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The Red Fridays Foundation of Canada & Repatriation Memorial Rally (May 08): Objections & Praise

Edited by Vern to add clarification:

The below quote is from the email response recd by S.Stewart from Brian Wilkens on behalf of the Red Fridays Foundation (quoted from earlier post here)
The hundreds Brian has helped was in the form of shirts given for their fund raising,pins,advice and in one instance,a family he gave money to because when they wanted their son buried at home instead of in ottawa, our gov't gave them $10,000 and no military funeral,she asked Brian for help with expenses and he gave.

Should her name be published,would you want yours published? We did'nt register as a charity due to the fact that charities bylaw,cannot give cash to other charities.

As a qualified CAO (Casualty Assisting O), I have serious doubts as to the validity of this statement made by him above.

I have no qualms with outright calling this statement by Brian Wilkens a "lie". It is the families wishes (the immediate designated primary NOK) that determine what/where/type of funeral that will occur, NOT the government and certainly NOT the CF. Period. And, his insinuations of anything different to that are waaaayyy off base and an insult.

He can sue me.

Edited by Vern to clarify the quoted bit & it's origin.
S.Stewart said:
People want to give, but they want a tax reciept so they can get back some of what they donated.Thats from the heart wanting some back.

I find this comment exceedingly rude.  :P

S.Stewart said:
We paid for everything because we could'nt get a stage donated or P.A system or the grounds or anything donated due to bad press and people like yourself forming opinions without looking at the facts first.

More rudeness from Mr. Wilkins.  :-X

S.Stewart said:
Perhaps you would recive better response if you were not a military spouse on your high horse stating facts and opinions without getting the bigger picture of those of us who are actually "supporting" the troops through the means of money.

This one just takes the cake. What a horse's gluteus maximus.  ::)

P.S. Is it just my imagination, or does Brian refer to himself in the third person in his letter?  :blotto:
Celticgirl said:
I find this comment exceedingly rude.  :P

More rudeness from Mr. Wilkins.  :-X

This one just takes the cake. What a horse's gluteus maximus.  ::)

P.S. Is it just my imagination, or does Brian refer to himself in the third person in his letter?  :blotto:

Agreed. Brian Wilkins is the voice to the media and the camera. Brian Muntz is the founder of the organization apparently. Who knows at this point I would not be surprised if they were one in the same.
S.Stewart said:
Agreed. Brian Wilkins is the voice to the media and the camera. Brian Muntz is the founder of the organization apparently. Who knows at this point I would not be surprised if they were one in the same.

Aha, that explains it. I was starting to think he was doing a really bad Tarzan impression for a moment there. ;)
About Red Fridays Foundation of CanadaRED FRIDAYS FOUNDATION OF CANADA ® & WWW.REDFRIDAYS.CA. © 2006  Red Fridays Foundation of Canada has a MBL (Master Business License) private foundation in Canada with appropriate government registrations and tax registrations. Our MBL number is 170258297. For privacy and fraud protection  we do not publish our tax registration numbers or business banking information.Red Fridays Foundation of Canada is not a charity. Our registered business activity is PUBLIC AWARENESS.
Public awareness efforts and support programs such as the Red Fridays Foundation can be costly to run. Our proceeds are used in a variety of ways including but not limited to the following: ·

Manufacturing support products and associated costs.
Media press releases through Media Wires across Canada. ·
Multi media publishing advertising & marketing initiatives. ·
Shipping and receiving costs. ·
Organizing events and related costs, permits, staff, etc. ·
Web presence and electronic marketing. ·
Donations of products to 3rd party initiatives in alignment with Red Fridays initiatives. ·
Travel expenses to and from events and shows. 

The proprietor of the Foundation and immediate members of our Foundation do not draw a salary nor accept gratuities on the behalf of Red Fridays Foundation of Canada. The work efforts are on a voluntary basis. Any employees hired for specific events are contractual and paid an agreed amount for services. Public servant services and administration are paid for through the proceeds of the Red Fridays Foundation of Canada.
COMMENTS:Because we are not a charity most financial questions about Red Fridays of Canada is directed towards to why we are not  a charity and were does the money go. Our initiative and awareness campaign targets the Canadian Forces personnel we fondly call Our Troops. An old one and difficult issue for us is our Veterans. They are often left to the wayside of public support and funding and are at most times the ones that need the public support the most. These are a few items we try to address when supporting and recommending other charities and their fund raising campaigns.  When we attempted to create a public foundation that would be a charity for the above mentioned financial needs, we were initially denied for the following policies: The DND does not allow public money to go to their personnel other than the federal taxes controlled by our federal government. It is expressly prohibited for active CF personnel to except charity or gratuities on behalf of the Canadian Forces. Furthermore, it was brought to our attention during federal filings the Canadian Forces has a special service called the CFPSA (Canadian Forces Personnel Support Agency) that is formed to address their military staff needs. We have discussed with the CFPSA and their departments about helping out in some way on behalf of the Red Fridays Foundation of Canada. Again being reminded they can only accept donations and not be funded by a another registered charity; our options were soon realized to be limited to becoming a charity with similar goals. Recently we have been approached by other charities that assist our veterans. These charities depend on public money to achieve their goals in assisting our veterans.  Our goal is to assist these charities through our public awareness and raising funds for their specific needs.

Public Affiliations:Red Fridays Foundation of Canada and our current members are not associates of the CFPSA or the Canadian Forces - Department of Defense (DND). Merely, our Foundation represents the citizens and civilians of Canada that care for our troops, their work, and the pursuit of peace.
Donations to Red Fridays Foundation of Canada:We generally discourage financial donations to our foundation as we can not issue tax deductible receipts. We recommend to people that wish to make a tax deductible donation for our Canadian Troops to do so through the CFPSA.  We do accept gifts to our foundation and appreciate it very much as they are used to continue our mission of support and public awareness.

Political Affiliations:Red Fridays Foundation of Canada does not have any affiliation with any political parties of Canada or abroad. We remain to be nonpartisan on the support we raise awareness to our serving men and woman of the Canadian Forces. Our motivation is one of thanks to our Canadian Forces for their services they provide to Canada in maintaining our sovereignty and our way of life and freedoms. Our awareness campaigns are not about any one particular mission or theatre our military are currently involved in.

Final Thoughts:Although the manufactures of support items such as ribbons, magnets, apparel are for profit, the sales of our support items are for the awareness activities and campaigns we coordinate or assist in. Our product is public awareness and our profits are the minds and hearts we enlighten that support our Canadian Forces Troops. We are happy to announce that our goal of public awareness has been successful and we pledge to continue to be activists of support for our Canadian Forces serving men and women - the past, the present and the future. Our thanks to our troops are for the present and the past.

On a personal note, my parents we liberated by the Canadian Forces in 1945 in The Netherlands. This Foundation also represents the gratitude many Canadian immigrants that have been liberated by the Canadian Forces that gave our home lands peace and our personal lives the freedom that only could have been made possible through the peace keeping efforts of our Canadian Forces.  -Brian MuntzFounder: Red Fridays Foundation of Canada

CLOCK ON WEB SITE: APRIL 25, 2008  3:02 PM


IMO if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck...It IS a duck.  He's got way too many "issues" for me to believe it's simply a misunderstanding on our parts.  I think he's just trying to make a buck and try to look like the hero.  Instead he's making a buck and looking like a numpty.
This is copied directly off their website and many things here contradict things they have said in the media or through e-mails.  
I find it very interesting that  "We generally discourage financial donations to our foundation as we can not issue tax deductible receipts. We recommend to people that wish to make a tax deductible donation for our Canadian Troops to do so through the CFPSA. "  
But, that ain't what we heard in the news.
X-mo-1979 said:
So what is this guy doing wrong?
Let's see...Not removing names from the van, even when asked by the legal NOK.  Changing the story as needed to avoid  negative public opinion.  Misleading name by using Foundation, which I submit "most" would associate with something being a charity to name a few.
This is copied directly off their website and many things here contradict things they have said in the media or through e-mails.  
I find it very interesting that  "We generally discourage financial donations to our foundation as we can not issue tax deductible receipts. We recommend to people that wish to make a tax deductible donation for our Canadian Troops to do so through the CFPSA. "  
But, that ain't what we heard in the news.

Round and round the BS goes, where it stops no one knows.
Harris said:
Let's see...Not removing names from the van, even when asked by the legal NOK.  Changing the story as needed to avoid  negative public opinion.  Misleading name by using Foundation, which I submit "most" would associate with something being a charity to name a few.

As for the name did other family members request it be on there?That's what was on CTV IIRC.Legal NOK means nothing to a civilian who doesn't know any better.

Misleading by calling it a foundation?He called it a foundation so he could actually donate to charties,as charties cannot donate to other charties.

As I originally stated in the beginning red Fridays Charity gets sponsors and lots of donations from the CF and surrounding business,as the founders are from the military community.This man is not.And did not receive free stuff.So how else do you organise something without money?This isn't utopia.

He said his financial dealings will be posted.

There is nothing but a bunch of rumint on this thread.People making assumptions.

The ONLY valid point I have read in this thread is of Mrs Arnold's request.I don't agree with his name not being taken down,however other family members requested it.Sounds like a family issue and not one of the organiser.
My heart does go out to Mrs Arnold,as I have seen this similar situation before with a good friend's wife and his family.

As for him not sitting down and writing each and every one of the army people he tried to dedicate something to I don't blame him.I hope he shows his financial record's,their all legit and he Tell's the army bugger off and directs the rest of the people who don't visit this web page to this thread.

I MAY be the only person on this thread that feels like this.Or the only one voicing his opinion on it,however there are MANY thread lurkers who agree.

This kind of stuff can be real bad press for the military when on national T.V army people are degrading his character.
This is copied directly off their website and many things here contradict things they have said in the media or through e-mails. 
I find it very interesting that  "We generally discourage financial donations to our foundation as we can not issue tax deductible receipts. We recommend to people that wish to make a tax deductible donation for our Canadian Troops to do so through the CFPSA. " 
But, that ain't what we heard in the news.

Here's their current donations page - http://www.redfridays.ca/donations.html

And, for comparison, past versions courtesy of the waybackmachine - http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.redfridays.ca/donations.html
X-mo-1979 said:
As for the name did other family members request it be on there?That's what was on CTV IIRC.Legal NOK means nothing to a civilian who doesn't know any better.

Ignorance of the law is no defence.

X-mo-1979 said:
There is nothing but a bunch of rumint on this thread.People making assumptions.

And examples of contradictory information from the site AND interviews given by the Foundation, along with nasty accusations and jibes by the goof ball that seems to be in charge of answering the e-mail traffic.

X-mo-1979 said:
The ONLY valid point I have read in this thread is of Mrs Arnold's request.I don't agree with his name not being taken down,however other family members requested it.Sounds like a family issue and not one of the organiser.
My heart does go out to Mrs Arnold,as I have seen this similar situation before with a good friend's wife and his family.

As for him not sitting down and writing each and every one of the army people he tried to dedicate something to I don't blame him.I hope he shows his financial record's,their all legit and he Tell's the army bugger off and directs the rest of the people who don't visit this web page to this thread.

The NOK should have final say as to what happens to the images and names of their family, especially as it pertains to a business.  Perhaps if it had been a charity, full fledged, there wouldn't be such an uproar.  As for writing ever member, it's not that hard.  One letter, fill out the appropriate names, and voila.  I don't know if it was ignorance or what.  There's no reason why the family members should not have been notified.

X-mo-1979 said:
As for the name did other family members request it be on there?That's what was on CTV IIRC.Legal NOK means nothing to a civilian who doesn't know any better.

IMO he should know better.  And legally it doens't matter if other family members wanted his name on the van.  That's why I said Legal NOK.  Personally I'd have sued him if it were my Wife on the van without my permission.

Feel free to argue that this guy is on the up and up.  He won't be seeing a dime of my $.
Military wives say a private business is running the event – and questions the founder's motives
May 31, 2008 04:30 AM

Red Fridays were never supposed to be like this.
What started as a grassroots movement to drum up support for Canadian troops overseas has turned into a controversial fundraising event and memorial rally along the Highway of Heroes, a stretch of Highway 401 from Toronto to CFB Trenton.
Red Fridays – when the public is encouraged to wear red to support our troops – were started up in Ontario by Karen Boire and Lisa Miller, both military wives.
"Red Fridays was supposed to be an expression of support, appreciation and pride in our military," said Miller.
It wasn't an organized movement, but it captured the public's imagination, and became a grassroots success.
Then a new group called the Red Fridays Foundation started up. It has organized today's rally. And Miller isn't happy.
"(Red Fridays) should have never been an organization because it was never about money," she said.
Red Fridays Foundation is a registered business founded by Brian Muntz, but it accepts – and, indeed, solicits – donations. Boire and Miller object. They say using the movement to raise money for a business is questionable. Muntz says he is conducting the rally to honour the fallen troops and their families. He says he's not raising money for profit – but to donate to charity. "I just want to do what is right," he said. During the procession, a red vehicle bearing the names of 83 soldiers killed in combat will lead a convoy of hundreds of vehicles and a bus carrying family members of fallen soldiers.
Event spokesperson Brian Wilkins said funds that the Red Fridays Foundation raises during the rally will go to the Canadian Hearing Society. He thinks the accusations are completely ill-founded and says that, given the high-profile nature of the event, Muntz would be crazy to try and pull a scam.
"You might as well rob a bank then walk out and sit on the curb," he said.
Meanwhile, Miller and Boire are also concerned that the business used their names on its website, www.redfridays.ca – without their permission – to solicit donations. It took an email carrying the threat of legal action to get them removed, Miller said. Muntz said he had no recollection.
The two women later tried to work with the foundation, but they said Muntz broke promises to them about their roles and cut ties in January. Muntz wouldn't comment.
He did say that he hasn't "received any donations per se through the website," but has been given small private donations and $6,000 from one branch of the Royal Canadian Legion.
He says that foundation money has helped "hundreds". He would not disclose in what amount or to whom, but did say the foundation donated $1,000 to the Canadian Forces Personnel Support Agency.
Muntz has not applied to the Canada Revenue Agency to be a registered charity, but says he intends to.
The national headquarters of the Royal Canadian Legion, meanwhile, is endorsing the event. Bob Butt, director of communications, said: "We are not the government; we are not the RCMP. But we do have our contacts and this particular foundation, the Red Fridays Foundation, worked out as being bona fide."
This article is form TheStar.com

"Meanwhile, Miller and Boire are also concerned that the business used their names on its website, www.redfridays.ca – without their permission – to solicit donations. It took an email carrying the threat of legal action to get them removed, Miller said. Muntz said he had no recollection."

Funny, I think I would probably remember when someone has threatened me with legal action.  Bonehead!
Strike said:
Ignorance of the law is no defence.

I agree.However he messed up when he had a family member telling them it's ok.

Strike said:
along with nasty accusations and jibes by the goof ball that seems to be in charge of answering the e-mail traffic.

I wonder why he would?

Strike said:
The NOK should have final say as to what happens to the images and names of their family, especially as it pertains to a business.

I agree.And I'm willing to bet no other organisation will make that mistake now that its been made quite public.

Strike said:
As for writing ever member, it's not that hard.  One letter, fill out the appropriate names, and voila.  I don't know if it was ignorance or what.

And I will guarantee THAT would cause an uproar as well.People would post their e mails on here and use  ::) a whole lot.Saying things such as don't even appreciate us enough to actually answer etc etc etc.

I'm not here to support the guy.I don't know him.I couldn't care if petawawa red Fridays shut down either.Neither affects me or my family in any way.
I'm merely throwing this out there for food for thought.

I suggest some people think about the poor guy who had to watch a mother/sibling etc proably cry and was pleased to have his name on the car IN PERSON and having the legal NOK call and wish it taken off.It was a bad situation for him.And for both parties of the family.

Harris said:
Feel free to argue that this guy is on the up and up.  He won't be seeing a dime of my $.

And I'm sure it won't be needed.If this guy has half a clue he would disclose all his info pertaining to finance and shut it down for good.And after this outcry I would think ANY civilian would be hesitant to start anything for the military,and leave red fridays to the two CF sponsored women.It's easier that way and hopefully will keep red fridays in the Ottawa/Ontario region.Too bad for the rest of our families who live outside of the area.

X-mo-1979 said:
As for the name did other family members request it be on there?That's what was on CTV IIRC.Legal NOK means nothing to a civilian who doesn't know any better.

As stated - the concerns about this were raised with him and pointed out to him by the Primary and legal NOK before this rally occured.

Misleading by calling it a foundation?He called it a foundation so he could actually donate to charties,as charties cannot donate to other charties.
Misleading by calling it a Foundation ... specificly the "Red Fridays" Foundation. The name is eerily similar to that charitable event of CFPSA/MFRC called "Red Fridays" which donates 100% of their profits to "Supporting the Troops" and their families no?

Think United Way ... You donate to United Way (a registered charitable organization) who then goes on to donate to Women's shelters, Scouts Canada etc (hmmm, they too ARE charitable organizations). Is the Red Fridays Foundation really the only one's who wouldn't be able to donate to a charity AS a charity? They certainly had the ability to align themselves IAW CRA Charitable Status Regulations with "actual" registered charities that "support troops and veterans" -- there are a great many of them out there.

Canada Revenue Agency (who happen to raise an important point on their site:
Make sure you know who you are donating to. Sometimes fraudulent charities use names that are similar to well-known and respected charities.

As I originally stated in the beginning red Fridays Charity gets sponsors and lots of donations from the CF and surrounding business,as the founders are from the military community.This man is not.And did not receive free stuff.So how else do you organise something without money?This isn't utopia.
Utopia does not exist. However, in PEI with a mere 1 person working in the MFRC - a civilian at that, and with NO CF base in the entire province, Provincial business' came out in droves to donate time, signs, stages, microphones, bands, you name it for MFRC "Support Your Troops" fundraising activities and Red Friday Rally's in Charlottetown. Why did that occur? Because she asked ... and I'm quite sure that her "not for profit" status aided her greatly in those efforts. Funny how that works.

He said his financial dealings will be posted.
And, if he were a registered charity, he'd have no choice but to fully disclose such for public record if he wanted to retain that charitable status. As it currently stands, I do hope he follows through on this promise (unlike others he has failed to so far). But, until such time as he is an actual "charity" --- there is no way to tell whether or not that which he does choose to disclose (if anything) is ALL that there is to disclose.

There is nothing but a bunch of rumint on this thread.People making assumptions.

Here's a quote from him that was given on 27 May 2008 (linked here)
But, the business will not be donating any more funds to the agency. “The CFPSA is just a big pot and we don’t really know where the money is going to,” said Red Friday Foundation owner Brian Muntz.

Yet, eerily, his site (as edited on 31 May, but somehow dated 25 Apr 08) now reads:

Donations to Red Fridays Foundation of Canada:We generally discourage financial donations to our foundation as we can not issue tax deductible receipts. We recommend to people that wish to make a tax deductible donation for our Canadian Troops to do so through the CFPSA.

The ONLY valid point I have read in this thread is of Mrs Arnold's request.I don't agree with his name not being taken down,however other family members requested it.Sounds like a family issue and not one of the organiser.
My heart does go out to Mrs Arnold,as I have seen this similar situation before with a good friend's wife and his family.

As for him not sitting down and writing each and every one of the army people he tried to dedicate something to I don't blame him.I hope he shows his financial record's,their all legit and he Tell's the army bugger off and directs the rest of the people who don't visit this web page to this thread.

I MAY be the only person on this thread that feels like this.Or the only one voicing his opinion on it,however there are MANY thread lurkers who agree.

This kind of stuff can be real bad press for the military when on national T.V army people are degrading his character.

Again, my heart goes out to all the family members involved in this.

But, I'm sorry -- QUESTIONNING where MY donated money is going when I have concerns about something is SMART. And a charity would have ZERO problems with addressing those concerns.
Rec'd from --- Brian Muntz - Founder - Red Fridays Foundation of Canada 
May 31, 2008 - The Memories begin!
Repatriation Webpage Everyone is welcome on board with this very special event. Here is some news that has not been released to the public yet. We are releasing it through a press conference soon.
1. We have a Red Fridays Car that has been donated to us from Scarsview Chrysler. The car is Cherry Red Dodge Magnum. It is currently having some graphics added to the car and it will also have the 81 soldier's names on the car that have fallen in Afghanistan. 
2. The launch point is Centennial Park I Trenton. The mayor and City Hall has donated to us the use of the park, the Ampatheatre and many services. All the emergency services and police will be involved. Local business is asked to provide services such as food and drink. The community is all hyped and is looking forward to the send off.
3. We are capping of at 1000 vehicles for the drive. Thus far we have over 350 vehicles registered. Once the press release is done, the spots will fill up fast. I have been working on this for a year now and the response has been extremely receptive to the community.
4. Mayor Miller has offered no response and has declined to offer City Hall NPS square.
5. A local business has offered to host the reception of the drive and rally. GPK (Grand Prix Go-Karts) in Downsview parks has offered us to use their facilities and make the rally a fun  vent.  The Canadian Army Vets and local reserves and CF members are challenged to a mini Grand Prix. The track is unbelievably large and should be a lot of fun. GPK has a 5 star restaurant and a concession stand to provide to the people at the rally. Thebuilding holds easily 2000 people and the parking for vehicles exceeds over 5000. Local TTC transportation is also  available.  There will be a BBQ also available. Proceeds from sales of food and beverages and racing will be donated to our foundation. 
6. The cost of the event at GPK is costing us $5000.00
7. We are expecting some Canadian artists to perform at the event at GPK. These artists are the ones that have written songs about our troops. 
8. The CAV are offering to marshal the event at Trenton and Toronto to make sure all vehicles are launched and parked safely.
9. The OPP will be engaged to provide safety for our drive.
10. We are not a charity and therefore we can donated to charities. With proceeds that are gained from this event are being donated to the Canadian Hearing Society in support of senior veterans care, The Tony Stacey Centre will be given the proceeds from the red Fridays car once auctioned later this year and we are also assisting with the Aryers chapter of the Canadian Air Cadets to help with operational costs to keep the Cadet program running. We would like the RCL involved in some way that it can benefit the RCL as well. We would like to have veterans at the event in their uniform to allow the public to meet and greet the ones that have served our country. 
Our goal is to celebrate the peace and the hard work our military has provided for decades.  We are honouring those who have fallen recently and in the past. We are also honouring the military family and the sacrifices the extended family gives to our country. We are still open (for a short time) to any other facilities and or sponsors for Toronto. With the lack of interests from City Hall, it has been difficult to engage sponsorship.  As it has been demonstrated so clearly to our foundation, the only sponsors we have found are those that want to profit from this event. I am not necessarily against businesses profiting but I am not a philanthropist. I work from pay cheque to paycheque like mostof us do. I have been out of pocket entirely for this foundation. My hopes is to one day become a community non profit foundation offering our veterans many services that I know has been cut back by Veterans' Affairs.
The reason I started this is because my parents were liberated out of the Netherlands by the CF in WWII. My parents never let us forget what this country has down for our family.
This is my way of saying thank you. Brian Muntz - Founder Red Fridays Foundation of Canada

X-mo-1979 said:
I agree.And I'm willing to bet no other organisation will make that mistake now that its been made quite public.

And I will guarantee THAT would cause an uproar as well.People would post their e mails on here and use  ::) a whole lot.Saying things such as don't even appreciate us enough to actually answer etc etc etc.

Now, you're obviously referring to me directly & my earlier post.  You may as well come right out and say it - I've ZERO issues with that.

Like I've already stated -- if they want MY donations, they shouldn't have a problem answering MY queries as to where that money will go now should they? Or answering my concerns as they saw to do for others (and the concerns that I raised were different from those answered here by others so far - so I STILL haven't got any answers). A charity certainly wouldn't have issues with answering.

But, obviously they don't WANT my donations or my support because THEY can't be bothered.

That's their problem; not mine.  ::) ::)