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The Paintball Over The Years Thread

Would you be interested in forming a paintball team in Edmonton, Alberta?


    Votes: 22 84.6%
  • YES...and I do live in Edmonton

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • NO

    Votes: 1 3.8%

  • Total voters
Yeah DNA my parents bought through Tru. For me it cost about 700 to start out (M4A1, battery, magazine(high capacity), and bbs). What do you mean about Paddy Mayne? I have the greatest respect for the guy kinda my hero, I guess. Mainly because my great uncle served in the SAS alongside Paddy.
Paddy Main was a member of the Long Range Desert Group (the precurser to the SAS) under David Sterling, and a plankowner to boot.

I think he died just a couple of years ago.

It won‘t probably come to anything but there are SF types out there who do read this stuff and might get a bit sore, thats all.
Actually he died in 1977 in a car crash a bit of a bad way to go after you‘ve been operating behind enemy lines for 3 years.
Originally posted by Slim:
[qb] How much does airsoft generally cost and can y9u rent or borrow a main personal weapon? [/qb]
Yes, you can rent a primary AEG.

As for costs, based off what I have

1x M16A1: $500
11 x Mags: $450
1 x Battery: $70
1 x Battery Charger: $45
1x goggles: $50
Total: $1115

Yea, I‘ve spent a lot of money for airsoft.

Plus, all the money I‘ve spent on uniforms, LBE, etc.
Well Ive been paintballing for about 3 years now and play in the rookie level but have been offered to go play in the NPPL (national paintball league type deal) and well it is one of the most safe sports around. More people die playing golf than paintball and I have never seen any physical contact between two players in a game of paintball other than a quick tag to let somebody know that they are out. Anyway i really enjoy the sport, just very expensive.
Golfing fatalities are likely 99.5% heart attacks and heat stroke (due to the advanced age of a large % of golfers). Whereas the average age of a paintballer is probably around 15.

But I agree with you, you would have to be doing something pretty stupid to get injured or injure someone else during paintball. It‘s a very safe activity, as long as the basic safety rules are followed.

I was told during my first jump course, that there is a higher fatality rate amoung rollerbladers than there is amoung skydivers.
That‘s taken as a percentage per capita of those estimated participating in each sport, not by total number.

It was speculated that the reason is because one sport demands attention to safety, while the other does not. Therefore a fair number of people strap on rollerblades, never even considering that they could be killed, so they behave accordingly, taking chances, showing off etc.
Anyone in here ever play at the field in Highland Creek(scarborough/Pickering)?

I live nearby and I was wondering if anyone has some experience there.

it‘s run, by I believe, Premium Paintball Products.


I prefer airsoft but paintball is convient for me.
I have been reading the posts, and would like to know of all of you who say that paintball hurts more and is more realistic. Seems to me that, since Airsoft operates at similar velocities, and the fact that airsoft pellets are not designed to break when they hit, that they would in fact hurt more, or at least the same, given that the less powerful airsoft rate a little lower than the paintball guns for velocity (Think of that time you got shot by a BB gun when you were a kid). For realism, with paintball, you are not only carrying your rifle, but also lugging your hopper, tank, etc. around with you, the size of the pellets also adds to the realism because not even the highest caliber rifles use ammunition as big as the .68 paintballs, as opposed to the 6mm pellets fired by airsoft. I enjoy Paintball alot, (no airsoft field nearby that i have found) and play because the people that I play with have many of the same opinions as shown here, ie the superiority of paintball. I just hope that people will give airsoft fair consideration and don‘t knock it till you try it.
Hey ToRN Flag Raiders is an airsoft field kinda close to you. You justhave to know when games are.
Hmmm, I have never went paintballing, but now I am tempted too. I think I am going to ahve to round up a couple dozens friends lol.

Do you play on a timely basis or on a ammo basis?
Depends on your budget. Some people allot themselves 100 paint balls, and leave the field whent they run dry, and start the next round with 100 more. Other people carry up to 500+ paintballs (some in the hopper and a few hundred in containers on their belt), a squeegie, and even an extra CO2 canister so that they can keep playing no matter what crisis arrives.
You‘ll find that paintballs can go REALLY fast during your first day playing. Most peolpe have a tendancy to shoot at trees or walls or other equally wasteful targets, just because its so satisfying to shoot something.
Plus your accuracy won‘t be all that great to begin with, so when you see an enemy you‘ll probably blaze off 10+ rounds trying to hit them. That and if it‘s your first time, you‘ll probably be using the rental markers, which will not be as good as the ones the "gun owners" bring.
So you find your first shot each time will be more of a rough estimate to try and figure out the angle you should point your gun up in the air to "lob" a paintball at the target. Call the field ahead of time and find out if their rental have velocity knobs or screws. If they have knobs you can adjust you velocity with your fingers, if its a screw, then bring a set of allen keys, but don‘t let them catch you adjusting the screw.
Paintballs typically go for $10 per hundred when you buy them at the field. Don‘t go into your first time thinking that you will be able to play for a long time with 200 paintballs if youre picky about what you shoot at. Thats the most common mistake made by people trying it for the first time. I‘ve seen countless people with the saddest look on their face when they realise that they didn‘t bring enough money to keep playing.
I‘d figure on buying 500 paintballs, if your group intends to stay for a few hours. Don‘t buy way more than your friends right off the bat though, or you will be standing there with 200 extra paintballs or something, when they‘re all ready to leave.
I played from 12:00-4:30 on an outdoor field my first time, and I went through 800 paintballs.

Most games do have some form of time limit, otherwise you‘d have to wait forever for the last couple of people if they are camping. Sometimes theres no limit, but the ref calls the game when the action stops. Sometimes the games are based on objectives, like capture the flag, so that helps to eliminate excessive camping.
You‘ll see that they will run different types of games to keep it interesting. What you probably imagine paintball to be, would be whats called full field elimination, where both teams just go at each other using the whole field, with no objective but to shoot the other team.
Depending on the space (indoor/outdoor) you will see that you‘ll probably only play that once, maybe twice in the day. The rest of the time you‘ll be playing other games, where one team or the other has the advantage somehow and then switching it over the next. Like, one team will defend a makeshift town in the forest, and the other team must attack the town. Even though the attcking team knows exactly where the enemy team is, they are usually disavantaged since the defenders will be shooting through cracks and holes in the walls.

You‘ll be amazed at how accurate some people can be. I know that I can hit a space that‘s equal to are maybe slightly larger than the paintball from range within 30 feet, not always with the first shot, but within 3 for sure. If you think you are covered, but you hear paintballs hitting the wall, then probably you have something sticking out somewhere and you should make yourself as small as possible and do a check on the door to make sure they‘re not going to come in the room with you.

Anyway, you‘ll figure it out. You really should give it a try, it‘s really fun, and it‘s even better with a group of your friends.
If you organise a group to go and play, then most fields will give the "organiser" a deal of some sort. Like paint for $7.50 instead of $10 per bag, or a free gun rental ($15-$20) usually. Make sure you call ahead to book a time, and make sure to ask about deals.
As I said on the first page I‘m going to flag raiders this Sunday for Pheonix Project and it is basically a seven hour game. You play untill you‘re tired or run out of money. It‘s a scenario game so there is a minor storyline. This one is the counter drug wars in Columbia so you play as either the drug lords or the counter drug teams. You can run missions given to you by your team leader (an employee of the field) or you can just go out and do free-for-all. It‘s really nice because you control how much you play.

Is anyone else here going to that?
I‘ve never tried anything quite as organised as that, but it sounds super fun.

If I wasn‘t in the process of moving back to BC in about 10 days or so, I could probably afford to go out and give it try. Unfortuantely though I‘m too poor right now.
I‘ve been playing for some time...

if you are in the east toronto/scarborough anytime.. check out Premium Paintball and their SupAir 10 man field. It‘s the best in ontario (based on voting).

Me and Nate M went to Flagraiders in Cambridge today for seven hours. It was great, so great that I lack the words to describe it. Nate M, my friends Ben and Luke, and I were Delta Force. We faced the drug lords accompanied by the DEA and others. There were over 400 people there total and just looking around it seemed as if the drug lords out numbered us 2 or 3 to 1. We ran around the 14 acre grounds and got eaten by mosquitoes for 7 hours and then came the good part...I won a Tippmann 98 custom in the post game draws...and now I must go, for it calls to me...
I concur with Jin's description of it. Just amazing.  I had a lot of fun.  Was anyone else there?
Just curious how many of you folks play paintball now and then. Around here the local reserve units love to get out and shoot up each other.