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The Vancouver Canucks Rule Thread! ha ha

Yellow are my comments.

Nostix said:
- Henrik Sedin doesn't dive, we're all just xenophobes.
I don't ever remember seeing any of the Sedins diving, I know Hansen and Bieksa have, when blocking shots. He may have, he may not have. Do we really need to dwell on it?
- When comparing Tim Thomas and Roberto Luongo, we should compare how Luongo is playing this series to how Thomas played last series.
That's silly. Tim Thomas and Roberto Luongo are nearly identical in stats, throughout the regular season - Luongo with the higher GAA and Save % of course. However, Tim Thomas has been the better goalie throughout the playoffs.
- Alex Burrows should get a pass on biting, because two tough guys who never had NHL careers did it, and so did Marc Savard - (despite the fact that he was thoroughly crucified in the media at the time.)
I don't see what the big deal is, if you look at the footage, it looks like a bite but it also doesn't look like a bite.
- Maxime Lapierre isn't classless for faking an injury to try to draw a penalty - the reporter was just very mean to him when he asked about it.
I think the whole portrayal of it being a "faked injury" is blowing it out of proportion. You have to take into consideration that Lapierre is a small guy and Boston is full of big, brutish goons and any shot to the soft side of the body like that could easily be a little shocking at momentarily painful. Maybe it pinched a little and he bent over to just catch his breath and get his mind back into the game.
- Rome should get a free pass because Zdeno Chara once hurt a guy and didn't get suspended - (despite the fact that he was thoroughly crucified in the media at the time.)
What Rome did was stupid, no doubt and in my honest opinion Rome is a liability to the team and has done nothing good for the team. He can barely stay on his feet, every time he gave up the puck the opposing team scored and he always commits to stupid penalties. He deserved what he got. HOWEVER! The Bruins play dirty have had made a lot of hits, shots, slashes, hooks and etc. that were blatantly ignored. Also, Tim Thomas has slashed players, cross checked them, and all kinds of dirty shit that a regular skater would get dinged for, yet the officials turned a blind eye... because he's Tim Thomas, the goalie. He also comes out of his paint to play the puck or to cover it, gets knocked over and the opposing team gets the penalty. What the officials forget is that outside his paint, he's fair game like any other skater.
- People should really want the Canucks to win the Stanley cup because they donate money to charity.
Every team donates something to charity. Who does the most, who knows and does it matter? Not really. Should it dictate how they play the game or whether they win or lose? No.

Whatever happened to sportsmanlike conduct?

I'm quite frankly, shocked that there are people who don't notice the diving. Of course people are going to dwell on it, it's ongoing. As my local team, I want to cheer for them. They make it very hard.

Your assertion re: Tim Thomas vs Luongo in the regular season is flat out incorrect. Please check your stats again.

I'm personally not actually upset that Burrows bit the guy. It's just a continuation in a long line of antics by Burrows. I mean, the guy pulls hair, I'm not surprised he's not winning friends outside Vancouver.

Lapierre is a terrible acting buffoon. He knows what he did, and there aren't any excuses.

Regarding the minor hacks and slashes; it is certainly par for the course in the playoffs. Every Stanley Cup winning team has had to endure far worse. Complaining about it only underscores what the rest of the hockey media has dubbed 'crying'. On that note, when Thomas is outside his paint, he is in fact, not the same as any other skater, and is afforded many protections under the rules, which Luongo shares. Kerry Fraser wrote an excellent article about it.
Nostix said:
I'm quite frankly, shocked that there are people who don't notice the diving. Of course people are going to dwell on it, it's ongoing. As my local team, I want to cheer for them. They make it very hard.

Sounds more like bandwagonism to me. If you are in fact a true fan, would it not matter?
lethalLemon said:
Yellow are my comments.

Whatever happened to sportsmanlike conduct?

There are so many wrong points in your post.

1) Diving isn't referring to going down to block shots. It's referring to the theatrics of turning a run-of-the-mill check (clean or not) into some kind of sonic boom. Both teams have been selling calls and while it may be deplorable, it will keep happening until the refs crack down on it. The most blatant ones were by Henrik, especially when Ference gave him abump in a scrum and it looked like he was shot.

2) Thomas and Luongo are not nearly as close in stats as it might appear. For one, Thomas had a much better season than Luongo and not the other way (even though a .1 GAA and a . 01 SV% difference might not look big, it is actually a huge difference) and even further Thomas had a record-setting year for SV%.

3) It was obviously a bite, the referee involved in the scrum told Bergeron after that he saw it and said that if he didn't want to be bitten he shouldn't put his fingers in someone's mouth (pretty good advice). I don't care about that though because nothing came of it and it was pretty funny. Although maybe Burrows should have to take a psych exam for wanting to bite a dirty, disgusting hockey glove.

4) That is the kind of player Lapierre is. He is a pest who does whatever it takes to get ahead and if faking an injury does it, then of course he'll do it. Even his old teammates have said that he is that kind of player. I'm not sure if you remember when Mike Ribeiro did the exact same thing one playoffs. It's a style employed by some because again, if the refs fall for it, players will use it to their advantage. Again this links back to the diving and simulation, it isn't a new thing and it isn't going anywhere soon.

5) Finally your point about goalies being fair game outside the crease is blatantly false. This isn't lacrosse, the goalie doesn't become eligible to get hammered the second he moves out of the blue paint. The only change in rules when a goalie comes out of the crease is that the players can't be called for goalie interference if they are maintaining a position behind the goalie. They still cannot intentionally interfere with the goalie.

Honestly, I don't like either team and I really don't care who wins. I just like watching good hockey games this late because it leaves less time until there is more hockey on.
Nostix said:
The vast majority of this article is quite honestly a load of blubbering.

You missed the point of the article, which is that the Canucks do not deserve to be vilified as "the most hated team in hockey" for what's going on as it is only the culture of the NHL.  All teams have divers, cheap-shot artists, and s**t-disturbers.

However, few teams have the speed and scoring talent that the Canucks do, but unfortuneately, that isn't the focus of this series (neither is the abilities of a guy like Krejci).  As I said a few days ago in this thread, there is much to not like about this series because I know the Canucks are a better team then some of the antics we've seen.  However, what we see on the ice is a product of all 30 teams in the system; if the critics want to point fingers, they better start pointing them all over the place.

As for Thomas and Luongo - Thomas had the better GAA and Sv % this year, but Luongo had more wins.  When it comes down to it, these two are the best in the game and this series, when you take away all the silliness, has really been a goalie duel between the two.

We'll see how the end of that duel gets written tomorrow!
I think Anaheim is more deserving of that title. 2006-07 season was an absolute outrage.  :rage:
They're in Boston tonight.  Luongo has a 7.20 GAA in Boston for this series.

...and, early in the first, it's 2-0 Boston.  Game 7 on Wednesday...
Make that 3-0.

Hope Vancouver fans don't have any other plans for Wednesday...

EDIT:  It's now 4-0 - I can't type fast enough to keep up with Luongo's latest collapse in Boston.

Luongo cant keep them out......

The Sedins can't put them in

Kessler too busy laying down and rolling around with another man..........

Luongo:  As effective as UN sanctions at stopping things from getting through.
dapaterson said:
Luongo:  As effective as UN sanctions at stopping things from getting through.

When on foreign soil. I think this team spends too much time partying after every win at home, that or they have paper thin skin.

I think it would be a good idea to start moving troops into Vancouver, it's going to be a long night.
I don't know why Vancouver bothers flying Luongo out to Boston. ::)
Wow.  The hockey gods work in mysterious ways.  Back to back scoring champions on the most productive line in the NHL miss 1, no 2, no 3 empty nets (the curse of Tanner Glass) and two good break-ins (Kesler and Hansen) are stoned while our net may as well be a soccer goal.

Schneider is looking sharp and Boston, of all teams, is historic for choking.  Lots of hockey left!  >:D