armed Forces Council that all MP/MPO will follow the "Army" stream for training, so that means no matter what colour the uniform, BMQ-L and PLQ-L are mandatory.
I have my interview this Sunday in Borden.

Would anybody be able to shed some light on what I can expect?
Jstock92 said:
I have my interview this Sunday in Borden.

Would anybody be able to shed some light on what I can expect?

If you don't mind me asking, how long ago did you submit your abstract and 2788 form etc? Just trying to get a feeler for time line. Feel free to PM if you don't want to post publicly.
Bbmoveup said:
If you don't mind me asking, how long ago did you submit your abstract and 2788 form etc? Just trying to get a feeler for time line. Feel free to PM if you don't want to post publicly.

Hi, this is my first post here but I am also an applicant in the DE MP NCM stream. As far as timelines, I put in my abstract about a month ago (maybe even a month and a half ago) and I have my BII on Borden on Saturday
Don't want to hijack anyone's question here, but is anybody on here from western Canada and waiting for an interview or has been contacted to do one? Looks like the folks out east are heading to Borden for their interviews. Do us westerners go to Borden or 1 MP in Edmonton for them? Thanks for any info.
There are pers who conduct the BIIs spread across the country.  There is no intent for anyone to have to travel long distances for the BIIs.  If that is the case, something is going wrong with the system as the assessor is supposed to be traveling to you, unless you are already located close to a Base with an assessor. 
garb811 said:
Yes, the decision was taken at Armed Forces Council that all MP/MPO will follow the "Army" stream for training, so that means no matter what colour the uniform, BMQ-L and PLQ-L are mandatory.

What happens if you have PLQ already even if its not PLQ-L? Will they make you redo it?
I may be wrong but you should only have to do mod 4, the one part you didn't do on your original PLQ.

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Countertop said:
Hi, this is my first post here but I am also an applicant in the DE MP NCM stream. As far as timelines, I put in my abstract about a month ago (maybe even a month and a half ago) and I have my BII on Borden on Saturday

Later that afternoon I received a call and I am headed up to Borden for a Saturday interview.
Hey guys, haven't been online this form in a long while.
Kind of forgot about it after the process, any new Direct Entries need any insight, let me know.

If I don't know the answer i'll be straight up,
Best of luck all in your process

danteh said:
What happens if you have PLQ already even if its not PLQ-L? Will they make you redo it?
Oh...it may be better than that, it may require a trip to BMQ-L as that is a firm pre-req for PLQ-L.  Not too many years ago we were sending A/L MCpl off to BMQ-L who had missed getting it prior to their QL3 (we weren't the only ones who had to do this) in order to get them the pre-req because CTC stopped approving waivers of BMQ-L.

Having said that, my experience is these situations are dealt with on a case by case basis. If possible, we try to PLAR folks as much as possible and CTC has been pretty generous as long as the substantiation is there.
Should've read everything above before posting another question that had been answered.
I have my PSO Interview tomorrow, and it's not too often I get nervous...  But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't over this...  Mostly because I have no idea what he's actually going to ask or what the interview entails.

Other than what I know about the MP trade...  Which I know the text book answers to that, I think... But I hope it goes well, the Navy ruined my trade with an amalgamation so it's time for a long wanted change.
You've already been through the PSO interview once before at least, when you were being recruited.  Exactly the same style of interview.

Good luck!