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The "Nursing Officer" Merged Thread

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how often do you get to see/visit your family/friends then, when you are at a "home unit" somewhere in Canada for example?
When you are posted to a home unit, your immediate family (spouse, children) are normally with you unless you are on a restricted posting.  As far as other family members & friends, depends on how far away they are.

Read some of the topics on the board and use the search function.  I'm sure almost any questions you have (regarding leave, postings, tours, training, etc) have been answered here at some point.  ;)
Another question, might sounds stupid tho, but what would be the exact examples of what nursing officers do?
I bet it's not a bed-side nrs we are talking about

Thank you
Just came from a Recruiting Centre. I got interviewed unfortunately I have to wait for 2 more years to get in for the nursing job. I have only been in Canada for 5 years and in order for me to get in I have to be here for 7 years.  ??? ??? Too bad I badly want to join the forces..
Heya, guys. I am new here. I have some questions re Direct Nursing Officer plan...I spoke to the recruiter but still have a few questions. For starters I am 30 and just got married. I have been doing nursing for about 7-years, mostly worked in mental health but worked everywhere in that field pretty much from hospital to community and did a gig overseas as well. I have been thinking about the army for quite sometime but a bit worried that I might be a bit old to do the program cause anyone I talked to about it said that I should have do it in my 20s, its too late, blah…Plus the wife is worried about finances, accommodations etc…Anyone has done DEO in nursing here??? Or anyone can offer some advice??? Personally I feel this is the right career path for me… I am motivated and ready to make a commitment but just need some more info…
While I am still in the process of joining as a DEO reservist, I do know someone who has been in the army for several years (is over 30) and is switching to nursing as an officer next year. She is excited about it. While I naturally defer to the CF veterans on here my 2 cents would be that it's up to you (and your family) to decide what's best for you. There are many people like myself who are not in their twenties anymore but more than happy to do something they wish they had done 10 years ago.

I personally wouldn't want to be in my 40's or 50's wishing I had joined up at 30.  So think about it, if you don't do this now, are you going to look back in 10 - 20 years and kick yourself for not at least trying it. After all, you can always go back to civilian nursing, albeit with additional leadership training and experience.

In regard to your concerns - "bit worried that I might be a bit old to do the program cause anyone I talked to about it said that I should have do it in my 20s, its too late, blah…Plus the wife is worried about finances, accommodations etc…"  I would sketch out a tentative 3 year plan to account for training, how much you'll make and so on so you can see real figures and get a clear sense of what you're getting into.

Another option would be the reserves, where you would still have your higher paying job initially, and then maybe when fully qualified or higher in rank you could consider going reg force. Best of luck to you.
Thank you for the post. Another question are you responsible for your accomodations while you are in officer training?
I read about it the process on paper but would love to speak to someone who has done it...My wife is supportive of this but
she wants hard facts...is there a specific recruiter I could speak to in DEO Nursing?? or how do I look for one???
If you're married, and will be away from "home" for training, you will not have to pay for rations & quarters.

As for your age - definitely not an issue.  We have recruits in their 50's.  As long as you can do the physical aspect of BMOQ, you're good to go.  I can't think of a reason why anyone would be telling you that 30 is too old for it...
I think I am in ok physical shape...I train about 4-5 times a week at least.
I wanted to see if there is a way I can talk or chat with a nursing officer just to discuss types of nursing work they do
where i am expected to be placed and so on. Unfortunately recruiters I spoke to can only give general information.
Another thing...I do not want to be a pain the ass... but I need to sort of know how much realistically I am expected
to make salary wise while in training and how long that takes....it would not matter if was by myself but I need
to make sure our budget can take it...

For CF Reg force pay scale

Once commissioned you will start at $4006/month. Not sure what you will get while at basic.
I looked at pay scale but still confused between A and B, it looks like while training you will get around 1500 or so
a month... Does anyone know how long the whole process takes??? I do not speak a word of French and will definately
need language training. In the info it is said that once you do basic, you then go to army nursing training and then
to language prep...Has anyone gone through the whole thing here???
I hate asking all these questions about money
that's not the reason I am joining....but I am trying to plan ahead sort off....
Anton1981 said:
I looked at pay scale but still confused between A and B, it looks like while training you will get around 1500 or so
a month...

http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dgcb-dgras/pub/cbi-dra/204-eng.asp  (note: CBIs - Compensation and Benefit Instructions - are the bible for pay and benefit issues)

204.211(9) (Rate of pay – DEO) An officer to whom the DEO plan applies shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay for the officer’s rank and pay increment as follows:

in the rank of lieutenant or second lieutenant
with no former non-commissioned member service, in pay level C of Table "B" or "C" to this instruction

Table B is 2Lt, Table C is Lt.  You do your initial training (BMOQ, at the very least), then you're promoted to 2Lt with a simultaneous promotion to Lt.  That puts you at the basic pay increment of pay level C of Table "C", which is $4006.  I'm not certain if commissioning occurs directly after BMOQ or not, but you don't spend a whole lot of time as an OCdt, I can assure you that.
Occam said:
  I'm not certain if commissioning occurs directly after BMOQ or not, but you don't spend a whole lot of time as an OCdt, I can assure you that.

For DEO applicants to NUR O, you will be promoted to 2Lt (Acting Sub-Lieutenent in the Navy) and simultaneously promoted to Lt (Sub-Lieutenent) upon completion of BMOQ and my understanding is that your promotion is back dated to your enrolment date, so your pay will also be back dated.
Hello Everyone,
I am currently Merit listed as DEO Nurse and hopefully waiting a call, just wanted to ask if anyone else is in the same boat as me and currently just waiting for the magical phone call, or share present experiences. I would love to hear all comments or experiences.

Hey there everyone,

My name is S and I'm a Registered Nurse living in BC. I'm 26 years old.

I'm considering joining the military, and will be awaiting a phone call of acceptance very soon now I'm assuming.

My question is, who out there is a nursing officer, and what do you think of your job? Is it what you had hoped for? How similar or different is it to civilian nursing?

I have a year experience working on a medsurg floor in a small community hospital.

Thank you for ANY info on nursing officer in the forces.

nursesp said:
I'm considering joining the military, and will be awaiting a phone call of acceptance very soon now I'm assuming.

Have you applied already ? You said "considering" so i am assuming you have not applied yet. If you have not applied, i wouldn't expect any sort of call, acceptance or otherwise, any time soon.
Hello all,

Just out of curiosity, out of all the people on this forum, how many have applied for DEO nursing officer positions for this year? Im under the understanding that there are 20 positions to be filled this year (one of which I'm hoping to be selected for as I am currently merit listed). From my RC I was told the selection board meets Mon July 18th, 2011, so good luck to all!

Hi cdnrn,

I am also merit listed for DEO Nursing Officer. I was told by my interviewer last month that the board sits June 20th. I called two weeks later to get an update and was told by the person managing my file that my file was undergoing security clearance and then will undergo "PLAR". I called a week later, was merit listed, and was told the board will sit last Friday.
We seem to be getting different dates? I guess all we have to do is sit and wait for the offer to come because it seems like there are many different information going on. I was told that there are 20 positions available. I just hope that we get selected for those positions. :)

I'm in the same basket! :o  I applied in December and do all my exams in January. I passed my interview on April 4. Since then... nothing.  I send e-mail once a month to the chef who takes care of my file, she always responds to me that I'm waiting for what she calls "the national qualification in Borden", however she said that there were 15 position for 2011...

However, I expect some movement soon :nod:. A friend of mine, who did his nursing course with me in 1995 is an instructor at St-Jean. He confirmed that there was an DEO cours starting November 1st, 2011.  I wish really hard to be on that one...

We'll cross our fingers that we are lucky enough to become nursing officer soon! :salute: