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The "Wanting To Join Another Military" Thread- Them To Us- Us To Them

I would hope we would be more welcoming to other commonwealth citizens...  I think it would be a great way for people to get their citizenships...  Ah well.

:army: :cdn: :cdn: :cdn: :cdn: :cdn: :cdn: :cdn: :cdn:
:salute: As a UK student with a degree and making application to come on over as a landed immigrant, can I join the Canadian Army as a commissioned Officer or do I need to be a Citizen to apply for a Commission? Also, as an alternative if I train at Sandhurst is it possible to then transfer to the Canadian Army? I am sure these questions have been asked before but I cannot find a definitive answer. Any help or guidance will be appreciated. Thank you in anticipation.
See the Canadian Forces Recruiting Site (http://www.recruiting.forces.gc.ca/) for information on joining the Canadian Army. The major item that you will need to address is citizenship. You may also find useful information in these threads:

British man wondering if it is possible to join the Canadian Army - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33078.0.html

Transferring from the British Army. - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/31653.0.html

Transfer from the British Army - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/27179.0.html

"ADVICE" Joining Canadian Army from British Army - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/17202.0.html
Mate if you run into a bit of bad luck with the CF, you can always try www.defencejobs.gov.au

Good luck!

I am currently trying to do the same, at times it seems like I am banging my head on a door, however I will keep trying and let you know if I get any infor

To cut to the chase, I've got a friend who lives in Australia who's interested in joining the CF Reserves (or even Regs)... so my question is, what should he expect in terms of, would he even be able to? Can non-Citizens join the CF Reserves? Do they have to meet certain criteria, etc?

Right off the canadian recruiting site.

To be eligible for consideration for the Canadian Forces, you must meet the following minimal conditions:

be a Canadian citizen;
Citizens of another country who have landed immigrant (Permanent Resident) status in Canada may also be considered for enrolment when the CF has need of their skill, when the position cannot be filled by a Canadian citizen, and if the national interest would not be prejudiced. However, only under exceptional circumstances will authority be granted to enrol a citizen of another country.

be 17 years of age (with parental/quardian consent) or older;

junior level Military College applicants must be 16 years of age;

you may be enrolled in the Reserves providing you are 16 years of age;

meet the minimum education requirements for your entry plan and/or occupation;
this can vary from Grade 10 (Sec III in Quebec) for combat arms occupations to a university degree for the Direct Entry Officer entry plan.
there use to be a lot of res soldiers in the toronto area who did not have citzen status but immigrant status, they  had to have a citizenship within 2 years or they were released. friends at my  former unit had rush out and get classes then become Canadian because they wanted to stay in the Unit, they  both now have done over seas tours.
so ask the locall recruiter
After Sep 11th that all changed.  You must be a Canadian citizen now for both the Reg F and the PRes.  This has been discussed on here MANY times.  A search will give you all of your answers.
You aren't a Canadian citizen?  Have you already gone through the process?  That's interesting, because I just phoned a friend of mine who works at the recruiting centre here and asked for clarification.  Things do change after all, and it's been a couple of years since I worked there.  According to her.....yes, you still must be a Canadian citizen to join.
I am currently working as a recruiter and I am telling you for sure, that you MUST be a Canadian Citizen to join. There are always exceptions I am sure, however it is a recruiting requirent that you be Canadian in order to apply. SO......someone's not telling the truth.
I am a permanent resident of Canada (Australian Citizen). I return to Canada next month and trotting off to the recruiting office
I sent an email to the recurting people and reviced a reply, saying that if I have the skill set that the Armed forces required. I could join.
I have a uni degree in computer science and hoping to join the airforce as a Cele officer

Now saying that I no longer have that email, to back what I am saying up.

And correct me if i am wrong but the forces.ca web site still say that landed immigrants can join the defence force but only certain areas.
IE, infantry but not Sig's or other sensitive areas

Be a Canadian citizen (if you have a permanent resident status, you may still be considered eligible for employment under certain conditions)
I agree with you on that one.If  you are a landed immigrant and you have 5 years  and more in canada you can still join. BUt im changing my citizenship once im in. Yes i have gone through the process,all of my papers  are there.Im going for the rest of my tests in december.
Citizens of another country who have landed immigrant (Permanent Resident) status in Canada may also be considered for enrolment when the CF has need of their skill, when the position cannot be filled by a Canadian citizen, and if the national interest would not be prejudiced. However, only under exceptional circumstances will authority be granted to enrol a citizen of another country.

Information for Non-Canadian Citizens

Canadian Forces (CF) policy states that in order to be eligible for enrolment into the Forces, applicants must hold Canadian citizenship. The only exception made to this policy is as follows.

Applicants who: are not Canadian citizens, but do hold Permanent Resident Status; and possess specialized skills / qualifications the CF has need of and cannot fill with a Canadian citizen; and do not pose a risk to any national interest; may only be enrolled into the Canadian Forces if permission is granted by the Commander of the Canadian Forces Recruiting Group (CFRG).

Application Procedure for Non-
Canadian Citizens

As you do not currently hold Canadian citizenship, you will have to be granted a Citizenship Waiver by the Commander of CFRG before starting any of the selection testing. In order to do this you must provide a curriculum vitae (CV) or resume to:

Canadian Forces Recruiting Group Headquarters
Attention: SSO Selection
Canadian Forces Base Borden
PO Box 1000, Station Main
Borden, Ontario L0M 1C0

The CV / resume should include:

Personal Information

Name (in full)
Date and place of birth
Brief outline of where you have lived (include dates)
Where your immediate family is currently residing (include parent, siblings, spouse and parents-in-law)
Reasons for your relocation to Canada
Date of arrival in Canada and date, you were granted Permanent Resident Status

Name of all educational institutions attended
Grade / Level completed and year of completion
Diplomas / Degrees awarded
Areas of specialization
Marks / Grade Point Averages
Apprenticeship / Journeyman qualifications

List all part-time, summer or full-time employment positions you have held
Dates for each position
Brief description of duties for each position
Qualifications or training you received "on-the-job"


List all volunteer positions you may have held
List all clubs / organizations / community groups you have belonged to
If there are any other points, or pertinent facts you would like to include, please feel free to do so.
Once you have submitted your CV / resume, it will be assessed by the Headquarters to determine what skills you possess that may be of benefit to the CF. Once this assessment has been completed you will be contacted directly and told whether or not a waiver of your citizenship has been granted. You will not undergo any of the selection testing until you have been granted this Citizenship Waiver.

This is the only way a Landed Immigrant can get in the CF and even this is highly unlikely.  End of story.
armouredgirl680 said:
I agree with you on that one.If   you are a landed immigrant and you have 5 years   and more in canada you can still join. BUt im changing my citizenship once im in. Yes i have gone through the process,all of my papers   are there.Im going for the rest of my tests in december.

If you haven't gone for testing, you haven't gone through the recruiting process.  You have just handed in paperwork.  Read Kincanucks post carefully.
I agree with you on that one.If  you are a landed immigrant and you have 5 years  and more in canada you can still join. BUt im changing my citizenship once im in. Yes i have gone through the process,all of my papers  are there.Im going for the rest of my tests in december.

The only thing that is going to happen to you when you go for your tests is, someone is going to call out your name, take you aside, then tell you they went through your paperwork and saw you were not a Canadian citizen and give you a bunch of forms to fill out and instructions on how to get your citizenship.

My girlfriend is from Trinidad.  She has been in Canada for 9 years now.  She had permanent resident status.  She is currently in a nursing program in college and wanted to join as a medic.  This is what happened with her.

Since then, she went, took the "test" and got her citizenship, and was allowed to continue the recruitment process.
I'm pretty positive that it is absolutely impossible for a non-citizen to become a commissioned officer.

Mountaineer said:
I am a permanent resident of Canada (Australian Citizen). I return to Canada next month and trotting off to the recruiting office
I sent an email to the recurting people and reviced a reply, saying that if I have the skill set that the Armed forces required. I could join.
I have a uni degree in computer science and hoping to join the airforce as a Cele officer

Now saying that I no longer have that email, to back what I am saying up.

And correct me if i am wrong but the forces.ca web site still say that landed immigrants can join the defence force but only certain areas.
IE, infantry but not Sig's or other sensitive areas

Be a Canadian citizen (if you have a permanent resident status, you may still be considered eligible for employment under certain conditions)
Redeye said:
I'm pretty positive that it is absolutely impossible for a non-citizen to become a commissioned officer.

It is not absolutely impossible and is only remotely possible if you are a Landed Immigrant.