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Three years ago, September 11, 2001 Where were you?

I remember it like it was yesterday.  When the first plane hit, one of my roommates had been watching some TV and every channel went live to NYC - she immediately came and woke me up.  As I tried to figure out what was going on the the second plane hit, and I realized that it wasn't some freak accident.  I sat watching CNN until the late afternoon.  That Tuesday night we had our regularly scheduled OGrp to plan the training year, and we all were sort of stunned by it all, to the point we had a hard time focusing on the agenda.  I remember sitting in Duffy's Tavern (the Peterborough Armoury's Junior Ranks Mess) long into the night watching the whole thing over and over again, and remarking that it was my generation's Zapruder film... our moon landing...
I was in CFSCE, but our building happened to house the School of Military Intelligence as well, if you want to see a group of worried people, try being in a school full of int ops and int officers....
I was watching Seinfeld on my computer in my residence room at Carleton when my roommate rushed through the door and dragged me into the TV room. A small gaggle of people had gathered to watch CNN. We watched as the 2nd plane crashed into the towers... watched the tower start to crumple before us... God almighty, I was surprised we couldn't hear the death screams and terror through the tv...

I thought it was all a big joke at first... I kinda smirked and laughed - "That's some great camera work! What movie is it from?" I didn't know it was real... My res buddies made me realize it was actually happening - that I had just witnessed a ton of people lose their lives for REAL...

One of the guys shut off the tv, they all turned to me and my roommate asked if I was going to war... And I didn't know what to say. I couldn't reassure them since I didn't know anything more myself.

The real horror for me came when I couldn't get through to my 2 cousins who were living in downtown NY at the time. And I have a cousin in Washington - She lives maybe 40 kms away from the Pentagon... At least she called to say she was ok. She didn't even know that it had happened til she had turned on the news!
I have taken my moment today.  I distinctly recall that I was on a coffee-break during the TCCCS "CP Operator's Course" in the Lecture Training Facility at Edmonton Garrison.  We all looked at each other in utter shock and disbelief, and the first thing that came to my mind was that "we are in the shite now".  Sure enough, after 3 months of political waffling I found myself digging a shell-scrape at Kandahar airfield in January 2002....

Too bad that we as a nation seem to have since forgotten the momentous consequences of that day as far as our national security and continued way of life are concerned. 

Wait for it.....a very rude wake-up call is udoubtedly headed our way.
I was at school. One person went home for lunch, and when they came back they told the rest of the students. The teachers were mad because they didn't want anyone to know. I skipped the rest of the day and went home and watched CBC the rest of the day.

Lest we forget... :salute:
The teachers were mad because they didn't want anyone to know.

Thats rather dissapointing to hear. I see that teachers haven't changed very much from the time I went to high school and had to put up with a bunch of head in the sand hippies who hated the service and the idea that FREEDOM ISN'T FREE. There is no better modern example of tht than 9/11.

If any one single thing does this country in it will be that attitude exactly.

Too bad that THEY are the ones the country has entrusted to shape the minds of tomorrow...

I just arrived in Chemistry class at highschool and the teacher told us about what happend. Since all the classrooms had TV's mounted from the ceiling it got turned on so we could watch the news. I cant beleve it has been three years ago, seemed like almost yesterday. Thoughts go out to everyone that lost loved ones.  :cdn:
I was in school....the teachers told us and we went on with otu day....when I got home i watched it all on tv......

But there is always a looming question of what hit the pentagon.....it was not a 757.....

Yes it was. Forget the Micheal Moor crap. For those interested reality not anti U.S. Government conspiracy theories look at the link above.

We are at war with a group of terrorists...Not the CIA, or whoever the hippies don't care for this week.

i was in grade 10 phys ed playing football when the announcement was made over the speakers followed by a moment of silence. i thought it was all a dream, then i felt sick so i just walked home and then saw first hand what happened on every channel on the tv.
In a cab on my way to work.  I don't recall what was suppposed to be the day's tasking but it got dropped due to new information coming in.

As an Int Op you know the first thing to do was head to the Television at the unit.  Sit down with the rest of the Int crew in house that day, and discuss.  Of course we're a pretty cynical bunch, and were noting the simplicity and success of the attack, even if it was terrible loss.
Well let's see......

Got done doing a 10km ruck march for PT....had a shower....went back to the squadron for morning parade.

Heard about it on the news....waited for more info from higher...got told to pack my gear.

Got bugged out at 1800 and went in, drew weapons and got my Coyote prepped....

...slept next to it for the night in the hanger waiting for the shite to hit the fan in Canuckistan....

Wished we did something more than be put on stand-by...but you know how that goes.

Was on leave watching Mr DressUp with my son.  News flash interupted program.  Knowing the call was coming I was changed and ready to go to work by the time my wife got home from Timmy's 10 minutes later.  What was freaky about the whole thing was I arrived at NDHQ when jets were ordered to land anywhere and NOW.  A 737 banked hard over the Ottawa River and approached Ottawa International at a really low altitude.  Flew right over NDHQ. It was so low I swear you could jump and touch the bottom of it.
CFB Edmonton mess eating breakfast across from LFWA Comd. He mentioned that a plane had hit the tower. We went downstairs to watch it on the TV, and then the 2nd plane hit. For serveral seconds, we all thought we were watching another new camera angle of the first strike. We left to go to an O Gp for a 1 CMBG Ex, the Comd, realizing the enormity of the situation called a 24 hour delay to the ex to let us go back an contemplate what had happened.

I was in bed when it happened (I'm in B.C.) when I got up I waddled bleary eyed into the living room where the T.V. was on CNN, I din't say anything, I just stood there, in my underwear, absolutely in awe of what was going on.  After about half an hour of standing I sat down and called almost every one I knew.  I sat for about five or six hours and just flipped between different news broadcasts, I don't even think I got dressed that day.
I didnt know about it until sept 12th. I was bouncing the night before. Hit the bottle and didnt wake up until 6pm. Then I went down to the fire hall and cleaned the trucks(Only one there that night) went back to bed.....sept 12 my father was watching it on CNN and I asked "what movie is this?" He just stared blankly at me.