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Tim Hortons in Theatre Merged Thread (in AFG, no plans to preposition)

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I'm no lawyer, but I'm sure our courts can decide this one with existing laws. One girl threw her cup in the garbage, therefore abandoning her ownership. The other girl retrieved it, rolled up the rim and 'kudos for her' a brand new Toyota Rav4. If these kids had more decent parents, a good example, considering these girls were friends, would be to sell the damned car or take a cash alternative, and split the winnings.
raymao said:
I'm no lawyer, but I'm sure our courts can decide this one with existing laws. One girl threw her cup in the garbage, therefore abandoning her ownership. The other girl retrieved it, rolled up the rim and 'kudos for her' a brand new Toyota Rav4. If these kids had more decent parents, a good example, considering these girls were friends, would be to sell the damned car or take a cash alternative, and split the winnings.

Did you even read the article?
Go start another thread if your worried about a couple of girls and their goofy parents. This one is about the Tim's overseas.
BKells said:
Did you even read the article?

Yes Bkells I did. The parents of one of the girls refuses to share the prize.

End of this story. Back to Kandahar.
"stingy" dad was upset that the parent of the other girl had gone to the press and plastered the story across the province - press, TV & Radio - within 6 hours - and I don't blame him.

He had indicated he would share - though not stipulating the extent - and wasn't about to let anyone dictate to him. It's his daughter's prize money - regardless.

Timmy's has indicated (rightly so) it doesn't want to get involved in the dispute.

Back to Kandahar and our regularly scheduled blog
I thought I should wade in on this issue because I am a man in uniform myself. That is, I work for Tim Hortons.

When I first heard about this I was fully in favour. I serve over 500 customers every day and I am amazed at the effect Tim Hortons has on Canadians. When I thought about the troops in Kandahar I realized that Tim Hortons could bring a tiny bit of Canada to a lot of people who are thousands of miles from home. I didn't think it was going to happen, but now that it's a go. I want to be there.

I am known for providing high quality customer service. I make my customers smile and laugh, but more importantly, I get their orders done right and as fast as humanly possible. I make my customers feel good. Many have told me that buying a coffe from me is thier favourite part of their working day.

I, for one, would be proud and honoured to serve our troops.

A cup of coffee might seem a small and trivial thing, but if you do the job correctly a good server can change a customer's mood for the better and help them with their day.

My only worry is that hundreds of Timmy employees feel like I do and there will only be 20 or so spots in Afghanistan.
coffeemonkey, even though you wear a tanned coloured uniform, I'm pretty sure the staff will be wearing CF uniforms. Thanks, but double milk will be all today.
You're probably right but at this point I have the feeling that nobody has quite figured out how this is going to happen and as long as I have a shot, I am going to put my name forward.

If they use CF personnel to staff the place I think it is important to make sure they are trained as actual Timmy employees. There is much more to Tim Hortons than coffee. I sell big cans of the coffee to people leaving Canada and they still miss the place even while carrying five kilos of the stuff to Asia.

If this is going to be done, it should be done right. If not you might as well just put a sign reading "Tim Hortons" over a coffeemaker somewhere.

At the very least the staff should be wearing a uniform like mine while working. Even if they have earned the right to wear another.

That's a Medium Coffee Double Milk and no sugar. That will be $1.25. Thank you very much and have a wonderful day.
coffeemonkey said:
You're probably right but at this point I have the feeling that nobody has quite figured out how this is going to happen and as long as I have a shot, I am going to put my name forward.

If you really want to go, you'd better start training now and put your application into the nearest recruiting office. Please read below...

Tim Hortons to open in Kandahar
Last Updated Wed, 08 Mar 2006 19:48:39 EST
CBC News

"The Canadian Forces Personnel Support Agency, the morale and welfare arm of the Canadian Forces, will be responsible for staffing and training, and also for operation of the trailer."

We already know who is operating it.
If you feel that you career is rewarding, go down to the local requriting center and join up. I you you will see true service with a smile. (remembering CSM don't doesn't you. )

After being in the civi world for a few years I kind of got back to not really appreciting the advantages we have every day. As a generalization; I think a little peice of home on tour can go a long way for moral.

I think DND should hook up a couple battle ready timmies employee's and have a bunch of trailers on stand by. Give them a tan beret why not? Laugh about it if you want but it all good sense. (But then again I'm an idividual now)
CFPSA has not returned my phone calls or emails.
If they even had things together enough to tell me I couldn't go, they would have by now.

I am a civillian. I didn't know what CFPSA was until last week. I notice they have openings on their website for several positions but nothing on this.

If I have to actually be a member of the Canadian Forces to work for CFPSA then I am out of luck. The CF wouldn't take me even if Canada was invaded and the enemy had advanced as far as Portage and Main.

But if CFPSA is considering non-military personnel for Timmy's I have a shot. Even if it's a longshot, I am going to keep trying until I am told beyond a shadow of a doubt that I can't go.

I believe in this project and I feel I can help make it a success.

At the very least, whoever gets to go should know how to be a real Tim  Hortons staffer. I'll admit my uniform garners very little respect in this world,  not to mention it's an easier uniform to get than the ones that many people on this board wear. But I am still proud of my uniform and what it means. I wouldn't want my uniform to be disgraced by people who don't know how to present an Icecap straw with a flourish, don't know how to make the perfect Mocha, or have never learned the Art of Coffee.

It may not be the highest status job in the world, but it should be done right. I can do it right and if they don't take me they'd better find someone at least as good as me.
THIS is what it's all about, folks.  Looks like we have someone from whom some of us could learn a lesson: pride in his/her work.  Coffeemonkey, your uniform may not garnish the same respect as others, but given your posts here, it sounds like the most important person in the world has respect for it and what it represents: you.  Cheers mate, and I'm a large double double  :salute:
vonGarvin said:
THIS is what it's all about, folks.  Looks like we have someone from whom some of us could learn a lesson: pride in his/her work.  Coffeemonkey, your uniform may not garnish the same respect as others, but given your posts here, it sounds like the most important person in the world has respect for it and what it represents: you.  Cheers mate, and I'm a large double double  :salute:

You said it for me I was thinking the same thing. (pretty musch the same thing)
Just got my daily fix of News out of Kandahar. It would appear that The PSP people have brought in some Cuban cigars to supplement the rolled-camelhair ones previously available. If the will was there, they'd probably be able to refinance the national debt off of these little guys. 

More good news - the Tim Horton's reconnaissance team arrived Monday and the Boston Creams may be served for the first time in KAF as early as the end of this month!  Wheels are turning; life is good.  And, for a change, the prevailing wind Monday was not from over the Emerald Lagoon.

Life just doesn't get much better than this....
Cuban cigars? You mean the 5 for $2 Swisher Sweet PX cigars are not up to standard ??? Well I love them! Brought home 4 packs! Not to mention the Beach-Nut chewing tobacco, mmm... less than $2 a pouch!

But the real question is - will the Yanks be able to buy the Cubans??  :D
once the paper rings are off the cigars...... who'se to say that they're cuban?
Cuban cigars? You mean the 5 for $2 Swisher Sweet PX cigars are not up to standard Huh Well I  love them! Brought home 4 packs! Not to mention the Beach-Nut chewing tobacco, mmm... less than $2 a pouch!

I loved the OEF logos plastered on the cigar tubes at the PX in KAF... too funny.
Mike_R23A said:
But the real question is - will the Yanks be able to buy the Cubans??  :D
Tin Helmets on: war story:
When deployed to Haiti as part of Op HALO, we were OPCOM to MAGTF 8: USMC.  (Their mission was Op SECURE TOMORROW).  Cubans were available everywhere (both the people AND the cigars!).  I asked a marine about him smoking a Cuban, and whether or not it was contraband.  He looked around and said "This ain't the US of A" :D  So, I think while deployed, they dont' mind, or a blind eye is turned.  But officially, I bet that they aren't allowed.
