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The Photo Gallery Thread -Merged

GUNS said:
Is it possible to pause a DVD movie and print the picture?
Make sure the wife & kids aren't around when you're watching those movies. I'm not judging, just sayin'......  >:D
So I was surfing the photo gallery and noticed that some people had made
comments on some of the pictures.  At the bottom of the page the comments
were made by a guest and were nothing but spam. 

Do we need to remove the permissions for Guests to leave comments or is
there an upgrade to fix spam bots from abusing the site?

An example for anyone who wants to see is
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Thanks Trinity, permissions have been updated to disallow guest comments. Score another one for the spammers.

Now to delete the 15 pages of comments. :(

There have been some changes made to the gallery... the only big one you should notice (for now) is that new account registration is much easier. You're no longer faced with an option, you simply enter your forums password once and if you don't already have an account in the gallery, it will be created automatically. Should alleviate some of the confusion around getting Gallery access.

If you have any problems or questions, please let me know.

Mike Bobbitt said:

There have been some changes made to the gallery... the only big one you should notice (for now) is that new account registration is much easier. You're no longer faced with an option, you simply enter your forums password once and if you don't already have an account in the gallery, it will be created automatically. Should alleviate some of the confusion around getting Gallery access.

If you have any problems or questions, please let me know.


Hello Mike, or anyone.
Where do you enter your password? I would like to post a few snapshots to the Gallery.
Mike, you should be able to just use the Gallery link in the toolbar above. If you're not promoted for your password, it's likely that your account has already been created. Just check in the upper right to see whether you are aleady logged in to the gallery or not.

I get:

Security Violation
The action you attempted is not permitted.

When you click on the Gallery link above? Does it display the gallery first and then browsing to a file/album in it causes this error?
Hi Mike. I get the same message NFLD Sapper gets. I can view the albums, including those of other members. I would like to create an album, but I can't figure out how to.
Mike Bobbitt said:
When you click on the Gallery link above? Does it display the gallery first and then browsing to a file/album in it causes this error?

I get it when I try to view anything in the gallery (i.e. I don't even get to the gallery.)
Alright, the gallery has been re-built from the ground up. All the old photos are still there, but that's about it. All user accounts, ratings, comments, etc. have been wiped out.

I apologize for the 'scorched earth' approach here, but after weeks (or is it months?) of duking it out with a partially functioning album, I decided drastic action was in order.

The next time you visit the album, you'll be asked to re-enter your password - it's the same password you use to log in to the forums here. (Might be a good refresher for some!) That initial login will create your gallery account and link it to your forum account. As long as you're logged in to the foums, you shouldn't have to log in to the gallery again.

As always, if you have any problems please let me know!

Thanks for your patience.
Sorry to be such a pest, Mike. I went to Gallery. It took my password, then sent me the message below:
"Security Violation
The action you attempted is not permitted.
Back to the Gallery"

The Gallery is just the same empty white page I received the above message on.
Maybe I am doing it wrong?
Eye... twitching...

OK, I have to find out what's unique about users who are getting this error. Anyone else seeing it? Anyone getting in to the album OK?

Edit: Whew, at least one user can get in now! And that's a user that couldn't before, so it's movement in the right direction for once!
No problem here, Mike.

Cancel my last.  I got the main page, clicked on a picture and got the same message as mariomike.  Now I can't even log in.
I got the error also....I cannot access GAP's pics....

I'm in Mike!! I got the login screen, loggen in and am good to go.


Edit: Now like Moe!! Edit Edit: Now like NFLD_Sapper too!! :'(

Hmmm. More interesting on second try to enter the gallery:
Security Violation
The action you attempted is not permitted.

Back to the Gallery